Common set of information


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Each Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity application builds on a common set of information obtain as a result of a twelve year journey of exploration into the creative ability and creative power accessible to individuals. The journey began as an exploration into organizational creativity and ended up accessing information that is usually characterized as lying the realm of the mystic or shaman and can best be characterized as the Shams Consciousness.

Shams Consciousness is a awareness as to what lies in each heart. Or alternatively said, an awareness which lies in what is symbolized by our heart and lies at the core of each human being It is an awareness and understanding so profound that rather that not share it and keep it to oneself, one would be willing to give their life to be able to share that awareness and understanding with a single other individual

As such, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding provides a integrated understanding of our inherent creativity that can address any and all aspects of what it means to be a human being. Each application posted on the web attempts to create a web of understanding through its hyperlink such that the individual can begin see how the various aspects of our life weave together into a mosaic. The goal is to help the individual understand that seemingly unrelated aspects of their life can have a great and profound influence on the creative ability and creative power they need to access the creativity needed in other parts of their life.

The common set of information is reflected in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and is posted on the web as individual applications and discussion topics. Although individual applications and discussion topics are hyperlinked to related and supportive topics, the entire listing of what is currently post on the web is available for a nominal fee in the "List of Topics" found in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Password Protected Area.

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The Password Protected Area provides access to all currently posted (click for current loading) Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity related discussion files and applications.


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