Multiple Perspectives


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The perspective we hold in observing the creative process will determine what we see and how we think the creative/creation process works. What needs to be understood is that any one perspective will not give us the understanding to fully utilize the creative/creation process. Rather, we will need to have a composite of views and understand how the views are interconnected. This is the result of our finite mind observing a process larger than mind as we know it and experience it can fully comprehend. It is trying to put the infinity into a finite box.

What need to be understood is that our mind arises as result of the creative process we are trying to study. It is in the process of continually being created by the ongoing creative/creation process of which it is a part. Given the nature of mind, it is a creative living process continually recreating itself by the experiences it has.

Whether we realize it or not, in trying to understand the creative/creation process, our mind is trying to perceive something greater than itself. Mind may never fully understand the particular process which gives rise to its existence. However, it can observe the creation process as it unfolds around it to piece together a pretty good understanding of the process which created it. This understanding, in turn, assists us in our creative endeavors. When we act based on any one view we may be holding we can then have some understanding exactly how we are affecting the overall process.

What is meant by this is that within the energy consciousness model perspective, creation/Creation is a dance between energy and consciousness at each and every level of Creation. Consciousness creates as a result of what it holds in mind. What this means is that there is a transcendental mind, a mind which transcends the creation we experience, that gave rise to both physical Creation and ourselves. Some call this transcendental mind God but that is not necessarily the case. It is just a mind that transcends the existing creation. Whenever our mind, our enculturated mind choose to act rather than surrender to what is, it creates and changes and/or shifts the flow of energy created by the transcendental mind. This is not necessarily good no bad. It is just that the mind created by the creation process (the enculturated mind) finds it very difficult to understand the process that created it for every time it act on what it knows in some way it changes the process it is trying to observe. One way to help get around this problem is to have multiple views and see what each view provides. The realize what we seek gives rise to all those views and is somehow a composite of all of them.

Based on the understanding that energy and consciousness are different aspects of the same essential material of the Universe out of which all else is created energy and consciousness are seen to exist in a duality much like the wave-particle duality of light found in physic. As such, this energy consciousness can be experienced as energy, or as consciousness, depending on how one chooses to observe. This means the creative/creation process can be seen and an energy transformation process, a consciousness transformation process or an energy consciousness process. Each of these view provide different insights about the process and how it is interpreted.

But these are not the only perspectives from which to view the process. Each of these three views can be overlaid with the following four views.

The process can be viewed from within the process. Using the human being as a example, this view is reflective of the view we each have as we look out through our eyes.

The second view is the creation is viewed from outside the process with the focus on observing the creation without regard of the creations relation with its environment. Here we see a human being as separate from the environment which created it. In this view one does not see how the creation is integrally connect with its environment. Here we neglect the fact that the human being must have food, air and water to live and it is the produce of the social environment in which it find itself.

The third view is where the creation is seen as existing in an interconnectedness with its environment. Here we see a human being as part of the environment which created it. In this view one see how the creation is integrally connect with its environment. Here we address the fact that the human being must have food, air and water to live and it is the produce of the social environment in which it find itself.

The fourth view is from the perspective of the whole creative/creation process included both the seen and unseen aspects which gives rise to the specific creation under observation. Here the human being and physical Creation are seen as integrally connected and physical Creation is see within the context of a larger unfoldment of Creation.

Each of these views provide different insights about the process and how it is interpreted for a total of twelve different set of insights. The question is, “Which of these insights are the most useful way to view the creative/creation process for what you wish to create?”

What is most interesting about this process given all the different ways to view the process is that the typical human views the creative/creation process as existing outside and separate from themselves. We fail to see that we are a creation unfolding. Every human will admit that they age and their body changes. But few see our lives as a creation unfolding within on ongoing creative/creation process. Failure to consider our unfoldment as a creation and that we are a creative living process continually recreating ourselves has a significant impact on how and what we observe and the conclusions we can, and will, draw from our observations.

Since we are unfolding within the creative process and continually recreating ourselves as a creative living process, our perspective about the process is significantly biased if we don’t take into account our own movement and change. So it is imperative that we look to the creative process as it exists and unfold in the world around us and then realize it is also happening to us.

To get around this issue, in addition to using multiple perspective the approach taken built on the methods and assumptions used by Bohr and Einstein. These allowed for insights about the process that probably would not have been attainable otherwise.

As suggest by the Bohr Approach that helped to revolutionize physics, we look to nature to see what it reveals about how we create our experiences and the reality of those experienced. In keeping with the equivalency of energy consciousness as reflected in the energy consciousness model, what we observe in the world of energy is directly applicable to the world of consciousness. Using Einstein's assumptions which were proven correct, the laws of creation are the same for us and for any other aspect of creation. There is much we can learn about how we create from Nature when we apply the Bohr and Einstein approach.

Given the variety of views that are possible, there are many analogies that can be used to describe the process or parts of the process. Each analogy can be expected to emphasizes a different aspect of the process. Namely, the aspects of the creation process as determined by the view that is held. Yet, for whatever analogy is used, we need to stand back and try to see what the analogy is actually trying to communicate and not take the analogy literally and/or as THE answer. Unfortunately, many believe the analogy rather than seeing what the analogy is trying to communicate.

No one image or description will adequately addresses all that needs to be understood about any one step in the creative process. Only in the conscious experience of the creative process will you come to understand what the analogies and descriptions are trying to communicate. There is no other way than to consciously and directly experience it. Unfortunately what is provided here cannot give anyone that experience. We will have to choose to create something and become aware of the process as we experience it. What is provided here is information that will help you to become more aware of the process as you experience it.

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