The nature of our being


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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One of the most surprising discoveries in working with creativity was how consciousness, in its ability to feel and sense, seeks to experience a feeling of contentment. Or, it seeks what may be better described as a “warm fuzzy feeling.” The term “warm fuzzy feeling” refers to the conscious feeling you remember having as a child cuddling up with your mother or favorite stuffed animal or security blanket. However, the desire goes much deeper than merely wanting the feeling in two ways.

One way is in terms of the depth of feeling. Here the essence of the feeling is more like the feeling a hungry infant would experience when it is held tightly against it mothers breast and receives both physical and emotional warmth, nourishment and support in the early months of life. The other aspect is that the desire to experience this warm fuzzy feeling is inherent within consciousness. It goes well past the physical experience of a child being nursed by its mother.

Spiritually it has been described as the deep longing in the heart for the Beloved/beloved. If one focuses outside physical satisfaction and to the unseen realm for this feeling, the longing is perceived as for the Beloved, God, the Source of Life itself. If one focuses in a more earthly direction and into the physical realm, the longing is for the beloved or that perfect soul mate. The desire to satisfy this feeling can be so strong that we will compromise our truth so as to not be denied this feeling.

Although this feeling and desire transcends the physical, as very young children we learn to interpret it physically. We learn to willingly comply with whatever is asked of us rather than lose this comfort. As a very young child we wanted the  warm fuzzy feeling of being cuddled (or its equivalent) rather than face the anxiety of not knowing whether or not we would be wanted or accepted. We developed certain response patterns to life to avoid the discomfort of not knowing. The response patterns become habits that allow us to go to a way of being that give us the assurance and security that we would get our warm fuzzy feelings.

As we continue to grow and develop the ego, we may rebel at what is asked of us but nevertheless we still long for this place of warm fuzziness and tend to compromise ourselves to get it. We think we grow out of our desire for childhood cuddling when actually only the form changes. As a result of the experiences of childhood, we retain two things. One is we retain the belief in the connection between this warm fuzzy feeling with physical sensations. That is, we believe it is a physical sensation as opposed to something more inherent within our being. The second things is we keep the habit of going to a way of being that would give us security and remove our anxiousness.

From a creativity perspective, seeking a “warm fuzzy feeling,” is inherent to consciousness and will always be something present within us at some level of our being. The desire for this feeling can and will become addictive, as powerful as any substance or activity used to avoid anxiousness or fear that may go along with the anxiety. However, what gives one individual a warm fuzzy feeling will not necessarily be the same as another individual. As we grow, we each learn to interpret life differently and what we think we need from life to feel satisfied and contented. We each have are own unique desires and create this pattern in our own unique way. What is warm and fuzzy for me may not be warm and fuzzy for you.

From a creativity perspective, it is most interesting to see how the mind can be self-defeating and defeat its own desires and stated intention by habits that produced these warm and fuzzy feelings. It is quite understandable how we used these habits of mind that assure us these warm and fuzzy feelings to avoid facing displeasures or things we did not like or want in our life. Sometimes it is hard to realize how they actually became obstacles in themselves and defeat one’s stated intention. The habits that gave a warm fuzzy feeling are as like other addictions in how we use them to mask our heart and to mask what we would rather not face or feel.

Compounding the problem of triggering these habits when faced with pain, fear or anxiety is that the subconscious mind forms subconscious attachments to what it finds comfortable and satisfying. A subconscious mind will form attachments just as easily as the conscious mind. Any “warm fuzzy feeling” is a sure way for mind to become attached externally to whatever is giving that warm, fuzzy feeling. That is, mind often perceives the “warm fuzzy feeling” as originating outside itself rather than as a condition inside itself. The end result of all of this is that, rather than being present to what is as it is and create the feelings of inner satisfaction, mind is conditioned to seek some experience external to itself that gives a greater “warm and fuzzy” experience than what is being experienced. This in turn leads to the risk of addiction and/or addictive behavior. The question is, “How do these habits we hold within our being which seek a warm fully feeling act like an addiction in our creative efforts?” We need to explore whether or not if what we are drawn to create is simply seeking a deeper experience of this “warm and fuzzy” feeling such that we end up in an addiction of some type. Or, are we free to experience our creation and move freely to our next creative endeavor knowing we are a powerful enough creator to create a way to satisfy our deepest needs without becoming tapped.

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