A Catch-22 in the masculine - feminine relationship


The dilemma around the masculine and feminine roles

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In is stated in “The Masculine Creative Aspect of the Creative/Creation Process”: The masculine is energized or catalyzed into action when it is loved, accepted and embraced for who and what it is, as it is, without the need to change, by the feminine aspect of being. The feminine is what calls forth the masculine to act. In this regard, the nurturing feminine creative energy can excite and pull out of the masculine things that it does not know lies inside itself.

Similarly, it is stated in ‘The Feminine Creative Aspect of the Creative/Creation Process”: The feminine is energized or catalyzed into action when it loved, accepted and embraced for who and what it is, and feels safe, secure, protected and taken care of by the masculine aspect of being. Only when she feel such love and acceptance can the nurturing feminine creative energy can flow and properly nourish her creation.

The situation as described in these two statements leaves us in the proverbial Catch 22.

A Catch-22 refers to a situation in which we seemingly can not break out. Or, alternatively said, it is a situation where the way we are thinking keeps us in a cage of our own making and does not allow you to break out of that cage. To break out, we have to “step out of the box.” That is, we have to step out of mind or out of our way of thinking to find a solution. In some ways a Catch-22 is like the proverbial question about which comes first the chicken or the egg.

If the author’s understanding is correct, the term “Catch 22" comes from a book which subseqently become a movie of the same title. The book was a fictional story about bomber pilots in World War II. The issue in the movie was that it was totally insane to fly the missions being assigned. In essence, you had to be crazy to want to fly such mission. The Catch 22 was that if you were insane you did not have to fly the combat mission. However if you knew it was insane to fly the directed mission or you were going insane because of flying such mission, then you were sane and had to fly because you realized the insanity of the bombing missions. If you wanted to fly the assigned insane missions then you were crazy. But if wanted to fly you didn’t know you were crazy so you flew the insane missions. One pilot did find a way to get out of the Catch-22- but of course you will have to watch the movie or read the book to find out how he did it.

The real issue we face in the catch 22 revolves around the inner masculine aspect becoming whole and complete. Creation does not occur in isolation. It always occurs as a dance between the observer and the observed within a context of observation. That basic dance is reflected in the dance between the masculine and the feminine both within the creation, the dance of the masculine aspect and feminine aspect of creation/Creation, and within each the observer and the observed - the dance of the inner masculine and inner feminine.

Because of the way creation works, there will always be a flow of energy giving rise to and sustaining creation. That flow of energy which nurtures and sustains creation is the feminine aspect of creation/Creation. Our bodies and our creative spirit are sustained by the feminine aspect of creation/Creation. The masculine aspect of creation/Creation gives us life or rather causes our life, but the feminine aspect of creation/Creation is what nourishes and sustains life. The issue with the feminine boils down to is she allow to nurture her creation or is she enslaved to nurture the creation of another. Whether or not she is enslaved centers on the inner masculine and the role it does or doesn’t play.

The masculine is energized or catalyzed into action when it is loved, accepted and embraced for who and what it is, as it is, without the need to change, by the feminine aspect of being. For the masculine to be catalyzed into action, it must be fully and unconditionally loved by the feminine whether that feminine is found internally or externally. This brings an extremely interesting phenomenon and actually becomes a self limiting process unless one become aware enough to break out of the cycle or to work with another to boot strap each other out of the pattern.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the feminine is energized or catalyzed into action when it loved, accepted and embraced for who and what she is, and feels safe, secure, protected and taken care of by the masculine aspect of being sufficient to nurture and sustain any offspring. Because the feminine will always give more of itself in any creative effort to nurture and sustain a creation than the masculine, the feminine will hold out in whatever way it can to ensure itself the greatest safe and secure environment to do its nurturing and to try and ensure it gets the best possible mate to father the offspring. Nature often works to this end in providing the masculine with secondary sex characteristics to help the feminine choose an appropriate masculine partner.

Evidence suggests that this trait of holding out is so strong in the feminine it has influenced the way life has evolved on the planet. Many scientists who study the mating process in nature believe that the male ornaments characteristic in many species in nature are to entice the females to select them. Males fight competition over females for the right to mate. There is a seduction through sexual display and female choice. It is believe this has occurred in nature because the female is then able to choose the “best” male because of the effort she expends in raising young. Because the female spends so much effort they want a good mate, the males competition to get female attention. The female selects because of what they have to give to the creation that results. The females hold out for the best genes as displayed in what the species has evolved in the male ornaments. In time, for any species, important indicators of the best males, the male traits, then become bright and exaggerated over time. Secondary sex characteristics is natures way of dealing with the fact the feminine gives so much in the creation process. This, almost instinctual holding out of the feminine for the best becomes the proverbial “Catch 22" both internally and externally. It does so for the following reason.

For the masculine to be energized and catalyzed into action and to become whole and complete, it needs to be unconditionally love and fully accepted and embraced for who and what it is. It cannot become what the feminine needs until it is loved fully and freely by a whole and complete feminine. The whole and complete feminine is where the feminine is free to nurture and sustain the unfoldment of the creation it nourishes in whatever way necessary. However the same it true for the feminine. It cannot become whole and complete and provide the correct space for the masculine to unfold until it is provided the safe and secure space by the whole and complete masculine.

So we are faced with the proverbial chicken or the egg issue. That is, “What comes first, the chicken or the egg?” Here the problem is,”Does the masculine find a whole and complete feminine to be nurtured in the way it needs to be nurtured to become whole and complete first, or does the feminine find a whole and complete masculine for it to become whole and complete to nurture the offspring?” If neither the masculine or the feminine have received unconditional love in their unfoldment, that is, being fully free to unfold true to one’s nature in every way, they cannot create the space for another to get it. Consequently the hurt and injured feminine continues to hurt and injury the masculine and is unable to provide what the masculine needs to become complete. Similarly, the hurt and injured masculine cannot create that safe and secure space for what the feminine needs for it to become whole and complete. Hence neither the masculine or the feminine gets fully what it needs and neither fully develop as they should. More importantly, they continue to pass their incompleteness onto the offspring. Since neither the masculine or the feminine recognizes they are incomplete they tend to take what they need to the best of their ability and end up creating a world that feels predatory rather that a world of communion. Rather than the masculine and feminine being balanced fully in communion with each other, each is eating and devouring the other adding to the feelings the world is predatory.

On the note of being predatory there is the issue of anger. If the masculine aspect becomes frustrated or angry at not being allowed to express itself, that dissatisfaction will fuel actions that are felt as predatory and at its worse can only be described as a raging beast. It is the anger and dissatisfaction that many feel within their being at not being free to unfold true to oneself that gives the creative passion of the heart a bad name. Rather than the energy freely flowing into creation, it flow outward in a rage and anger. Or, if it is suppressed, there is pain and we seek to numb the pain and end up developing one or more addictions.

What often happens is the pain of denial becomes so great it come out as an angry rage. Yet it exist only because the inner feminine is not sufficient to nurture what is felt. When our feelings which arise from the feminine aspect of our being are denied the masculine aspect of our being is left to feel pain and anger. Here again the feminine flows in response to the masculine. If the masculine is not free to be itself, true to its nature, anything it creates will not be free to unfold for the feminine forms in response to the masculine even if the feminine is whole.

Yet the feminine is what allows the masculine to become true to its nature since it nurtures and sustains the masculine. What is often not understood is that the feminine excites the masculine into action. She is what causes desire to arise in the masculine. The feminine can choose to arouse or not arouse the masculine and call it forth into creation and give it the space to unfold true to itself. The feminine aspect must be fully functional and fully expressed true to itself if it is going to nurture the masculine to be true to its nature. But the masculine must be fully functional and fully expressed true to itself to be able to surrender to protect and defend the feminine. Otherwise the feminine will not be free to nurture the new creation. As a result the feminine is unable to support the masculine in the way it needs to be supported and the masculine is unable to support the feminine the way it needs supported. The only thing that breaks the pattern is a strong creative passion or a strong dissatisfaction with what is. Consequently, we are again back to the proverbial Catch 22.

The problem is that all is energy consciousness. The feminine aspect also has a masculine and feminine part and the masculine has a masculine and feminine part. These parts mimic and copy what they experience. Hence any feminine aspect that is incomplete and never been fully expressed has a feminine part within itself that is incomplete and never fully express. As such, it has created an incomplete and never fully expressed masculine aspect as its reflection. So too with the masculine. An incomplete masculine aspect has never been fully expressed creating a incomplete and never fully expresses masculine part and a corresponding incomplete and never fully expresses feminine part. Hence the problem exist both internal and externally to one’s being.

In unawareness, the problem gets transmitted from generation to generation in any offspring created by either the masculine or the feminine and yet neither the masculine or the feminine will see themselves as incomplete in any way for they know no other way to be. Their incompleteness permeates their being and it looks normal to them for they know no other way to be. The only way one will break out of the cycle is to look both internally and externally simultaneously at what is being reflected.

If one realizes the external world is a reflection of the internally world, one can then use the inner and the outer as reflections to identify where the incompleteness lies. If one looks at the incompleteness in their external world, they will know where they are incomplete in their inner world. In fixing the inner world and letting go of the previous form that has been created internally and externally, the external world can transform to meet the inner world.

To do this, one will need some external companion or reference to use as an external reflection of the inner. This then brings up a whole new set of problems because unless the external companion is willing to change, they will want to keep us bound in our old form. We then have to let them go if we wish to continue to change and we will have to start over with another for they have a completely different set of incompletenesses. If however this companion is willing to change in response to our inner changes the two can grow together. Of course, we will have to response to their inner changes as they respond to our changes. The process is extremely dynamic and a dance. The dance that must be done however, cannot occur unless there is some commitment to last thought the duration of the evolution process.

The question then of course will arise, “What does a whole and complete masculine or whole and complete feminine look like given the fact that each entity is a unique creation?” The answers is relative simple. We cannot compare any one feminine or masculine aspect to another for they all will be unique at each and every level of being. However, a whole and complete feminine or masculine will be able to create the space to allow another to be totally free to unfold true to their nature at each and every level of their being whatever it looks like. In doing so, we will see that fruit of the being burst forth as a flower bursts forth in the spring. The masculine or feminine will know when they are complete when they are capable of creating the space for the fruits of another to come forth. And what do another’s fruits look like? We don’t know until we create the space to find out. Unless one learns to create the correct space, one will never know.

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