Code of honor - becoming aware of what you serve


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In many adventure stories or myths such as the Greek myths or the stories of the medieval knights, before one started out on a quest or journey, they were required to answer two essential questions. These two questions were:

• What do you seek?
• What is your Code of Honor?

These questions apply equally well for any journey one undertakes in life to manifest any intention or the journey or quest into exploring one’s own unlimited creativity. Conscious creating requires these questions to be answered in one way or another. If they are not addressed consciously and followed as consciously addressed, they will be address subconsciously.

It is suggested any Code of Honor you currently have, you modify it to hold your creativity sacred. If not permanently, at least hold your creativity sacred for the duration of your journey into the exploration of your creative ability or the creative endeavor.

Whether you realize it or not, you are on a journey into the unknown as you go through life or exploring the path to manifest any intention you hold. Creativity is a journey into the unknown by the very definition of originality and what it means to create. In this journey, you encounter a variety of people, ways of being and situations to which you are asked to respond. When you respond you will need to know why you respond the way you do and what you are holding as sacred. You will need to know what is the intention that lies at the very root of your desired creation. Our questions here is, “What are the principles to which you adhere in your response to life.” That is what principles, such as ethical or moral principles or particular philosophies, that you use when you encounter both old and new situations in life. These principles are what you feel ensure your integrity of your personal truth in any situation. It is that code that will prevent you from becoming that victim and will not shut down the innocent wonderment of the childlike play.

What do you seek?: What do you seek is a rather obvious questions. Before embarking on any journey it is wise to have clarity as to what you are seek and to understand the intention as to why you seek what you do. What one seeks and the intention behind that search will greatly determine what they discover along the way. Without clarity, one may not even recognize success when they find it. To say “I seek to be happy no matter what” with the underlying intention to avoid pain will result in a much different journey than “I seek to find and understand what makes me happy” with the underlying intention I will face whatever pain is necessary to find that answer and then create that world that would make me happy. You may want to review and check you intention at this time.

What is your Code of Honor?: One’s Code of Honor are the principles to which one will adhere to during their journey. Whether or not the Code of Honor includes one’s social ethical or moral principles become very important. The Code of Honor is what you will not violate. It is what ensures the integrity of your journey, not the journey of society or someone else. So you will need to become very clear as to what is your code of honor not one give to you, or imposed on you, by another no matter who that other may be, or how important they have been, in your life.

On this topic, we all have been raised with a particular set of ethical and moral principles. Many of us have been taught a set of principles by the culture and society in which we live, especially that society and culture in which we grew up as a child. However, we also have a set of personal values and ethics which we carry with us that may or may not be reflective of the general culture of what we were taught. For example, most cultures within the United States teach that it is wrong to take the life of an other human unless you are a authority of the state fulling the laws of the state or an authorized military representative of the state fulling the desires of the state. Other cultures, like the traditional Quakers, say that it is wrong to take any life even taking a life under the laws of the state or as a military representative of the state. If called upon for military service many Quakers will claim a conscientious objector status. They are willing to work in the hospitals and such, but will not bear arms against their neighbor. So too within our own being. We may be taught a certain set of principles and moral codes that is reflective of the general culture in which we live, but we have a deeper inner code that fits our preferred way of being and existing in the world. There are several questions in this area. For example, “What is your individual code of honor?” “How effectively are you able to live it in the world in which you live?” “How willing are you to live your Code of Honor even if it goes against the society in which you live?”

Wether or not these social ethics and morals violate our personal Code of Honor is another questions. Sometimes our personal Code of Honor goes well beyond the of the society in which we live and at other times, we may find the social morals actually violate our Code of Honor. Your code of honor are those principles and beliefs do you hold sacred that you will not violate. These are not principles that you have been taught or give to you by some tradition, spiritual or otherwise. Rather, they are the principles that you yourself must follow or you feel you will violate the deepest parts of your being. It is your code of honor that had been violated as a child such that you lost your innocent childlike play and created the defensive way of being in the world to protect yourself from the pain and hurt that you would feel in living your truth. Many will have to go back to a state of spontaneous and innocent play to understand what their personal Code of Honor truly is and how they have compromised it.

To create anything, other than exploring your unlimited creativity, almost any Code of Honor you select will be adequate except for the fact that you need to understand the Code of Honor will set up boundary conditions that will limit the potential options open to you. So it is recommended you look to a Code of Honor that is as broad as possible. It is recommended it is one that respects the other and that you will not intentionally harm another in your creative efforts. However, in seeking an experience of the unique expression of your creative life energy by consciously creating, any Code of Honor will not do and there are several recommendations to consider.


It is recommend that one principle that you included within your Code of Honor is that you do not violate the truth of your being. That is, you live your truth. The reason for this recommendation is quite simple. If you are a unique expression of the creative life energy of the universe, you have to be the embodiment of that energy without denying it in any way so as to have the experience of that energy. If you deny it for some reason because it seems to be taking you away from external social or ethical principle, you will be denying your own being. Somewhere, sometime, you will need to give yourself permission to follow that unique creative life energy that is within your being if you wish to truly know what it looks like. It does need to be understood that in doing so, you are also taking full responsibility for where that energy takes you. For you to say, “I am not responsible because I was following my unique creative life energy, is a denial of your truth and in turn is a denial of the energy itself.” You are responsible in every way, especially to surrendering and follow the flow the energy.

A second principle recommended you include in your Code of Honor is that you will hold your creativity and flow of your creative life energy sacred and that you will not give your creative power and ability to any other, animate or inanimate, seen or unseen. To hold your creativity sacred and not give your creative power away may require you to go back and visit any vows, oaths or loyalties that have been given implicitly or explicitly to another or to an organization.

In looking at your Code of Honor, it is recommended that you identify and write out your Code of Honor to the best of your ability. You can add to it or change it whenever you wish. However, you do need to be aware of what Code of Honor you will be following when you make this or any other journey.

Your code of honor becomes essential when you face the suffering and pain of the past and any new situations in life that cause you to run away and activate the defenses you designed to protect yourself in the past as a young child. Part of your journey is into the cause of the pain and suffering of the past and unless you have a strong code of honor which includes not denying the truth of your being and hold your creativity sacred, you will again be overwhelmed by the pain. Part of you code of honor may be simply to swear a loyalty to living in the wholeness and oneness of your own being and to no longer live in separation within your being. Such a loyalty would honor the truth of your being for you are already whole and complete. You have just give your creative power and ability away. Similarly, when you explore the true depth and breadth of your creativity, you will find you are living in wholeness and oneness.

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