Creative Imagination

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Our Creative Imagination
Our creative imagination
The key understanding about our creative imagination
The gift in our creative imagination
Metaphoric aspects of mind’s characterization
Using our creative imagination
Sorting out what our reality can and can’t support
Visualization and our creative imagination
The bottom line on our creative imagination

Many have come to believe our creativity and what we can create is limited by our bodies. This is only in part true and not the truth of reality. We have failed to come to understand the truth of our being and to realize we all have an unlimited creativity. We each have the ability to access the unseen realms of Creation and explore in ways our mind cannot often logically understand. We do so simply by how we choose to focus our attention and awareness and realize what we experience will be determined by the environment in which we find ourselves and the awareness which lies within what we feel. That is, different environments will give us a different experience for the same focus of our attention and awareness.

As a human being, our creative life energy/creative spirit is only currently localized in Physical Creation. Most of our attention and awareness is directed toward, and into, our physical experience as a human being However, through the wave particle nature energy consciousness a part of our being continues to permeate the unseen realms of Creation.

For any independent point of consciousness that which has a facet of its focus of its attention and awareness on, or in, being physical, we can experience as physical. In these cases a portion of its localized energy overlaps the localized energy of Physical Creation. That which does not have a facet of being physical will be seen and experienced only in the non physical and characterized by our mind as something accessible and through our creative imagination. That is, of course, if our mind the previous experiences to understand what we experience.

Our creative imagination (Top)

Our creative imagination is the doorway to the infinity of our being and the doorway to the exploration of our infinite nonconscious mind and the unseen realms of Creation. Our creative imagination is infinitely vast and can provide us a never ending journey of exploration and the potential to experience whatever we can conceive. It is limited only by our mind in primarily two ways. First it is limited by and the experiences it has had in mind’s ability to characterize what we an access in our imagination. The second way it is limited is by the limits and barriers we impose on ourselves. If we cannot find true freedom in our creative imagination, we will never find freedom in the life we live or in any realm of Creation.

Creative  freedom is not about bringing everything we experience in our creative imagination into physical manifestation. Rather is about being able to be free to explore all options and use the concept of complex integration to find ways to move past what are otherwise insurmountable obstacles.

Our creative imagination is what allows us to access the infinite possibilities of creation/Creation and/or any situation we face. It is were we can explore any and all possibilities. The question is, "Are we free to explore possibilities available to us within our imagination?" for this is where the constraints and limitation on our creative spirit and creativity start.

Our creative imagination should be a place of childlike play. We should be free to innocently and spontaneously discover and explore ourselves and any realm of Creation in our creative imagination. If we cannot experience spontaneous and innocent childlike play in our creative imagination, we will never experience it in the world in which we find ourselves. This lack of freedom within our creative imagination will in turn keep us from entering the most creative state of being.

The key understanding about our creative imagination (Top)

The key understanding about our creative imagination is to realize everything we experience, no matter what it is, arises as a result of a flow of energy. Without the movement a flow of energy provides there is nothing to observe. In any given situation we face, if we are mindful and aware and open to feeling we can discern and feel the flow of energy giving rise to the experience we have. This includes the thoughts, concepts, ideas, images or whatever we experience in our mind. This means two things relative to our creative imagination.

First, no matter what we experience in our creative imagination it is has a real part and an imaginary part. That is, what we experience in our imagination is real. However, we experience it in a reality other than Physical Creation. Or, it has attributes or characteristics that cannot be adequately expressed or manifested in Physical Creation as we currently experience Physical Creation. That does not mean that we cannot change Physical Creation to support what we experience in our creative imagination. Nor does it mean we cannot move to another reality and experience what we find in our creative imagination as reality.

In fact, this is what many do with the concepts of Heaven, the Kingdom of God, and Nirvana. We imagine a place that satisfies our deepest longing that cannot be filled in Physical Creation as we currently experience it and then seek that place or realm which will fulfill our longing. Whether or not the place currently exists as reality doesn’t matter. What matters is that we can experience it in our creative imagination. Because we can experience it in our creative imagination there exist a flow of energy which can give rise to what we desire. The question is, "Do we recreate Physical Creation to create what we desire here and now or do we leave Physical Creation and create what we seek in another realm of Creation?". Relative to what Heaven, the Kingdom of God and Nirvana represent, most chose to leave Physical Creation rather than contemplating how to change Physical Creation and/or the way they live to experience it here and now.

The second meaning to the fact that everything we experience arise from a flow of energy is that anything we experience in our creative imagination has two part. It has a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is the flow of energy that is giving rise to the experience we have and is what we feel in the experience. The imaginary part is our interpretation of the experience of that flow of energy through the illusion of mind and the experiences we have had that is used to characterize that energy we feel/experience. How our mind characterizes that energy may or many not be correct. It all depends on whether or not we have the minimum set of experience to properly characterize what we experience.

Within our creative imagination we access the deep undercurrents of creation. The deep undercurrents of creation/Creation are what give rise to what we experience. Our fantasies are not so much fantasies as actually tapping into what is unfolding in the creation/Creation we experience. Our mind considers them fantasies only because, in one way or another, our characterization of the energy does not correspond to Physical Creation as we currently experience it.

Science fiction tends to be the best example of something that lies in this realm. One reason why many discoveries reflect what is in earlier science fiction writings is because the science fiction writer tapped into the currents unfolding into Creation before they became physically manifested. The question is whether or not Physical Creation as it is can support the energy that is trying to manifest or do we need to recreate Physical Creation for that idea we access to become part of the reality we experience.

Air travel is a good example of this concept. People had dreamed of flying for centuries. But humanity need to first redefine what it means to be a human being and how a human being lives in Physical Creation to create the understanding and materials to support air travel.

We need to remember our body and its environment is our truth manifested. Our body and its environment is what lies in our consciousness made manifest. Just as Buddha under the Boda tree kept touching the ground to remember what is real, we need to remember to look at what we feel. What we feel is what is real, not the interpretation of mind. For anything we experience in our creative imagination we need to remember to look at what we are feeling.

What we feel does two things. One is it keeps us both present to what is so we do not become lost in the world of our creative imagination. The second, as discussed in the concept of complex integration, is that what we feel is the key to bringing back anything we find in our creative imagination back into the world in which we find ourselves. Everything other than feeling is of the world of imagination and the illusion of mind and stays in the realm of the physically unmanifested.

The gift in our creative imagination (Top)

Relative to the creativity perspective and hold our creativity sacred, our creative imagination is our greatest gift. It is here we can literally experience the expansion of our consciousness into the infinity of our being and experience what it feels like to be that expansion. Here we can experience the free and unfettered blossoming of our creative spirit to feel it and know what it feels like to have our creativity blossom and be in the fullness of being.

It is here we can imagine that which does not exist manifested in physical form. It is here we create the seed condition which can be brought back to plant within our psyche to grow into an experience of whatever we desire.

We need to understand, mind only knows the past and what it has experienced. To do what mind wants and/or thinks is to recreate the past to one degree or another through our attachments to the past. Only in listening to the heart to feel the flow of energy do we break free of the past to create the new and unseen.

It is our creative imagination that contains the ability for mind to step beyond itself into the unseen world to explore options and pursue paths that mind would not otherwise take. Mind can see what is possible based on what it has experienced and it can explore the possibility within its creative imagination. But it must give itself permission to step out of it own imposed limits and barrier in the freedom of play to spontaneously and innocently discover and explore what is possible.

If we can thinks of it, it is possible for everything we experience in our creative imagination has a real part and an imaginary part. However, it may not be possible to manifest here and now in Physical Creation given the constraints of the time and place in which we find ourselves. But that not mean we cannot explore the options within our creative imagination to create it. We may find that there is a way within our creative ability and creative power to create it to make the impossible possible, the possible probable, and the probable a certainty.

Metaphoric aspects of mind’s characterization (Top)

One thing that needs to be understood about the characterization provided by our mind of what we experience in our creative imagination is that the characterization is often a metaphor for what we experience. Although mind will may be inaccurate in how it characterizes what we experience because it does not have the minimum set of experience to properly characterize it, it can, and often does, provide an adequate metaphor for the energy. Here again, it is important to honor what we receive but we need to look beyond the characterization and ask ourselves what exactly are we experiencing that our mind will characterize it as it does. If we ask our intuitive guidance to help understand and interpret the metaphor it will direct or lead us to what we need to experience to access the key for the interpretation. It may take a little time but will get the understanding we seek.

Using our creative imagination (Top)

We use our creative imagination by playing and experimenting with options and possibilities. It is a place to think things out and/or prototype what we imagine before we try and manifest what we find. In this regard, rituals, ceremonies, metatheater, simulations, prototyping and the like are all techniques that allow us to stay in our creative imagination to play but to move into manifesting what we experience yet not fully commit ourselves to manifest what we imagine. These techniques allow us to "get a feel" for what is in our creative imagination may look like manifested in Physical Creation.

To bring what we find in our creative imagination into reality, we need to learn to do our own experiment and know our truth relative to what we find and access. Trying to live the truth of another will always cause us difficulties when we are trying to bring what we find in our creative imagination into manifestation. We have to become very honest with ourselves as to our intention and why we are doing what we do.

We need to remember, our creative imagination has characterized the energy we experience based on our truth and the intention we hold. It has accessed an energy based on our intention and then uses the experiences we have had in our life to characterize what we have accessed. Whether or not it has characterized what we have accessed accurately or not doesn’t matter. It has characterized what we access in the best way it can based on our past. To attempt to use another’s view, explanation, or whatever, compromises what we have accessed. This is why it is so important to honor what we find in some type of surrogate or real physical experience even if it is bizarre.

We can seek the advice of another and take their interpretation under advisement and there is nothing wrong with this. This is not the issue. The issue is whatever our mind characterizes, it is based on our personal experiences and what we truly believe. It is not based on something we accept as truth because we are told we need to believe it. Our mind characterizes what we experience based on our truth and our experiences. This is why it is so important to know our truth and what truly serves us for these our what our mind will use in its characterization of any energy we experience in our creative imagination.

What needs to be understood is our creative imagination is where the impossible becomes possible, the possible probably, and the probable a certainty. What we experience in our creative imagination has an element of reality to it. No matter what we experience in our creative imagination, there is a flow of energy that we can tap into that will cause what we are experiencing in our creative imagination to become manifested as our reality.

When we are faced with something in our creative imagination which we consider as impossible it nevertheless has a real part and already exists. There is some energy giving rise to what we experience. The experience our mind currently possess is what is characterizing what we experience as impossible for what we are experiencing already exist energetically. The question is, "How do we properly character what we consider impossible to understand what we are really experiencing and we can manifest it?" Here we face one of three issues

Lack of the minimum set of experience: One is our mind just does not have the minimum set of experience to properly character what we experience. Here, as we are free to experiment and gain the minimum set of experience we come to see how it is possible to make what we saw as impossible a reality. How long it takes depended on what type and kind of experiences we must obtain for our mind to understand what we need to do or how to live our life to make that impossible idea possible.

Our current reality cannot support what we find: The second issue we may face although what we find is impossible in our current Physical Creation does not mean it cannot be manifested physically. Here the issue we face is that Physical Creation as it currently exists and/or the human collective must somehow change to support the idea. We have all we need to understand how to manifest the idea but we do not have the environment or material in which to manifest what we see. Science fiction writers, inventor and the like are frequently faced with these issues. For example, The Turtle, the first submarine, or at least a form of the submarine, first used in battle to attack a ship was used in the American Revolutionary around 1775. A submarine, the Hunley, was again used to attach a ship in the American Civil in 1863. By World War One in 1914, the world and humanity had changed sufficiently changed such that the submarine become a formidable weapon of war.

Our reality is incapable of supporting what we find: The third issue we face is that Physical Creation is simply not a reality capable of expressing the energy we access into a manifestation. Nevertheless, there is a reality or multiple realities where the idea could be fully expressed and manifested. In this case, we may need to go to that reality to experience what we desire.

Sorting out what our reality can and can’t support (Top)

We need to remember, the essence of the creation process is that our consciousness creates a disturbance in the fabric of creation by what and how we believe. We bring our desires into an experience by directing our creative life energy into physical manifestation by how we focus our attention and awareness. Reality molds itself to what we believe and it creates an observer making an observation within a context of observation or within a particular environment. The three, the observer, observed and the environment of observation are interconnected and each one affects the others.

Part of what any consciousness believes in any one moment is determined by the environment in which it finds itself. The disturbance which is created materializes as an experience exactly into a form determined by the environment in which we manifest our energy. Each environment will allow for an exact representation of who and what we are as can be supported by that environment. Some environment will be unable to support some characteristics or attributes of our being. Some environments will amply others. Yet all the characteristics are still present within us. Those that cannot be expressed will appear in our imagination as unreal. Yet they are real. They are only not in an environment which supports their manifestation as to what we call real.

To better understand this, think of the roles we play in life. The part of ourselves we express in a card game with children is not necessarily the same part of ourselves we express at or with our children. Similarly, the part of ourselves we express in a public conversation with our fellow employees many not be the part of ourselves we express in private to a trusted friend. Nevertheless, all is still within us even though a given environment does not allow for its free expression or necessarily calls for it to be expressed.

We only need to look at what is created and the experiences we have within the environment in which we find ourselves to understand what and how we believe. What this means is that in understanding our environment, we only need to look to our environment and the experiences we have within that environment to learn to understand what we believe for it accurately reflects who and what we are. By varying our environment we can cause unexpressed characteristics to be expressed.

Varying our environment is the key to figuring out what can and can’t be supported by our current environment. When we have an experience in our creative imagination that we think is impossible to manifested, we need first lock onto the feeling we have to be able to discern the particular flow of energy giving rise to what we experience. That flow of energy is real and the question is, "Can we bring it into manifestation in the reality in which we currently find ourselves?" To work with this energy, we. need to lock on to the feeling. By locking onto the feeling we can use the feeling as an internal compass to see if what we subsequently do increase or decreases the strength or intensity of the feeling. This, in turn, can lead us to understand how to manifest the energy in Physical Creation.

The second thing we need to do is to consider that the interpretation that mind is giving as something impossible to manifest may be a metaphor. We need to ask our intuitive guidance as to what other metaphors or characterization could be provided as to what we experience. If it is a metaphor, we will get some other metaphoric characterization of the energy. The difference between the metaphors will tell us what aspects of the energy our mind is incapable of characterizing. If we ask our intuitive guidance a third time, we can use triangulation to get and even better and more accurate understanding of the energy.

It is here in asking our intuitive guidance to give us another metaphoric interpretation is where we begin to do our experiments in changing our environment. There are two environments we can change. There is our inner environment and our outer environment. There five ways we can change these two environments to see if what our mind is characterizing as impossible is really impossible to manifest in the reality we are experiencing. Of course, our inner and outer environments are ultimately reflections of each other. But, in any given situation, we often find it easier to look internally or externally. In any case, whatever we do and whatever changes we make, we must stay locked on the feeling of the energy with a single point focus. The single point focus on the feeling and how that feeling increases or decreases in what we do is what will tell us if we can manifest what is at first considered impossible.

The first thing we can vary is the original characterization of the energy. This is to simply allow our mind and our intuitive guidance to play with the idea, image or concept whatever the case may be. By varying the characterization and we can "dance" around whatever experiences we lack to properly characterize how to manifest what we see.

The second thing we can do is act and experiment with a different set of beliefs about ourselves and creation/Creation. These new beliefs will allow for a different characterization and/or metaphor for the energy.

The third thing we can do is move to a different external environment physically to see if the characterization changes. In this regard, we need to see how big a difference is experienced if there is a change. If it doesn’t matter where we move physically, then either Physical Creation will not be able to support what we desire or the issue is in our internal environment.. However, if we seen changes and the changes are significant depending on the particular environment, then we will find it is totally possible to manifest what we desire in the correct physical environment. Of course we may need to change how we experience Physical Creation the human collective to manifest what we desire. But we have done this several times throughout human history.

The fourth thing we can do is move to a different external social environment to see if the characterization changes. Often the issue had nothing to do with Physical Creation but totally with our social environment and our enculturation. Here again, we need to see how big a difference is experienced if there is a change. If it doesn’t matter where we move socially the human collective will not be able to support what we desire. However, if we seen changes and the changes are significant depending on the particular environment, there we will find it is totally possible to manifest what we desire in the correct social environment. Of course we may need to change the human collective as to how we experience Physical Creation to manifest what we desire. Here again, we have change the human collective and what it means to be human several times throughout human history and within a given society.

The fifth thing we can is a combination of the pervious four. That is change our beliefs, change our characterization, move to different physical environments and different social circles.

For example, there are three concepts which arose in the creative imagination and lie embedded in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and understanding that seemed impossible to understand and/or manifest when they arose. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and understanding actually arose out of an exploration into creativity and to see if there was an alternative way to live life. However, prior to the exploration of an alternative way, the concept of the possibility of a critical mass of enlightenment arose simply as an idea and a question as to whether or not it was possible to create such a thing.

Almost simultaneously with the start of the journey a question arose as to the nature of sexuality and why it would cause an individual to leave one relatively successful relationship for another. Then, at the start of the journey, the concept of a gentle phoenix to transform ourselves and recreate our life and/or the human collective as to what it means to be human, came during a playful exploration of what lied behind the relationship of two individuals. All three concepts/questions seemed to be impossibilities to manifest or simply rhetorical questions without answers that arose in the creative imagination. For started, it was considered that if any of them were possible, why had not someone manifested or answered them before.

In any case, shortly after the start of the journey to explore creativity, there were four feelings any one of which could be the focus of a journey of exploration. They were, the feeling within the energy for finding an alternative way, creating a critical mass of enlightenment, what exactly was sexuality about that cause an individual to live one for another, and creating a gentle phoenix. Out of all the four feelings the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix was the most profound and strongest of the four. There was incredible and overpowering feeling to see if a gentle phoenix could be found and it became the primary focus of the journey. All the other feelings paled in comparison and idea of finding a gentle phoenix.

There was nothing in the past that indicated the possibility of finding a gentle phoenix. Nor was the idea of a gentle phoenix something as seen as conceivable let alone possible to create. The idea seemed to just suddenly come out of nowhere in response to a given set of circumstances. Yet the feeling about it was so strong and beautiful it become something that worth living and worth dying for. As a result the journey to find an alternative way become a journey to find a gentle phoenix.

At the end of the journey to find a gentle phoenix, all five things described above to change the internal and external environment were used . All the evidence suggested it is possible to create a gentle phoenix both individually and collectively. The impossible has become possible and the information collected within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and understanding are the lessons learned of those who made the possibility of a gentle phoenix in their life a certainty in their life. It is entirely possible to create a gentle phoenix and transform our life individually and collectively to create a life which better serves us and is a life worth living which provides a fullness of being and an internal satisfaction which never runs dry. The only questions which remain are, "How to make it a certainty in any one individual life and for the collective?"

But this is the question we face for anything we access in our creative imagination. The question is, "How do we manifest what we find in our creative imagination?" The answer is to use our creative imagination to explore the infinite possibilities to look for a solution. Then lock onto the real part of the solution and bring that real part as into Physical Creation as a seed condition and use the creative process to manifest it.

A note in closing the story of the journey of exploration, as to the other three feelings - finding an alternative way, creating a critical mass of enlightenment, and what exactly was sexuality about that cause an individual to leave one for another - all were addressed in looking to create that gentle phoenix. In reality, these three areas are all what needs to be addressed to create that gentle phoenix. It is because they all were part of a larger journey, was why the feeling within the energy of finding a gentle phoenix was so overpowering the other three. It was a composite of the three of them and more.

The points which need to be understood here is we need to lock onto the feeling which accompanies what we find in our creative imagination. We then do our own experiments internally and externally to see if what we find can be manifested. The feeling itself will direct us to obtaining the minimum set of experiences we need to have to manifest what that energy represents.

Relative to creating a gentle phoenix for any transition we face in life, it can be done on an individual level. However, before it can be done on a collective level, the human collective will need to change. To change the human collective, there will need to be a sufficient number of individuals who either believe in a gentle phoenix or have gone through and experience it before the collective will shift. After all, that is what it means to have a collective.

Visualization and our creative imagination (Top)

What we intend should not be perceived as something which will happen in the future. Rather, it needs to be visualized in our creative imagination as happening and unfolding now. After all, the idea which we have in our creative imagination arises from a flow of energy that current exists. We need to allow ourselves to feel what we desire to experience in the present and know the universe is being orchestrated to manifest what we desire in the present. We only need to follow the current that already is flowing and do what needs to be done to manifest it within the creative process. This of course means facing the sacrifice of creation.

If what we desire is visualized as happening in the future in our creative imagination, it will be kept there - in the future. It will become something we seek rather than have. We need to see what we desire as already happened. It needs to be understood that on the level of the Universe that orchestrates what manifests, our intention is instantaneously integrated and in process for manifestation.

The bottom line on our creative imagination (Top)

Although creativity is about manifesting what we want, when we want it, the way we want it, creativity is about bringing into existence that which is original and not previously experienced. Knowing what we want, in the way we want it is to recreate the past. It is not abut truly creating something. It is not about the new and never seen or experienced.. The creative imagination is where we begin our creative endeavor for it is here we can we can conceive of the new, the origin, the never seen and never experienced. However, creation and bring that new and original into existence is about stepping out of mind and out of the past and outside our past thinking. Any thing that we desire that already exists is to recreate the past. Most what individuals call creating is recreation of the past in a new way.

The bottom line we all face about what we experience in our creative imagination is, "Do we wish to do the work to change the reality we experience or do we simply change ourselves to fit the reality in which we find ourselves?" Most choose to change themselves to fit the reality in which they find themselves. Those who dream and are willing to act on their dream change reality. Those who manifest the thoughts they create in their creative imagination, explore options and act to make them real become the conscious creators of reality.

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