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 Understanding mind from the creativity perspective


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The discussion provided here is a discussion of mind as seen from the creativity perspective and how mind is seen to function in our creative endeavors. The view provided here is based on observation of our mind in creative endeavors, the equivalence of energy and consciousness found in the energy consciousness model of Creation and the view we need to hold our creativity sacred. As such, how mind is seen to function may not be how mind is viewed from other perspectives.

In talking about understanding mind, one cannot hope to understand the mind in a simply discussion. However, one can understand some overall aspects in such a brief discussion as to how it can impact our creativity. What is provided here are a listing of key points about the mind that impact our creativity from the exploration into our inherent creativity and the energy consciousness model.

The recommendation is to see what is provided here are pieces of a puzzle which need to be assembled. Eat and digest what is provided here following the hyperlinks as appropriate to your needs and understanding. Then formulate your own understanding about the mind and do your own experiments and allow effectiveness to be your measure of truth. We need to look to find an understanding about the mind which allows us to call back our creative power from where we may have given it away, allows us to hold our creativity sacred and assists us to create a life worth living.

Observations about mind from the creativity perspective

In the discussion, "Mind and symbolism of the head," the following working definition of mind is provided: "Mind is what we think and believe, who we think we are and how we think the universe works based on all the experiences we have had. It is what we allow ourselves to feel and not feel and the decisions we make and not make, on what we think and feel. Mind assimilates all that we have experienced and provides a perspective from which to view and experience Creation. Since mind is continually assimilating all that we experience it is a creative living process continually transforming itself."

If we look at what is really said, mind is imply a collection of experiences we have had and the sum total of what we think and believe as a result of those experiences and what we think and believe directs the choices we make. Most identify with the experiences of this life time although mind never forgets it past. We appear to forget but we never really forget. Forgetting is only a part of the illusion of Creation to have the experiences of Creation.

The main concepts which have been observed and to need to be understood to understand mind from a creativity perspective are as follows:

A creative living process (Return)

Mind is a creative living process continually recreating itself by the experiences it has. Mind arises from an ongoing creative/creation process greater than itself and will always be changing as part of this process as the process unfolds. Our mind is always changing by what we experience for every experience we have changes how we view the world. Either our experience reinforce what we believe about life and we believe it more strongly or it slowly dispels beliefs that are no longer valid or effective. We are always changing. We are always entering the unknown each moment we live for we don’t know what the next moment will bring. Yet whether we realize it or not, by establishing patterns and habits our mind works to control our world to minimize what the unknown brings to us.

Mind only knows the past (Return)

Mind only knows the past and what it has experienced. Yet any truly creative effort brings into existence either some thing, or some experience, not previously experienced, or one that is significantly different from the past. As such, mind cannot guide us into the unknown of a creative effort. Our mind, what we think, believe, and remember, is of limited value. The best mind can do is explore, construct experiments, and discover what it doesn't know about what we desire to create. Then, as we obtain the minimum set of experiences and/or understanding about what we want to create, the mind can take what it has found to manifest what we desire. To obtain the minimum set of experiences to know through mind what we need to do to create what we desire in the fast way is to use our intuitive guidance.

Intuitive guidance arises from the flow of energy we sense and that flow of energy is characterized by mind as an intuitive insight. Intuitive guidance tells us the direction we need to go to either (1) align with the flow of energy that is manifesting, or will manifest, the desired object or experience; and/or (2) the direction we need to go to gain the minimum set of experiences to understand and/or experience the manifesting form. Mind characterizes the energy we sense either as an image or a thought. That thought or image will not necessarily be correct. It will only be the best characterization our mind can give based on our past experiences. Until we obtain that minimum set of requisite experience about the energy we sense, we will not characterize it properly. This inaccurate characterization is the basis of the illusion of mind.

From a creativity perspective, mind, when used properly, recognizes the need to explore the intuitive insight to determine the accuracy of the insight. Equally as important, the mind can move us towards, or into, the flow of energy to explore the nature of the flow and whether what it senses is flowing into an experience that serves or doesn’t serve us. Used improperly, mind simply overlays the past into the energy that is sensed so that the energy is not felt and experienced for what it is but is molded to fit the past. In doing so, the awareness as to whether we are being served or not is lost. When the mind continually overlays the past onto what one senses a habit is formed and conscious control over our creative power is lost. If a response pattern to avoid feeling is overlaid to not feel and/or feel good, the possibility of a thinking addiction develops. That is, we think in order not to feel and escape from what we feel.

Mind does not feel (Return)

Mind does not feel. Mind only integrates and interprets what is perceived by our body and/or our being. Mind is a collection of experiences. What we feel is a flow of energy or movement within our being which mind then characterizes based on its past experiences. The memories mind holds carry no energy of themselves. We give them energy by how and what we think and believe about the experiences which give rise to those memories and how attached we are to what we think and believe about them. We have to look to our bodies to tell us what we are sensing and feeling. If our memories carry energy we can feel that energy and know whether it is catalyzing our action or is robbing us of our creative power.

Mind characterizes the energy we experience (Return)

Mind characterizes the energy we experience based on the experiences we have had. Until we obtain the minimum set of experience to properly characterize what we experience, mind will live in an illusion thinking it knows and understands what it experiences. Additional discussion of this aspect of mind is found in the topics, "Nature of mind in the creativity perspective " and the "Illusion of mind."

Mind is a switching station (Return)

Mind is a switching station which directs the flow of our creative life energy by how we focus our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe. Mind as switching station is discussed in the topic, "Nature of mind in the creativity perspective "

Mind never really forgets
but the memories mind holds carry no energy of themselves

Memories are not the issue in any creative endeavor. Nor is the past that is contained in the memories we hold. The memories mind holds carry no energy of themselves. We give them energy by how and what we think and believe about the experiences which give rise to those memories and how attached we are to what we think and believe about them.

Although with the creativity perspective we are seen to never forget any experience we have, we forget and remember much like going to sleep and awakening each morning. There are memories which are quite clear but other are seemingly forgotten and erased. However, our mind is much like a hard drive. Unless the hard drive is reformatted, there is residual information about each file that is erased. Using that residual information, the file can be retrieved. The same is true for our memories. There is always a residual which is present and can be retrieved. It is just that we can never reformat our mind.

Perceived layers to the mind (Return)

Depending on how we choose to view them, there are two phenomena which give rise to understanding there are layers to the mind or are better understood if we see the mind as having layers. On is the existence of the conscious and nonconscious mind. The other is how some beliefs underpin other beliefs. Relative to what we experience, it is probably clear that we can have one experience in our life that colors every other experience we have of that type of experience. As such, we can begin to see how some beliefs lie at the foundation of other beliefs and unpins how we perceive life. If we change those underpinning beliefs, we can change our whole perspective in the proverbial "twinkling of an eye." However, many, if not most of the underpinning beliefs lie in the nonconscious mind.

Additional discussion on the layers of the mind or the aspects of these layers are found in the following discussions: "Layers to the mind," "Current mind," "Diagrams for understanding the layering of our nonconscious mind," "The enculturated mind," "Layers to the subconscious and unconscious," and "The transcendental mind."

There is the need to escape mind (Return)

Mind only knows the past and what it has experienced. A truly creative endeavor is to create or experience something never previously experienced or significantly different. Hence there is the need to escape mind and not be biased and/or held captive of the past. The easiest and which can be the most playful. ways found to escape the mind is to either to focus our attention and awareness on what we feel or to engage in "not doing."

"Not doing" is being different than who we think we are. It is to do those things that we would "never be caught dead doing." The more we can do what is opposite of who and what we think we are the great impact we will see in our awareness and creativity. In essence by doing the opposite of who and what we think we are we transcend the duality of thought and the separation which mind creates to experience the wholeness and oneness of Creation. Additional discussion on escaping mind are found in the topic, "Stepping out of mind - Beyond mind."

The awareness of mind is not the mind (Return)

Energy and consciousness is one and the same. Mind is a properly of consciousness. That which lines behind mind, or that of which mind is a part, the conscious awareness, never dies. Always was, always will be. Mind is only the filter through which we view Creation. Mind however is a creative living process constantly changing with each experience it has. It is our awareness which give rise to the detached witness. Although the detached witness never changes it is seen to change based on which level of mind it is observing.

How we define ourselves (Return)

It needs to be understood our mind’s characterization of who it believe we are is not based so much on what we think and believe but rather, it is based on what we have experienced and our total belief structure. That is how those beliefs and experiences integrate to form a picture of Creation. Whether or not we believe and/or understand what we have experienced, and/or remember what we experience is another issue. Nevertheless mind will use all that we have experienced whether or not we consciously remember it. As we can come to see, mind exists because of what we have experienced and it is our all experiences that has created our mind as we currently know it. Relaying on mind more often than not keeps us bound in the past. However, whether we realize it or not, we have a choice in how we define ourselves. If we become mindful and aware we can being to watch how our mind is working and changing our perspective to define ourselves by the experiences we have. Addition discussion on how we define ourselves is found in the topics, "The ego and ego identity," "Consciousness defines itself by the experiences it has had," "Ways of consciousness defining itself," and "How consciousness defines itself,"

Current mind and our creative spirit (Return)

The awareness of the creative spirit as an entity can exist apart from our mind as we currently understand mind and our ego. In this regard, the creative spirit and what it desires to create is more associated with the transcendent mind or the mind that existed before this life time. However, this awareness can existing apart from our transcendental or encultured mind as the detached witness. In the same way there are levels or layers to the mind, there are levels to what we experience as a detached witness depending on which level we chose to observe.

Mind does not transform, the ego does (Return)

Our problem with the mind is not that the mind has memories. Rather it is the way mind remembers what it experiences and then selectively attaches to the experiences it has. The issue isn’t remembering. The issue is the way mind selectively remembers and how it remembers and then projects what it remembers to bias what it is experiencing. The attachments, whether they are positive or negative, can be a problem for they bias us form seeing the truth of what is. In this regard the goal is to become like the wind, coming with no attachment and leveling with not attachment and allowing the ego to continually transform itself so an to not become attached. Additional discussions on transforming the ego are found in the topic, "Transforming the ego."

Duality of mind(Return) (Return)

The duality of mind gives rise to what we many all our "dark" side. Quite simply, to see good, we must know evil, it opposite and that evil resides in our "dark side" or unexplored aspects of our being. This is true for any duality we hold. To release any duality we hold, we need to make the appropriate aspects of our nonconscious conscious to change the cause which give rise to the duality we hold. Additional discussion on the duality of mind if found in the discussion, "Duality of mind."

Related topics
Nature of mind in the creativity perspective
Mind and symbolism of the head
Nature and issues of mind in creativity.
Stepping out of mind - beyond mind

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