Nature of the universe -
Overview of the basic concepts and principles of Creativity Physics


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and technology is based on the creativity perspective and the energy consciousness model for understanding the Universe. It arises out of the question asked by the author in 1973, “Is there one way to view Creation where whatever one believes as true, they can create an experience of that belief to support its truth.” The energy consciousness model and Creativity Physics is a way to answer to that question.

Background concepts

The essence of Eastern mysticism is to create an internal state of being that emanates outward. It arises out of a view that if you are not happy within, no external condition will make you happy. So its focus was directed inward toward understanding one’s inner world.

Its essential teaching, although many of its teachers would not express it in these words, is that you will create an experience of whatever you hold in mind. The mental concepts you hold in mind will be converted to actual perceptions or experiences of what you hold if you persist in holding them. Some would say you literally rearrange world to create an experience of what you hold. Others would say that what you hold causes you to act and respond in the world such that you have an experience of what you hold. In any case, there is a great emphasis on what you hold in mind - both an awareness of what is in mind and the need to have good thoughts, good words, good deeds in whatever form “good” is prescribed.

The view that gave rise to Western energy physics is that unless the external conditions can meet one’s needs and provide a warm comfortable, safe space in which to live, one will not be happy inside. The rise of Western energy physics was the result of an outward focus to understand how the external world works.

The essence of Western physics is how you choose to observe determines what you see. In this approach, one creates precise conditions (called experiments) to see certain types and kinds of effects. Then in knowing how to manipulate the conditions, create what one desire to have in one’s life. In this process it was discovered that the observer can actually change what is observed such that the observer is not independent of his or her observations. The two are integrally connected.

If you reflect a moment on both of these approaches, what you choose to hold in mind and how you choose to observe are both determined by how and what you think and believe. So in the end, how and what you think and believe is determining, as a minimum, the experiences you have. If you go a little deeper, you will come to see how and what you think and believe also determines the reality you experience. The goal of Creativity Physics is to help you see and experience this a true.

The evidence suggests that Eastern mysticism and Western energy physics are reasonably accurate descriptions of Creation. Not necessarily the correct description but reasonably accurate. Both Eastern mysticism and Western energy physics have and can produce some very interesting results.

If these views of reality are reasonably correct as the evidence suggests, then the universe is composed of something that can best be described as an energy-consciousness. Within this understanding, energy and consciousness are different aspects of the same essential material of the Universe out of which all else is created. That is, all that is, everything that exists, has what you can call energy in some form or another and has the potential to become conscious of itself.

This energy and consciousness are seen to exist in a duality much like the wave-particle duality of light found in quantum physic and this energy consciousness can be experienced as energy, or as consciousness, depending on how consciousness chooses to observe. This duality of energy-consciousness is much like the flip sides of a coin. Both exist simultaneously and neither is separated from the other. It all depends on how you choose to look at the coin.

For those who are aware of the history of physics, this energy consciousness that permeates all Creation is not the “aether” of the famed Michelson-Morely Experiment. Rather it is more like the unseen sea that Dirac used to predict the existence of the antielectron and/or the electric and magnetic fields that give rise to electro magnetic radiation.

The energy aspect of energy-consciousness is experienced as a flow of energy that flows into and out of Creation giving a form to Creation and animates Creation. It is what animates our individual lives and gives us the ability do things in Creation and recreate Creation by how and what we choose to do and not do.

The consciousness aspect of energy-consciousness is experienced in the awareness of the flow of energy. That is, consciousness awaken when there is movement and lies dormant in unawareness when there is no movement. We cannot perceive something that never moves. We cannot perceive something if there is no contrast to distinguish it from its environment. We only see something where there is a difference or discontinuity in the what we observe.

For example, look at an clear ice cube in water. The ice and water are exactly the same material and one could not be distinguished from the other if it were not for the contrast provided by the discontinuity between the temperature and density of the water and ice. But to actually perceive the ice cube there must be movement or change. In this case, the discontinuity between the water and the ice causes the photons reflected of the water and the ice to become different when compared to being reflected only off the water and without a discontinuity.

To have an experience, either the object of our focus moves and/or changes or we move and/or change to observe the object but there must be some movement or change. Only in movement and change do we become aware and only in movement into and out of form does Creation exist. If there is no movement or change there is nothing of which to become aware. If there is no movement or change, that does not mean form does not exist. Rather it means because there is no movement or change of the form, there is no awareness and one seemingly enters a place of “no-thing-ness.” Something that never moves or is moved will not become consciously aware.

The important point here is to understand awareness is the result of movement and movement is the result of a flow of energy. The awareness that is you is a result of the flow of energy that is sustaining your being. As such, the awareness that awakens because of movement will have difficultly understanding what is moving for it exists because of a flow of which it is a part.

If the flow that gives rise to its existence stops, it ceases to become aware and returns to dormancy. It still exists but does not become aware until the flow returns. If you wish, look at this awareness as a tree as it goes through a summer-winter season. When conditions are correct, an adequate flow of energy exists, the tree blossoms and the tree springs to life only to return to a dormancy as the conditions move to winter. Then as conditions return in the spring the tree picks up again where it stopped in the last growing season. Since the awareness awakens because of a flow of which it is a part, the awareness will have great difficultly getting out of flow that creates its existence to see exactly what is flowing.

The problem we have as humans is that our awareness is part of a creative living process and being part of a process, and our awareness cannot stand outside the entire process of which we are a part to view the process. But we can look to the world in which we inhabit to tell us what the view beyond our individual creative living process looks like. That is what has been done and the result furnished here for your use.

The most important result of this understanding that needs to be realized is that the flow which gives rise to our existence is not outside our awareness but our awareness is the flow. The flow of energy and the awareness that arises as a result are one and the same. Alternatively said, as you adjust the flow of energy you change your awareness and as you change your awareness you will change the flow of your energy. Changing the flow of energy changes your ability or capacity to produce and effect. Change the ability or capacity to produce an effect, changes what you can and can’t create.
To be with, or in, the flow, all the awareness can really do is make to assumptions about the flow and what is flowing, what it is, and what it not. Then based on what it thinks it understands, manipulate the flow to see if it responds as the awareness thinks and believes.

When the awareness that results from a flow of energy is focused outward, it perceives the existence of a creation/Creation and both an seen and unseen aspect to that creation/Creation. When the awareness that results from a flow of energy is focused inward it perceives itself as conscious (“I am,” “I exist”) and separate from the outside. In becoming aware of itself, it creates a story which it tells about itself and the experience it had as a result of the flow. The question is, does the story this consciousness tells about itself because of the flow of energy it has experienced correctly and accurately, correspond to the seen and unseen forms of Creation as they exists that are giving rise to the flow of energy that consciousness experiences.

If the story consciousness tells is correct, consciousness will access and bridge the inner and outer creative powers. If the story is incorrect, it will appear creation/Creation eludes them and the creative powers/Creative Powers are inaccessible.

Next step in the overview of energy consciousness concepts and principles
Creating/creation within the Energy Consciousness Model

Previous step
Overview of energy consciousness concepts and principles introduction

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