Free Will short subjects


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Free will short subjects

The first challenge of free will

Free will and early programming

Free will and your life purpose

Responsibility and free will

Free will short subjects are discussions of thought and/or ideas on the subject of free. They do not warrant an extended discussion. At that is needed is an awareness of it.

The first challenge of free will (Top)

The first challenge, and the on going challenge, of having a free will is for each of us need to decide if we are going to live the truth of our being and the truth of our reality. Or do we deny our truth and try to change it to look like the external world we are experiencing. The goal of the human existence is to learn to say yes or no based on the best interest of our creative spirit, not the interest of others. If you are not free to say no, you are a slave. It does need to be noted on this point that you can be the slave of an internal belief that doesn’t serve you. Doesn’t matter in what way you are unable to say no, you are nevertheless a slave to which you cannot say no. What serves us and our unfoldment is what allows us to have the experience we incarnated to have. It is in those experiences that we fully dissipate the energy that was focus to create our life and release it to create something new. Otherwise our energy remains bound in the desire for the experiences we did not have.

It is said we come into life with nothing and leave with nothing. That is not true. We come into life with a desire for certain types and kinds of experiences. When we leave, we carry all that we have not released in this life. That includes that which we carried into life and never release and all the experiences we had in this life we never fully process. That baggage, in turn, limits what we create in the future.

Free will and early programing (Top)

In looking at our programming, it is it is interesting to quickly contrast what seems to be the general Eastern and Western views on free will which underlies many of their philosophies and the societies in which grow up and bias our thinking. Western philosophy has been more inclined to think and teach that destiny in one’s life is shaped mainly according to the strength of individual will - to go and get, to conquer, to control, to make happen. This view has given rise to the aggressive masculine approach to take what one wants and the rise of very strong ego identities. Easterner philosophy has been more inclined to think and teach that destiny is either shaped solely according to past activity and choices [Karma], or the Will of God. Thus one has to be satisfied with his lot in life and work with the conditions that you have created or been given. In this view, the ego becomes weak for it lies at the mercy of the past or of God. As you experience your free will, you will find both views are correct and it seems to be one of the fundamental paradoxes of life. However, what you will come to see, it is only how consciousness creates the experience of life and there is a dance one must learn to do between the masculine choosing to thrust forward to go and get and the feminine role of nurturing and sustaining what is. The question is what best serves the interest of your creative spirit and are you free to choose to protect those interests and hold your creativity sacred.

Free will and your life purpose (Top)

To unfold the dream of your heart and you do not have to unfold this dream. Since you have a free will you are free to create what you wish. There are no judgements on what you choose to create. There are only consequences to what you create for the time and place in which you live. However, unless you access it, you will not access the total creative power available to you and you will be unable to fully understand what you possess and why there is a unknown pull in your life. In some ways it is like buying a car or a truck for a specific purpose. You now have a vehicle for your original intention. If you choose to do something else with the vehicle now that you have started your journey you may or may not have an adequate vehicle for what you now desire. You will have to check out the attributes and features of the vehicle you have to see if the vehicle can do what you now desire it to do and learn how to use these features for your new desire.

Responsibility and free will (Top)

The problem with free will is the need to take responsibility for our choices. If you believe you are truly free you have to accept full responsibility for everything you experience. It is easier for many to deny the depth and breadth of their free will so they don’t have to take responsibility for what they create.

You need to realize realize that at some level of your being, you have created or allowed yourself to participate in the experiences you have. If you don’t believe you are free, then you give both your responsibility and your creative power away and open yourself up to becoming a victim of those to whom you give your power. Some individuals go to great lengths to avoid responsibility and making choices. They don't like the idea of being in charge. They resent being asked to express a preference because if they take control and make a choice that somehow turns out to be something they don’t like, it will be their fault. They will have no one to blame. They find it far easier to see themselves as victims of circumstance and to complain about the mistakes that others are making.

To see how one is creating their life, each individual must set the intention and choose to see, otherwise they can’t see. It is much like seeing the clouds in the sky. Unless you choose to look up and see them, you won’t. In any case, one experiences what they have directly or indirectly chosen even if they can’t see they chose it. That is the ultimate power of free will. Free will means one will only experience what they have freely chosen and it doesn’t matter if you consciously chose it, subconsciously choose it, chose it by default, or let another individual choose it for you it is still your choice. Even if something is right before you asking to be experienced, you cannot experience it unless you choose. To truly understand and use your free will you have to take responsibility for everything you experience for you have chose to experience it at some level of your being. 

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