No judgments on what we choose



A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There is an inherent free will in the universe that permeates all the energy consciousness. It needs to be remembered within the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, each of us are a aspect of the same infinite consciousness experiencing its Creation. You have the same freedom as it does.

Consciousness in what ever form it manifests its energy has total freedom to choose what it will form into the next moment and what will need to be given up to form that new creation. Whether the consciousness is aware and awake to choose is another issue. A dormant consciousness or a consciousness that is asleep or unaware will not choose, it will only follow the preprogrammed energy flow based on the beliefs that it holds. Yet, by being asleep, all dormant consciousness is doing is exercise its free will to create whatever experience they wish to create, that is, the experience of being dormant.

There is no good or evil, right or wrong, spiritual and non-spiritual, unless the individualized consciousness chooses to believe it is so. All of these are concepts of the mind and creations of one’s mind. Whether the consequences of one’s choices that are experienced are considered pleasurable or non pleasurable, right or wrong is solely a judgment by the consciousness having the experience. We are free to choose as we wish. We only need to realize there are consequences for anything we choose. Additionally, whatever we choose in one direction limits what we can experience in another. It is important to emphasize that it doesn’t matter on what we choose to focus your attention or what we ask the universe to provide, the universe will respond. The creative power we access does not know good nor bad - the universe just is. As such, it will respond impartially to what we choose. The universe is like the sun and the rain. They fall of the good and bad alike without judgment and/or preference.

The only issue that interferes with what we choose to create is whether or not we have conflicting intentions. The essential concept is as follows. There can be no punishment for our choice because if there were, then we would not have a “free” will. We would be forced into a direction to avoid punishment. There can be no punishment for not choosing God - our life path or what ever we choose to call it. If there were, we are not free to not choose God. So there can be no pain or punishment for not choosing God. It is our choice whatever we desire to experience. There is no judgement for what we choose. We can remain separate from our life path for as long as we choose to do so - there is no punishment for that.

The consequences of choosing other than our life path is the amount of energy available to us. That is, we direct our creative spirit into energizing a particular body for a particular set of human experiences. That is were our energy is focused. We can go and do something else but we will not be have the maximum possible available to us simply because of our prior decision. But this occurs at every level of our being in what we hold.

It is when we live contrary to what we really believe, and deny the truth of our being, that we experience pain and/or divert our creative life energy in such a way that we are unable to finance what we wish to create. It is as though we have given our creative powers away. The more we live different than, or contrary to, our truth, the truth inherent in the animating life force within our being or our living process, the more pain and/or the more suffering. If we deny our truth sufficiently we then accident, illness and disease could arise.

It is important to note on the subject of pain, suffering and disease that the discussion here is talking about pain, suffering and disease that we cause because we have scattered and fragmented our creative life energy such that we cannot finance health. There are another type of illness and disease that we intentionally create for the experience. One will need to refer to the discussion on “Accident, Illness and Disease” for a discussion of this concept. It also needs to be noted that there is pain and suffering that exists that is not reflective of our lack of awareness bur rather it exists because of our awareness to create something new. This concept is discussed under the topic “Pain Of Birthing.”

It is only when we do not speak our truth and walk our talk that we bring judgment upon ourselves. Here again, we talk of the truth of our being and what is symbolized in our heart, not our mind and what we think is our truth. In this regard, it is essential to learn the truth of our heart and bring the heart and mind into alignment so we don’t live in separation and/or to learn to dance between the two.

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