Mind set and tunnel vision


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Mind set and tunnel vision
Mind set
Tunnel vision

We are infinitely creative being and we have and infinite number of way in which to experience our creativity. However, because of how mind works, we create what can be called mind set and tunnel vision. This is not necessarily good nor bad. We just need to become aware of it and learn how to use it

Mind set (Top)

Mind set is a particular perspective and is simply the way of viewing the world based on what we believe. However a mind set implies something a little more rigid that just having a perspective. In a mind set the thinking is essentially cast in concrete. It is fixed and rigid and not free to change. The term mind set is used to mean a fixed, rather frozen, particular way of thinking and/or viewing how reality works based on what we believe. That is, were are not open to change and/or seeing things differently. We have a set view. This is not necessary bad and mind set does not mean the view we have is narrow. It is just very set and fixed.

A mind set is not just a collection of beliefs. It is how these beliefs have been arranged into a particular belief structure or a particular way of viewing the world and the experiences we have. The belief structure is what gives rise to opinions, judgments, interpretations and understanding we have about the nature of reality of our experience. However, how we view the experience determines the future experience we have by how we choose to think or not think, act or not act.

Our belief structure essentially act as filter for how we perceive and view our experiences. It’s just like putting on different colored sun glasses; what you see is influenced by the color of the lenses. But the effect of mind set goes deeper than just impacting how you see reality for your belief structure is key to creating the reality you experience. Our perception of the experience we have feeds back to the choices we make.

The experience we have is a fact. It is what is. The experience we have is independent of what we think about it. Our perception is what gives rise to opinions, judgments, understanding and most importantly, the interpretations we have about the nature of reality of our experience. How we view the experience determines the future experience we have by how we choose to think or not think, act or not act.

The belief structure which gives rise to the perspective we have is capable of being very fluid and always changing. Each experience that one has either reinforces one’s existing belief or causes them to shift their beliefs and thinking in some new way. It is only when a particular belief structure is “set” or held rigid that we have a mind set.

The way that the individual’s mind is set, that mind set, masks reality both internally and externally and does not allow individuals to see reality for what it is. When in a mind set, it doesn’t matter that the experience you have is forcing the way you think to change, mind set will cause you to continue seeing as you have in the past and you will become very out of alignment with the reality of what is. The problem of mind set is that it retard the advances we can make in any area that it is influencing. Challenging our existing mind set is what allows for the breakthroughs and subsequent advances.

We could have a very broad and expansive view of Creation but it is very fixed. For example, one may be open to accepting all that humanity can create and readily embraces whatever is created by humanity. However, they may not be open to the possibility that there are other forms of life, physical or otherwise, which can become consciously aware of itself. However, mind set can also become narrow. When mind set is narrow tunnel vision is created.

Tunnel vision (Top)

Tunnel vision is to see reality as if we were looking down a tunnel such that all we can see is what is at the end of the tunnel. There is nothing to see other than straight ahead for on all sides and up and down is only the tunnel walls. Here the mind set obscures other possibilities and options - hence the tunnel - only one way to go and that is down and out the tunnel.

In essence, mind set and tunnel vision are the cage of our own making. They do not allow us to see and explore options and alternatives. One of the easiest ways to get out of either tunnel vision or a mind set is some type or kind of “not doing” practice and/or to under go an initiation designed to allow us to step out of our current belief structure.

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