Conceptual formation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Conceptual formation
Exploring the thought we have
Exploring the origin of the thought
Related and influencing topics
dissatisfaction with what is - masculine thrust (phase I - choosing to act) - mature inner masculine - programming and reprogramming - rainmaker - blueprint - clear intention - establishing the foundation for internal harmony internal seed condition - creating a seed crystal

From the creative/creation process the first step in the creation process is stated as: conceptual formation [dissatisfaction with what is - masculine thrust (phase I - choosing to act)- mature inner masculine - programming and reprogramming - rainmaker - blueprint - clear intention - internal seed condition - creating a seed crystal]

Conceptional formation is about creating the seed condition for creation or the blueprint for our creative endeavors. The seed condition is one of two things. One form of the seed condition is to create a seed if planted in the correct soil will germinate, grow and unfold. The second form of the seed condition is to create all the necessary conditions that are needed that lie within one’s power. When the appropriate complementary aspect is found and the two parts a brought together a seed is produced much the way sexual reproduction works

For most of our creative endeavors, the conceptual formation will occur in, or as, the unseen for that is the role of the unseen realms in the creative/creation process. Or, maybe better said, most of what occurs in the conceptual formation step is done in unawareness and unseen by us because of the perspective we hold. Most of us become aware of the conceptual formation step when we have a creative thought and/or play with that thought. It exists up to the point were we choose to act on the thought we have and look to see what kind of space we need to create or action we need to take to manifest it. If you look at the Rain-River Analogy for the creative process, the conceptual formation spans the evaporation of water from ocean through the cloud formation.

Conceptual formation is about three things. One is about finding, accessing and characterizing an energy into a creative thought. This part is almost always done in the unseen. The second is to explore the creative thought we get and the energy which gives rise to the thought. The other is to structure the thought in the way we wish to manifest the energy we access. This is more often done in a subconscious way than a conscious exploration.

Exploring the thought we have  (Top)

All creative activities arise from a feeling. How we characterize that feeling is another question. But the essence of that feeling is such that it causes us to desires something other than what is. As humans, we translate that feeling into a thought, in particular, a desire. Often the thought or desire seems to arise from a nothingness but in reality it arises from the unseen energy we sense and is characterized by our mind based on our past experiences into a thought.

Once we capture that thought, we have a choice. The choice is to act, or not act, to manifest that though as an experience. If we chose to manifest that thought then have the choice as to how we will do so and we move into the next step of the creative/creation process, creating the space.

However, we can also choose to not act on that thought but rather play with that thought and explore the options it provides. Exploring the options the thought provides holds us in the conceptual phase until we choose to act to manifest the thought. However, many find they have lost the freedom to explore their own thoughts and find it difficult to play with their thoughts to look at other options because of the experiences they have had in the past.

One option is to act on the feeling as opposed to the thought. It is to realized there is a significant different to act on a thought as opposed to acting on a feeling. All our experiences arise from a flow of energy. Any feeling we have that is characterized by mind as a thought is significantly influenced by the past. That is, mind only knows the past and will characterized whatever it experiences based on that past. In essence, by definition to have a thought is to recreate the past. To have the awareness of a thought is to have the past imposed on what we experience and leads to recreating the past.

To act on a feeling is to not impose the past. To act on a feeling without a particular thought about the feeling as to what we are perceiving or a thought as to what that feeling represents is to remain in the unknown. Such an action leads to a more creative endeavor and is much more challenging for mind to embrace. Acting on a feeling opens the door to many more possibilities than acting on the thought we have about the feeling we have.

To choose to act on the feeling as opposed to the thought is to look to see what feeling the thought carries. Then lock onto the feeling and use that feeling as an internal compass to guide our action. Then act as lead to based on that feeling.

The other options is to explore the thought and the energy. Exploring what the thought/energy has to offer is to understand energy goes where consciousness focuses its attention and awareness. The longer and more passionately we hold a particular focus of our attention and awareness, the greater the possibility of creating an actual experience of what is held. As we hold focus, the improbably becomes possible, the possible becomes probably and the probable becomes a certainty. Exploring the thought/energy is about looking to see if a deeper more passionate alignment is possible.

It is to look to see what the thought and/energy really mean. It is then to look and see if there are not other ways and options to achieve what the thought/energy would create. Each thought we have or energy we follow will have consequences. Sometime the obvious consequences are not desirable. So the question becomes, “Is there a way to pursue what this thought/energy represents without the consequences we see or perceive to exist?

One note of importance here is that often what we perceive to exist is not necessarily a real hazard of consequence. Rather, whenever mind perceives something that looks like the past where it was harmed, threatened or thwarted, it will project fear and/or enter a defensive/protective posture. So before we reject an thought/feeling because of perceived consequences, we may need to explore the consequences to see if they are real or just projections of the past.

In any case and for whatever we choose to pursue, to consciously utilize this principle of creativity found within energy consciousness it is important to learn to control and direct the focus of one’s attention and awareness. We must learn to hold a focus with unwavering faith as passionately as possible for as long as it takes. In time, what is held will manifest as an experience in a way that experience is most easily manifested within the environment in which your find ourselves. The exploration which occurs in the conceptual formation step should be to find a way to desire to hold our thought/feeling in the way described in this paragraph. In essence, we should try and desire what we want with the passion and awareness of a drowning person gasping for air.

Exploring the origin of the thought (Top)

Exploring the thought/energy is again to realized energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness. But here it is to realized that the thought we have is a result of our existing focus of our attention and awareness. It is to realized because of the way we currently think and believe we have this thought for the energy we are sensing within the environment we find ourselves. It is to explore, “Why this thought as opposed to some other thought?” It is to realize the thought arises from an energy we sense and that energy can arise from many different things. It is to realize it could be an energy who origins lies beyond the particular environment and our being. It could be an energy unique to our current environment. It could be an energy unique to our being that we could be sensed by us anywhere. It could be an energy that we can only sense within the particular environment that arises because of the uniqueness of our being and the uniqueness of the environment. Or, it could be one of the many variations of these, such as, it is an energy that arises from somewhere else but we can only sense it in the unique environment in which we find ourselves because of the uniqueness of our being.

Here we explore the origins of the thought and pull the string on the origins of the energy giving rise to the thought. It is to realize our body is an energy detector and can function like an antenna tuned by our mind and what we think and believe. It is to do both body work to increase/change the sensitivity of our body and/or explore what we think and believe. It is to explore how and why we think the way we do and how and why we believe what we do. It is then to choose a way of being and/or using the body coupled with a way of thinking and believing that allows us to create something that serves us in the way we need to be served to meet our current desires. In the Rain-River Analogy, exploring the origins of our thought is to explore the origins of the cloud, the cloud formation and why the clouds form where they do.

Related and influencing topics (Top)

dissatisfaction with what is - masculine thrust - mature inner masculine - programming and reprogramming - rainmaker - blueprint - clear intention - establishing the foundation for internal harmony - internal seed condition - creating a seed crystal

Dissatisfaction with what is
(Top): The first step in the creative process is a dissatisfaction with what is. A separation of one’s inner being to create something new. It needs to be realized we usually do not consciously choose to create until we are dissatisfied with something. If we are satisfied we have no desire to change what. We many not be truly happy with what is, but we are satisfied. What we do create is normally subconscious or unconscious and/or as a result of the constant changing Creation and happens in spite of what we think

The essence of all creation is the transformation of an existing form of energy to a new form. Since all of our creative life energy is already directed toward sustaining an existing creation, some will need to be sacrificed and change to create something new. Since we are satisfied with what is, we will not want anything to change.

The first part of the process a desire arises to close that separation. Consciousness fragments and scatters its energy and consciousness to create the illusion of creation. It is these desire within ones being that causes the separation, that initial fragmentation and scattering of energy. For example, as discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, Consciousness became lonely and fragmented itself into an infinite number of parts to create a Playmate. The fragmentation of Oneness of Consciousness to create the illusion to manifest Creation was not the shattering of Consciousness, that was the creative act. The separation and fragmentation was the longing for a playmate. Consciousness separated itself from wholeness in a desire to share Its Creation. The same essential process exists at every level. Desire is what establishes the initial tension for creation to occur. Believing we do not have what we desire is the illusion that exists to cause creation.

From the consciousness perspective, the creative/creation process starts with an existing identity of ourselves that will need to change. It can be an internal form as to how we define ourselves such as by an occupation. Or, it can be an external form like the physical location in which we live. Consequently, more often than not, we starts looking at the creative process as a result of some “disaster” or desperation when the existing form has been, or is being, destroyed by forces seemingly beyond our control. Most start looking to become consciously creative as a result of a divorce, job termination, an accident, a forced move or some other type of perceived setback. It needs to be noted and emphasized, the problem we face in waiting to become dissatisfied with what is is that where we start to look at the process and why we start the process has a great influence what we create.

Running away from something or running to something each provide a different creation than standing apart from what is occurring. When we choose to enter the creative process from the perspective of running to or from something, we see an outside force of some type pushing or pulling us. In essence we become a victim and assume a victim consciousness. We run from our pain. we run toward our muse or long for, and seek the beloved/Beloved. When we stand apart from the process we see the tension created by the separation of the masculine aspect and feminine aspects of creation and the energy that is generated as the two seek to be rejoined. The ideal way to enter the creative/creation process is to do so in the most creative state of being with no intention other than to creatively play. It is we can experience creation/Creation for what it is, consciousness at play with itself.

Masculine thrust (Phase I) - choosing to act
(Top): The act of choosing whether it be to act on the thought we have or to explore the thought is to embrace the masculine aspect of being. To choose to surrender to the flow of energy and allow our feelings to lead is still part of the masculine thrust and is representative of embracing the dance of the masculine and feminine such that the masculine surrenders to the feminine lead. What needs to be understood is that creation is the result of the masculine. To create anything we must embrace the masculine aspect of being to one degree or another. The question is whether or not the masculine is willing to surrender to the feminine.

Mature inner masculine:
(Top) The mature inner masculine is about understanding the energy to which we surrender and knowing what is guiding and directing our life. The question here is “Does our consciousness seek to act on the thought that arises from the flow of our creative life energy as determined by the intention for our life or does it act on a thought that arises from some other energy?”

Programming and reprogramming
(Top): The thought we have are determined by how mind characterizes the energy we experience based on the experiences we have had. To change our thought we have to reprogram the past and/or create new and diverse programing through new and untried experiences. At time we may need to employ “not doing” exercises, initiations, rituals, metatheatircs and the like so as to convince mind we are more that it imagines us to be.

(Top): The rainmaker is creates the safe space for an individual to process what they need to process. In explore our thoughts it is often necessary to have another with whom to share and explore our thought and/or act out what we think and/or feel but have what we think and do accepted without judgement. The rainmaker creates such a space.

Blueprint: What we think and believe about the thought we choose to act upon becomes a blueprint for our conscious and subconscious actions. It is for this reason it is important to become aware of what and why we believe what we do.

Clear intention
(Top): Clear intention addresses two things. One is clarity of our intention. That is, we understand what we want and why. We are not nebulous in what we intend and our intention is not open to a variety of interpretation by our subconscious.

The second thing clear intention addresses is addressing and removing competing conscious, subconscious and, as appropriate, unconscious intentions. Unconscious intention tend to be related to the reason for our incarnation and the intention for our life. Subconscious intention are related to our subconscious programming that goes as far back as the early views of, and about, life we assimilated from our early care givers and enculturation. Conscious intention are those intentions, goal, expectations and aspirations that conflict with the intention we desire to manifest.

Establishing the foundation for creating internal harmony - the importance of clarity of intent
(Top): To create anything we desire it is essential that we have both clarity of intent and single point focus for our activities. Internal harmony is having all aspects of our being align with what we desire to create to help create that single point focus. When we undergo the creative/creation process it provides an unparalleled opportunity to create an internal harmony. It is done in the easiest way possible through a clarity of intention establish in the concept formation stage and carried as a single point focus throughout the creative/creation process especially into and during the energy generation phase. Clarity of intention carried into the Energy Generation step help us to create and “solidify” that single point focus of our creative endeavors.

Internal seed condition
(Top): The work that goes on in the conceptual formation is to create the internal portion of the seed condition for creation. The seed condition is one of two things. One form of the seed condition is to create a seed if planted in the correct soil will germinate, grow and unfold. Here the seed is a particular thought that just needs the correct conditions for one to act. The second form of the seed condition is to create all the necessary conditions that are needed that lie within one’s power. When the appropriate complementary aspect is found and the two parts a brought together a seed is produced much the way sexual reproduction works. That seed then grows and unfold. In this second from there must be a marriage or union with something external for the proper conditions for growth to form The main difference between these two forms is that in the first case, the seed is self contained and nothing is needed from another. In the second case, another is needed to supply something for the final seed to be produce that will unfold into the desired creation.

Creating a seed crystal
(Top): The conceptual formation can be seen as the step in the creative process were we create the seed crystal for our creative endeavor. When we move through the creative/creation process we can see the process as a supersaturated solution into which we insert a seed crystal. When a supersaturated solution is cooled and a seed crystal inserted, a crystal grows around the seed taking a shape and form determined by the seed crystal. In our creative endeavors we will go through a process described as the cauldron of creation/Creation. It is much like a supersaturated solution. We add all the ingredients to start our creation and dissolve them into a chaotic solution. As we allow it to cool down, we insert the intention for our creation and the mental image we have as to what the intention will look like. Our intention and the mental picture we have as to what it means acts as the seed crystal for what will form. The symbolic use of ritual and/or metatheater can be effective to create a seed crystal were the ritual/metatheater “acts out” in a symbolic or literal way the form that one wants to create.

The next step in the creative/creation process
Creating the space for creation - preparing the environment

The previous step in the creative/creation process
Death and dissolution into component parts

Steps in the creative/creation process

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