Creativity perspective on multidimensional and infinitely dimensional


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Multidimensional in the creativity perspective is about freedom of movement and the ability to seemingly lose energy in one dimensional only to have it appear in another. It refers to having more than one degree of movement. Infinitely dimensional refers to the fact that we have a infinite number of degrees of freedom or movement. .

Freedom of movement

Freedom of movement is about being free to move one way or another. A point has no freedom of movement. A point is fixed. A line has one degree of freedom. We can move along the line. Think of a horizontal line. We can move along the line right or left. Compared to a point we have an infinite freedom for we can move to an infinite number of points along the line. Yet we only ave one degree of freedom - that is, along the line.

A plane, made up of two lines intersecting gives us a whole new dimension. We now have two degrees freedom. Where as on a line we could only move along the line, we can now move anywhere in a the plane. We can move off the line itself and into the plane. Although we only have two degrees of freedom, we have an infinite number of more options than if we were confined to a line.

Three lines intersecting create a space a we know it. Where as a sheet of paper is two dimensional, a cube, which we say occupies space, has three dimensions. Where as in a plane we could only move anywhere in the plane, we can now move anywhere in space. We can move off the plane and into the space. Although we only have three degrees of freedom, we have an infinite number of more options than if we were confined to a plane.

For line intersecting create which we call the space time continuum. Twentieth Century physics talks about the product of time multiplied by the speed of light (ct) as a fourth dimension in the time-space continuum of the universe. Where space is three dimensional, the space time continuum has four dimensions. Where as in space we could only move anywhere in space, we can now move anywhere in space at a different time. We can move out of the space into space-time. Although we only have four degrees of freedom, we have an infinite number of more options than if we were confined to space.

Multidimensional really refers to greater than four dimensions. When we get beyond three dimensions we being to have problems contemplating what such a space looks like. Yet we can take a simple example that can show how a multidimensional space works.

We start with a point and putting it into two dimensions, we can expand it to create a circle. In three dimensions we create a ball or a sphere. Then we can give the ball a color and there are an infinite number of colors we can give it. Then we can give a texture to the surface and there are an infinite number of surfaces we can give it. We can give it an interior and there are an infinite number of interiors. Then we can create a structure to the interior and so forth. But we can overlay all of the choices we make with our preference. For any one color, surface texture, size of sphere, interior and the like we can have a wide range of personal preferences. For example we may tremendously love the color or tremendous hate the color with all the various in between those two extremes.

Which should be obvious is that each one of our actions provide a degree or freedom or freedom of movement. Each action creates a whole new set of options. This is what multidimensional is all about.

Exchange of energy

We continually exchange energy across dimensions. We are not segmented and compartmented like watertight ship. Nor are our creations.

We think the various aspects of our lives, such a parent, lover, employee, sibling, offspring, and the like are separate. We think we can keep what happens at work separate from our home life. We think our relationships with our siblings or parents is separate from our relationship with our friends and the people at work. But nothing can be farther from the truth. Most of these exchange goes on at a subconscious and energetic level so we are never consciously aware of exactly how they affect us and the various aspects of our lives.

What is important to realize is these exchanges of energy also affect our creations. For example, in the example of the sphere above, we can become passionate about the color of the sphere and we spend an enormous amount of time look at variation in color. But while we are shopping in the store we find ourselves looking a clothing and we notice some clothing feels better than other clothing against our skin. In feeling the texture of the cloth, we realize that we can give a texture to our creation. Suddenly we become passion about finding a texture for the surface of our sphere. In that moment, the whole creation of the sphere changed and the energy shifts both between aspects of the creation and out of some other part of our life into our creation.

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