Ways to live life based on implications of the
Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Understanding


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In looking at the salient implications of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding, it is appropriate to consider how we may want to live our life based on such understanding. When all is said and done the bottom line to the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Understanding is that the only truth of which we can be certain is our truth. More importantly, it is the truth that we ourselves have experienced.

Although we as a society have come to a common understanding of a very powerful model about what is true for physical reality, unless, we have some way of encompassing that common truth as our truth and verify it when we choose, we have no way of knowing it is true. Otherwise, it is just as much fiction as any other story. For example, we have a very powerful model of physical realty based on objective science and we have created many wonderful and not so wonderful phenomenon based on this truth. Although it may not be The Truth, it is an effect model of truth nonetheless.

However, this model has evolved many different times before it come into its present form and will probably change again, with each iteration more encompassing than the last. The power of the model is it provides a way for any one individual of any time, any place and any culture to test the model and verify its truth. That is probably the only reason why it is so widely accepted. In this regard, you are challenged to test the model in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material for yourself and see if it is true. Let its effectiveness in your life be its measure of truth. If it works for you believe it and use it. If it doesn’t work for you, then find something that does. But whatever works for you and is effective for you doesn’t make it The Truth. It is your truth no matter how wide spread it may or may not be. Truth with a capital “T” will transcend time, space and any one individual or society.

Understanding how we evolve our understanding individually and collectively leads to four primary ways in which we can live our life. The first way is to follow our mind and how we have come to think the world works. This is about accepting without any proof or verification within our own being as to the truth that we accept. We don’t challenge our own thinking. Rather what we think and believe is actually what we learn, hear, copy and mimic without question. This is education without any laboratory to prove the truth of what is learned. This is much what we did as children and continue to do throughout our lives. We live with many unexplored assumptions about ourselves, others, and the nature of reality.

The second way is to follow the lead of another. The other may or may not be living the truth of their being. Of course, it doesn’t really matter if they follow their truth our not for we would follow them wherever they would go whether it was their mind or heart leading them. Whether or not they explored or didn’t explore their own truth doesn’t really matter. It simply boils down to doing and accepting what we are told. This is about creating followers and, even worse, slaves.

The third way is to follow the truth of our own being which is to follow the truth that we know within our own heart provided by our creative passion, our body wisdom and intuitive guidance. It means living in the moment being out of mind before mind judges what it is perceiving. This is to speak and live our truth in all ways. This is about becoming self determined at every level of our being. This also means living in the unknown for there is much of ourselves we have never explored.

The fourth way is to merge our truth with the truth of another such that we have the set of experiences which allow us to see the truth of their being and make it our own and they, in turn, have a set of experiences that allows them to see the truth of our being so that they can make it their own. This is basically to do a set of experiments that allows one to have the experiences of the other which allows the first individual to experience the truth of what is said. This is a learning that is capable of making what we learn our truth. This is the way objective science has worked. We can use a similar process for our internal reality to share it with another. This fourth way is what is attempted in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and the exercises and examples that are provided.

Only the third and fourth options will not cause us to deny our truth and not cause us to create an internal pain of separation at some level of our being. The first option requires us to deny our own truth and live the way our current world had taught us to live and what life is about. Here our enculturated ego, who we think we are, remains in control and we are controlled by our mind, our thinking and how we have come to define ourselves.

The second way requires us to surrender to another and is traditionally the master-disciples (or worse, slave), teacher-apprentice types of relationship. Here our goal is to become the teacher and live the truth that they live. We become a copy of their truth, good or bad, positive or negative. Since reality molds itself to whatever we believe, we can make ourselves become a copy of another if we choose to do so.

The third options requires us to surrender to the truth within our own being at potentially the exclusion of all else. Living our unique truth could make you look like a rebel or a crazy person to world in which we live and/or a hero and genius. This third way will cause us to explore and discover the depth and breath of our own infinite consciousness.

The fourth way requires the merging of our truth with another and each surrenders to the offspring of the merging which is neither our truth or theirs but a merging. Each shares their truth and each has the experiences to make the others’ truth our own, In the process neither should be required to deny their own truth for the merged creation contains all of the individual parts plus the which arises from the merging. The merged truth should literally be a synthesized truth and greater than either part. This fourth way will expand our awareness of the depth and breath of reality. It will cause us to explore and discover the depth and breath of both our internal and external worlds.

The question that arise for each of us whether we are willing to address it or not, is “Are we able to walk with others and still be the unique independent creation that we are and yet remain totally involved with the world in which we live and the individuals we experience in that world?” This is an inquiry that seems to be rarely taught or realized in life . Even fewer individuals address it and live it. However, there is a price that is paid if it is not addressed and that is the separation from the essence of our being.

Whether we realize it or not, we all struggle with trying to live our truth. No matter how one lives their life, one of the games of life that humans play and most of us invest very heavily into the game, is to get others to “buy into” or accept our world view - that is, how we see world. Not that our world view is a correct view but, rather, if others buy into our world view, we are happy in that we don’t have to change the truth of what we believe. Their belief in us validates who and what we think we are. It makes our lives much easier and much more enjoyable when others believe the way we believe. This game is a never ending dance we all do and there is nothing wrong with this dance. It is just a result of how consciousness defines itself by the experiences it has. We do this on both and individual and collective level whether that collective be our family, society or humanity. Itself.

The only problem that arises in trying to get others to live and share our reality is when we force our view in one way or another on others and there are a variety of techniques that have been used throughout history. In doing so, we don’t allow the other to live and be the truth that they are. If they choose to follow us and live our truth or share our truth so be it. However to get another individual, adult or child, to live our truth without their consent is simply control. If we do it aggressively enough and/or forcibly enough, it can, and will, be felt as a rape of their being. And it needs to be added, one can be raped not only physically but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Many have been whether they realize it or not. This is one of the primary reasons how we lose our ability to be in the spontaneous and innocent childlike play.

So Where Are We and What Does All this Mean?

What this means is that each of us needs to go within our being and understand how we have come to think who we are and how our body and its wisdom communicates to us in its unique fashion. We each have to come to know ourselves in the most intimate way and most intimate details. We cannot hide from ourselves. We must face that is which ourselves. Once we understand what we have created, we can begin to see the flow of the creative life energy that has, and is sustaining our being. We can begin to see where it came from and where it is flowing. We can discover what it feels like to be in that flow. We can live our lives from an internal compass that always leads us true no matter what is happening in our external world.

To do this and start this process, we can take the following actions. However, to do this exercise, we have to believe or at least open ourselves to the belief that we created everything we see and experience, even the physical world and all its detail, at some level of our being. Start the exercise by assuming that we are a being of infinite consciousness and infinite creative ability. We need to believe that we have created a puzzle for ourselves to prove to our self how creative we really are. Then have a dialogue with ourselves why we created our world and the experiences we have the way we did and not some other way. Let the conversation go wherever it needs to go. In this dialog, remember it is about why and how we created this puzzle to prove to ourselves how powerful a creator we really are. Trust and believe what surfaces. Most are utterly surprised at what we come to understand and we will see what some call magic unfold before us. To other the simply see synchronicity. We may find that what begins to surface is “too much to be believed.” If this happens, then we will have to decide if we are willing to empty our vessel, to clean ourselves out, and make room for who and what we really are - a being of unlimited creativity simply choosing to have a physical experience within a physical vehicle in the form of our body.

The choice is our to decide if we wish to take this journey into our unlimited creativity. If we decide to take this journey, we will find we need to ask ourselves, “So, what is it I came to do? That in turn, leads to the intention for our life and following our body wisdom and our creative passion.

To effectively walk through life and in the end to know that we have completed a job well done, we need to give ourselves permission to return to the spontaneous innocent childlike play of childhood where we allowing ourselves to cycle between stepping into our creative passion to recreate our life in a new way that is capable of surviving in the world only to step out again into the new and different way of being we created. We are the Phoenix. We can recreated ourselves as often as we like and when we like. We become our ultimate destiny when we consciously recreate ourselves in each an every moment in any way that we choose yet becoming like the wind - free and unattached when it comes and free and unattached when it leaves only to savor and being fully present in the moment. The more we realize that we are only Consciousness at play with Itself, exploring and discovering who and what we defines ourselves to be, and can be in the spontaneous innocence of child like play, the easier and easier this task becomes. The only constrain we face is that we have chosen to do this in a physical body. Yet we are fully capable of redefining what it means to have a physical experience and what it means to be physical. The choice is our and always has been. The question is do we choose or not to choose the intention for our life?

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