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 Duality of mind


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The nature of the experience of Physical Creation is to experience the duality of energy consciousness. It is to experience energy and separate from consciousness. One result of this is that by the very nature of how creation occurs there exists a duality of mind. What mind sees is only one half of a duality.

The discussion, "Origins of Creation," "The observer observed pair and the nature of duality" and "The implication of pair production in our creative endeavors," provides an understanding of how a creation can be seen as arising out of the fabric of Creation. They show how we can see creation arising out of a "no-thing-ness" to create two halves of a duality

In the discussion, "Origins of Thought" it is said our mind characterizes the energy it experiences based on the experiences it has had. The energy which gives rise to the thought is the "no-thing-ness" out of which the thought arises. That is, the energy out of which the thought arises is non-localized energy without form. A thought arises no different than any other creation. However, for our awareness to see and experience the thought, there is analogously an ""anti thought," its opposite. The opposite also arises out of the fabric giving rise to the thought and resides in the unseen world of our nonconscious mind. In many ways the creation of a thought is the creation of a particle and antiparticle of the pair production phenomenon.

Said a little more simply, to see good, we must know evil, it opposite and that evil resides in our "dark side" or unexplored aspects of our being. We need to understand that good and evil only arise in opposite to each other. To look outward and say something is good that what is evil must reside in our mind unexpressed. Whether we realize it or not, the opposite of each thought we perceive has its opposite within our being. Each thought created creates a hole, its "anti thought" within our nonconscious mind. We have a thought and project it out into the world but the hole out of which that thought comes resides somewhere in our nonconscious mind.

Duality of mind arise as a result of the beliefs that we are separate and to see ourselves as separate form Creation and/or the experience they have. We do not see how our inner world gives rise to the outer world we experience. We do not see that the thought we project outward has it opposite within our own being.

The way to being to step out of the duality of mind is to pull the string on any thought we have and ask ourselves from where does it arises. When we find what is giving rise to the thought we have we begin to see how what we think and believe is giving rise to that thought. Here we come to see we hold both halves of any duality within our own being but we attach to one half or the other through our preferences. It is here were we can change what we believe such that the thoughts we have do not carry the judgment and separation of duality. Rather we begin to experience the thought simply as the separation of the observer and the observed to have an experience of creation/Creation.

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Origins of Creation
The observer observed pair and the nature of duality
The implication of pair production in our creative endeavors
Facing the dark side

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