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 Giving us the key - the key giver


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The key to the cage of our own making, the depth and breadth of our creative power and creative ability, the freedom of our creative spirit to unfold and express itself, and the key to the business of our life lies within. The key is in an awareness and understanding and lies in a feeling. This feeling we seek is beyond mind and what the mind is capable of understanding from its own experiences for mind only knows the past. It lies within a feeling of freedom to unfold true to the truth of our being. The key is a feeling of freedom.

Although we are ultimately the holders of that key we need another creation/Creation is not done alone. The paradox is that the key is within us but in a place that we cannot access by ourselves. We need another to get to the depth of this feeling. Without the assistance of another this feeling of freedom is unobtainable.

We need the other to call forth our creative spirit and our feelings within a safe and secure space to give us the experiences we need to have to access this key. In experiencing this freedom, we can learn what the feeling of freedom feels like and discern the feelings of freedom to use it as our internal compass. If mind becomes afraid in any way as to what we feel and/or experience or mind imposes itself by what it thinks, we will not be able to access the feeling of freedom or the awareness and understanding.

Giving us the key

Anyone who create the space for an individual to access the key within will consciously or nonconsciously need to become a creative shape shifter and a rainmaker. They will need to become a creative shape shift to become whatever they need to become to allow the true needs of the individual’s creative spirit to be met. They will need to become a rainmaker to both hold the space for the individual to allow the individual’s creative spirit to freely express itself and experience that feeling of freedom and hold the individual accountable to the intentions they have set. In doing so, they become the occasion for the waters of life to flow within the individual. One should not be surprised if the individual has an experience of the Kundalini and/or feels a great rush of energy within their being. Exactly what will need to be done for an individual to access that key within will be unique to the individual.

In the following discussion the term "key giver" is used in reference to the individual who will consciously or nonconsciously to become that creative shape shifter or rainmaker to create the space for an individual to access the feeling of freedom. Additionally it needs to be noted the key giver may not be a single individual. Rather, there may be several key givers who together, working separately or together, provide the experiences the individual needs to have. Any single key giver who is looking to help an individual needs to realize what they are capable of doing and that they are not necessarily responsible for doing everything but they may be. Any one key giver is only called to what they can do and the Universe will supply other key givers as necessary. It is the individual’s intention and the preferences of their mind which is governing the process not the intention of key giver(s). The deeper the intention of the individual, the greater the impact any one key giver can make.

Often what happens is there is key giver who is nonconsciously or consciously creating the space for the individual. But, several other individuals who unknowingly function as key givers provide particular experiences that are necessary. In this case the key giver who is creating the space needs to be aware the greatest function they provide is to provide a way for the individual to integrated the experience with these others into their overall journey. That is, in many ways, the key giver uses the others as surrogates for what needs to be done. Rather than the key giver providing the necessary experiences, the key giver uses the experiences created by the surrogates to achieve what is described below and needing to be done for an individual.

One of the more common areas for which this applies is sexuality. The reason why sexuality arises because of the great creative power within our sexual and the deep feelings which arise in sexuality. Often a key giver consciously creates the space and the individual finds they are faced with issues of sexuality in some way. However, rather than the key giver having to take the individual into whatever the sexual issues maybe, someone or some situation arises in the individual’s life where they are provided the opportunity to deal with or face whatever the issues of sexuality may been. Then, it is only a matter of the key giver extracting the lessons learned from the individual’s experience as they apply to the issue at hand.

In general for a key giver to create the space for the creative spirit of another to become free, they will have to look to become ego-less in the sense they do not feed their ego. We cannot escape the ego for it is part of the how our consciousness experiences a creation/Creation. In the same way our body is the vehicle for a physical experience, our ego is the vehicle our consciousness uses for any creation. The trick, so to speak, is to be able to stand outside the ego to do whatever is required to meet the true needs of the individual. This, of course, if very hard to do. The way around this issue is for the key giver to create an intention for their life such that the freedom of the creative spirit of the other individual is essential to manifest the intention that is held. In this way, the ego sees what it does to free the creative spirit of the others and meeting its intention. In doing so it is more willing to endure what is required to be that creative shape shifter to meet the true needs of the other.

However, it does need to be noted and emphasized, whatever intention that is used, it cannot feed the ego. That is, the ego cannot feel in any way, "Look at me and what I have done." The intention should be altruistic in nature and should cause the ego to transform rather than being reinforced in its current identity. An intention that causes one to change their position in life is often helpful in ensuring the current ego is not reinforced.

Types and kinds of actions to be performed

In general the following types and kinds of action will be needed to be performed by a key giver to create the space for an individual to access that key within.

Clarity of intention: As discussed in the topic, "The key is within," there are a variety of intentions which can cause one to access the deep feeling of freedom. Some of the types and kinds of intentions which lead to this feeling of freedom are intentions dealing with: accessing one’s heart; returning to a state of creative play; finding the fullness of being; finding an inner satisfaction which never runs dry; an expansion into the infinity of one's being; accessing one’s unlimited creativity; accessing the business of one’s life; and other similar intention which take one to the source/Source of one's being and/or is a characteristic of an experience of the source/Source.

However, the desire and intention should go to the depth of one’s being as a deep longing for whatever reason the individual may have. It should not be an intention because their mind thinks that is what should be done. If the intention is of the mind and what mind thinks the individual will not have the energy and passion with which to address the issues which arise as to why the individual placed their creativity into the cage of their own making. Here the key giver can be extremely helpful in having the individual pull the string as to the real reason behind the intention the individual holds. In most cases the individual is not looking for the key and creating the feeling of freedom to guide their life. Rather, most only seek escape from the current situation they face in life. Or, they are in some way dealing with an obligation of the mind. Or, some past programming about an issue pushes them to act. In uncovering the real reason, focus should then be place on dealing with the real reason behind the intention.

In this case, the key giver should not attempt to create the space for the individual to experience the feeling of freedom. The reason for this is usually the pain and/or fear which arises as a result of the past experiences are too overwhelming for the individual to face with the intention they have set. Rather, it is recommended the key giver help the individual as possible but only provide an awareness that there are deeper levels to which one can go if they are not finding satisfaction in life or a life worth living.

Directing the energy: First and foremost, the key giver needs to ensure the energy of the individual is directed back into the individual to address freeing their creative spirit. What this means is as the individual finds freedom and a passion to act, that energy is not taken and/or directed into doing some external task or activity. It should especially not be used for any other or to create something in the external world whether it be a business, a relationship, a charitable service, an act of creativity or anything else. Rather, the individual is directed to use that energy to address their fears, facing the pain of the past, and/or engaging in a creative activity purely for the act of creating and opening a dialog with the Creator.

It needs to be remembered a doctor talks differently to another doctor than they do a lay person. An engineer talks differently to another engineer than to a lay person. So to the Creator. The Creator will talk differently to another creator than It will within any other individual. Opening a one to one dialog with the Creator is one of the best ways to get past many of the fears, pains and obstructions we face in life and this can be done when we are consciously being a creator.

The individual needs to be free to take the energy that flows from within their being and to direct that energy back into their own heart. This means the key giver who is creating the space for another cannot use the energy that is released for their own purposes in anyway. It must go back into the individual to free their creative spirit.

The safety way to do this is if the intentions of the individual and the intention of the key giver who is creating the space align and are directed toward the same end. In this way if the ego of the key giver does become engaged, the ego will be directing the energy in a way which serves the one looking to free their creative spirit.

Accountability: The key giver needs to hold the individual accountable to making decisions and talking action in their life which are consistent with, and moves the individual towards, the intention(s) they set. In fact, it may be necessary to assist the individual in creating a ritual or taking some type and kind of action to create a catalyzing memory to set the intention. Or, as appropriate, it may be necessary for the key giver to create an initiation for the individual so they have a catalyzing memory to know they crossed the threshold and have actively undertaken the journey to manifest their stated intention(s). The goal is to help the individual create a single point focus for their life and access the passion necessary to manifest the desired intention.

Becoming mindful and aware: The key giver can be a great asset in helping the individual become mindful and aware. Here, given any situation the individual faces, the key giver looks to continually ask the individual several things. Some of what can be asked are: what are they thinking; what thoughts they may have; what are they feeling; and, what body part is talking to them.

Learning to use and honor one’s intuitive guidance and body wisdom: Relative to one’s intuitive guidance and body wisdom there are two issues. One is learning to use one’s intuitive guidance and body wisdom. The second is honoring what is obtained.

Depending on the individual, it may be necessary to get the individual to understand they have a sixth sense reflected in their intuitive guidance and body wisdom . Here there is the need to create some experiences and opportunities for the individual to learn how their intuitive guidance and body wisdom work. When the individual is reasonably comfortable with how their intuitive guidance and body wisdom work, then they will need to learn to ask it questions and learn how it responds to what is asked. But, more importantly, one needs to learn how to honor what is received. Often what is received is not understood, seemingly bizarre or would force one to take a path were fear and apprehension arises. The key giver must create the space to help the individual to learn how to: understand an intuitive insight when what is provided is not understood such as through follow up questions; deal with the bizarre insights; and face the fears and/or apprehension which may arise around the insight. In essence, the key giver will need to assist the individual in learning how to honor whatever intuitive insight arises.

Hold one’s creativity sacred: In holding the individual’s creativity sacred, the key giver assists the individual to look back into their life to call back their creative power. It is to look back into an individuals life to see and look for several things. One is to see where the individual has given away their creative power. A second is to look to see where they individual experienced some type and kind of life experience where a part of the creative spirit becomes bound or lost when its creative efforts were thwarted or where their creative spirit becomes bound in an ungrounded dream. A third is where the individual allowed themselves to become a victim and/or perceive themselves to be a victim. In many case a soul retrieval may be appropriate. Creating a life map, telling one’s story, creating a creativity tool box are some of the ways that can be used to begin to call back one’s creative power. In some case, particular kinds of profession assistance may be needed and should be recommended. One guiding principle which can be used to determined the effectiveness of actions taken to call back one’ creative power is calling back one’s creative power should be accompanied by an expansion in feeling and/or a feeling of expansion of ones’ being.

Being open to feeling: Many perceive feelings to only be something which occurs in the physical body. Most do not realize we can sense and feel at each and every level of our being and we can come to know how and what we feel in any given situation. Here the key giver creates a safe and secure space in whatever way appropriate where the individual can do their own experiments to see what they feel at each and every level of their being. The key giver also helps to address whatever issues may arise as to what may be blocking what the individual is allowing themselves to feel at any level of being. One can expect the need to face past experiences, past pains, and fears as to how the individual’s creative spirit was thwarted and how and why the individual placed that creative spirit in a cage of one’s own making to protect it.

Create opportunities to explore feeling and especially the body: Explore one’s feelings, especially exploring the feelings in the body and becoming intimate with the body, is essential in becoming open to feeling and accessing the awareness in what we feel. Being aware of what one feels in the body is important for three reason. One is the body acts and an antenna and we sense the energy of Creation. Second is there is an awareness in the body and what it feels. The thirds reason is to be intimate with the body before we engage with another in intimate body contact so we are able to discern as to what are our feelings and what we may be picking up from the other. The closer the body contact the greater the exchange in energy between two individuals. The less discernment as to what we feel, the greater the confusion we can experience.

Here the key giver creates the safe and secure space for the individual to explore what they feel at each and every level of their being and what their body feels in the intimacy that is required. Exactly how and what is done depends on the individual what they need to face and/or experience. The main difference between the section above, "Being open to feeling" and this section is once an individual opens themselves to what they feel, one needs to become proactive and explore the depth and breadth of what one is capable of feeling and how their mind characterizes what is felt.

Characterizing the feeling of freedom: One of the more challenging tasks an individual faces is what exactly does freedom and the free expression of one’s creative spirit feel like. Mind has a tremendous number of judgments, expectations, preferences and the like. Here one needs to do their own experiments to look to see exactly what type and kind of activities provides a feeling of the fullness of being, expansion of ones’ being, a feeling of wonderment and "ah" and other similar feeling. The are two issues here and both arise as a result of the nature of mind and how mind only knows the past.

One is mind has a great many ideas as to what will provided that feeling. Many of the mind’s ideas come from the programming we received as to what we should feel or what success in life looks like. It usually will take a significant number of experiences where mind is allowed to lead and one pays particular attention to what they feel to come to know what experiences truly provide freedom. The issue is in exploring these experiences to see which provides the most freedom one often gets lost and mind takes over and looks to satisfy what mind wants and in the end mind simply regains control.

The second issue is that the fact that one particular type and kind of experience provides a feeling of freedom does not mean a repeat of that experience or similar experiences we again create freedom. Often engaging in particular types and kinds of activities will provide a feeling of freedom. For example many people find dancing gives them a feeling of freedom. However, often repeating experiences does not provide the same level of freedom and in time freedom is lost in the routine. Here the individual needs to realize life is a creative endeavor and requires us to enter the unknown. There are may different types and kinds of experiences that are freeing and part of life is finding that variety of experience. So we need to feel our way to find those experiences. Beside, the only way to really navigate through the unknown is through feeling and following the flow of energy for the intention we desire to manifest.

More importantly, there is an intention for our life and there are experiences we incarnated to have. As we access and have those experiences we find freedom. We can look at the situation we face as we have confined our creative spirit to Physical Creation by demanding we cannot leave until we have certain experiences. Each demanded experience can be seen as a rope that ties us to Physical Creation. As each experience is had, a rope is cut and part or aspect of our being is freed from the demand we placed on ourselves. When all our demands are met, we are free to move on. If all our demands are not met by the time we die, we have to look to some other way to free how we have bound our creative spirit. Or, we return and have the experience we did not have. Similarly, we can create new attachments and ropes as we live life which bind our creative spirit because of our likes and dislikes for the experiences we have. That then creates a new problem of having addition experiences to cut the ropes that we create while living life. Again, if we cannot release them all by the time we die, we are stuck with figuring out how we will release them.

Relative to characterizing the feeling of freedom, the primary job of the key giver is to hold the individual accountable to what they feel and ensure the individual is looking to move in a direction which causes the feeling of freedom to increase. Here the individual needs to learn to look to the feeling of expansion of one’s being, the blossoming of one’s being or a fullness of being. We are infinitely creative beings. To access the truth of our being which lies in the infinity of our being we need to be moving into the expansion of our being. The key giver simply hold the individual accountable to feeling an expansion in what they do in life.

Discerning what is felt -calibrating and using the internal compass : One of the most essential things the key giver can do is ask the individual to discern what they feel in any situation and look to what gives the greatest feeling of freedom and/or indicates in what direction the individual needs to go to increase the feeling of freedom In essence, the key giver helps the individual to calibrate their internal compass with the feeling of freedom.

One must surrender to the feeling of freedom and allow it to lead. One needs to use their internal compass keeping the feeling as maximum as possible. It is to move in life in such a way to bring the feeling of freedom back into focus as life pulls one in other directions. Use the feeling of the fullness of being and the like as an internal compass as to what direction to go in life allows us to move through any aspect of life and, most importantly, past sexuality into the infinity of our being.

Learn to use the awareness which lies in feeling: There is an awareness which lies in feeling. An individual’s intuitive guidance and body wisdom  are the normal ways one uses this awareness. However, there is a deeper aspect this awareness. It is to learn to discern a particular feeling of interest to align with the energy flow giving rise to the feeling to following it. One can follow it forward or backwards. Going backwards we can go back to its source/Source. Going forward we can see into the future and where this particular flow of energy is leading.

In learning to use the awareness which lies in feeling one can align with the feeling of freedom and know what they have incarnated and what it is they need to do in and with their life. However, in looking backward one may awaken deep painful experiences. In looking forward one may become frighten as to what living in the feeling of freedom will mean for their life and their loved ones. The key giver creates the safe and secure space for the individual to process and address in an appropriate way what arises in accessing the awareness which lies in feeling.

Provide a paradigm: One issue most individuals face is they do not have a paradigm that allows them to embrace the full depth and breadth of the feeling of freedom that is possible. Some even become terrified by the feeling of freedom in that they have been captive so long they feel totally unsafe with true freedom. Rather than live in the freedom and nakedness of ones’ truth, they feel safer wrapped in the rules, regulations and expectation provided by what has been imposed on their mind. Part of the issue here is many have not learned how to make decisions in true freedom and to chose in a way which serves and allows us to maintain freedom. They have not been taught how to navigate in true freedom. In some way it is like having been confined to live in a valley with mountains all around that one can use for reference to find their way from place to place. Then suddenly, one finds themselves out in the middle of a flat desert, a great expansive plane or on the ocean far away from any land. Without any reference markers to know their way and where they are, one becomes terrified.

Most have been taught to choose between a very narrow range of options. Most have been taught to live in that deep valley with reference points as to how and where to go no matter in what direction one looks. An individual thinks they have freedom because they have a choice of multiple options. However, when faced with true freedom it is terrifying for there are no boundaries and limitation to which the individual is accustomed to facing. Here it is vital one understands there is an internal compass and one needs to look within and not externally for guidance.

Here the key giver provides a paradigm or way of perceiving Creation which encompasses what the individual is attempting to do and what they are discovering. It particular, the key giver provide a way for the individual to understand how to live in a world without the boundaries and limitation to which the individual is accustomed to living.

Facing the issue of mind: One of the biggest challenges in any creative endeavor is to face the issue of mind. It is to learn that mind only knows the past and we need to be able to nonconsciously or consciously step out of mind in some way to create what we desire. The issues which most often arise is stepping out of mind is the mind losing control and fear of the unknown in being out of mind. As a result, often it is the pain we face in life and knowing what we have tried does not work which provides the incentive to step out of mind and try something new and different. However, we do not have to face pain if we are open to stepping out of mind and have a way of doing so. We cannot fear the unknown for we do not know what to fear. Fear is of the past and we project the past into the unknown expecting more of the same. What unfold in the unknown will not be what mind expects or what mind can anticipate or maybe even understand. This then gives rise to another kind of fear. Simply the fear of not knowing.

Here the key giver helps the individual to see mind only knows the past and projects the past into the future. Through the use of the creative process and learning to use the internal compass to navigate from the heart a way is provided to step out of mind and transit the unknown. The space is create to deal with fears as they arise and address whatever else may arise around the issue of mind. The use of creative play, not doing, metatheater and the like are some of the ways that have been used to help an individual learn it is safe to step out of mind.

Return to creative play: Although we may not realize it, play lies at the Source of Creation. We are consciousness/Consciousness at play with itself/Itself. At the deepest levels of Creation, the energy of Creation molds itself into an experience of how consciousness has focused its attention and awareness. Learning to return to a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of our selves and the creation we experience takes us back to the most creative state of being. In being able to return to a state of play in both our creative imagination  and the world we experience, we can look at any and all options for whatever we desire to create and find the fastest, easiest and gentlest way to create whatever we desire for the environment in which we find ourselves. However, seeking to return to a state of creative play will cause all the reasons and any association pain to arise that we experienced in losing the ability to be in such play. The key giver creates a safe and secure space for the individual to do what is necessary to return to that state of play and work through an obstacles and process any pain which arises as to how and why we gave away our ability to be in such play.

Help the individual to move past sex and sexuality: Here one needs to realize sex stands at the doorway to the deep feelings and the awareness which lies in those deep feeling. The issue relative to the feeling of freedom is the feeling of freedom encompasses all of one’s being includes sexuality, the body and the sexuality of the body. In moving into the feeling of freedom one can expect sexuality to arise in some way. What exactly arises one cannot know until one gets there. However, it is something which one must look to pass through and not becoming trapped by it or avoid it.

Moving past sexuality is discussed in the topic, "Moving past sex." The easiest way to move past sex and explore the deep feeling beyond sexuality is be in that state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration. It is simply to creatively play with what one feels and be free to go wherever those feels take one. Focusing on the sex destroys the awareness. Looking to access the awareness with mind will distract one from the awareness for the awareness eludes mind. One must simply be free to go where the feelings lead but be mindful and aware off all that rises.

Here the key giver creates a safe and secure space for what needs to be experienced is experienced. However, in needs to be noted as stated above, and is reiterated here, is that often what happens is there is key giver who creates the space for the individual. But, another or several others individuals who unknowingly function as key givers provide particular experiences that are necessary. In this case the key giver who is creating the space needs to be aware the greatest function they provide is to provide a way for the individual to integrated the experience with these others into their overall journey. That is, in many ways, the key giver uses the others as surrogates for what needs to be done. Rather than the key giver providing the necessary experiences, the key givers uses the experiences created by the surrogates to achieve what is described below and needing to be done for an individual.

Here again, sexuality is one of the more common areas for which this applies. Often a key giver consciously creates the space and the individual finds they are faced with issues of sexuality in some way. However, rather than the key giving having to take the individual into the whatever the sexual issues maybe, someone or some situation arises in the individual’s life where they are provided the opportunity to deal with or face whatever the issues of sexuality may been. Then it is only a matter of the key giver extracting the lessons learned from the individual’s experience as they apply to the issue at hand.

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