Momentum and inertia


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Momentum and inertia are physic concepts that are very much related to our creativity and our creative power/Creative Power. In physics, momentum is represented by the mass of an object times it velocity. Inertia refers to an objects persistence to remain at rest or in a given motion unless acted upon by some unbalanced forced. It is related to an objects resistance to a change in motion.

Momentum and inertia are terms that represents the physical measurement of Newton’s First Law of motion which states: an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An unbalanced forces causes an acceleration or a change in the velocity of the particle resulting in a change in momentum. Within a closed system, that is where nothing goes in and nothing comes out, momentum and energy have been found to always be conserved.

Relative to creativity and the energy consciousness model, we find an interesting phenomenon. We live in a world that appears to be made of very rigid and solid objects. However, our creative power/Creative Power bridges into what are best described as quantum mechanical phenomenon that can appear magical and mystical to our normal world of experience.

Consciousness has the ability to locate its awareness anywhere it chooses to do so. Similarly it has the power to seemingly create something out of a “no-thing-ness.” Yet, as an energy can exhibit a particle nature, both consciousness and energy can become very fixed and rigid localized in a particular frozen form with no freedom of movement. The dance of creation/Creation is movement of energy and consciousness into and out a fixed form. As an energy the dance is an ebb and flow into and out of localized and non localized energy. As consciousness it can identify itself with a particular localized form of energy or give itself an identity as to who or what it thinks it is through the transcendent ego or enculturated ego.

What is important about momentum and inertia is that, whether the energy consciousness is localized as an energy or consciousness identified with the localized energy and/or gives itself an ego identity, each will remain in that form until consciousness chooses to change. In one way or another consciousness must awakens and become aware of its conditions or otherwise it will never change.

Consciousness can choose to awaken of itself, or it can awaken to a flow of energy. The flow of energy to which it awakens can be experiences as pain or just some condition in Creation that allows it to become aware of its condition. More often than not, it appears pain is the normal way that consciousness awakens to its condition. However, if we numb the pain or avoid the pain and do not explore the origins of the pain, we will not awaken to the condition that causes the pain. As such, we will continue to recreate the condition in another way.

Moment and inertia function consciously much the same way they are experience in the every day world in relation to energy. The greater the resistance, the greater the force we need to change the direction we are going. The move massive the form, the greater the energy that is needed. Big egos are harder to crack that little ego. Similarly our ingrain patterns and habits continually push us in a given direction. The deeper, more ingrained and solidified those habits the harder they are to break free.

Awareness can change much of the effort. In the awareness of something that truly better serves us, we can shift our form and ingrained habits quite quickly. The change can even appear as magical or miraculous they are so profound. Yet, many of us do not know what truly serves us so we are unable to access such power and insight.

The recommendation made here it to calibrate your internal compass and know what provides a fulness of being and/or a fulness of life. That awareness will help you to know what serves and doesn’t serve you in any situation. That, in turn, allows you to access the creative power/Creative Powers to shift and change the situation you face. How quickly you can change the existing situation all depends on what you desire to create and why.

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