The conscious (elective) journey into creativity


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The consciously elected journey into exploring creativity really started when the author chose to relinquished his position as the Acting Director of the Office of Research, Development and Testing Facilities at the US Department of Energy, to become a senior technical advisor to the office director of a newly formed engineering support group. It was through that decision that he place himself into the situation he had both the time and workplace flexibility to study creativity both organizationally and on the individual level. The journey started as an exploration of creativity in the work place but as discussed here it evolved into and exploration of our inherent creativity. Yet, this only makes sense for people lie at the heart of any organization and the individual’s creative spirit lies at the heart of each individual.

As was stated in “The Unfoldment of the Calling,” the Acting Director of the Office of Research, Development and Testing Facilities, the issue the author ultimately came to face was how does one get individuals to freely play with the situation they face to find those creative solutions that go to the depth of the situation and address the root of the issue they face. It was clear individuals seemed to lack the creative ability to solve the problem they faced at the root level. What he began to observe, that no matter how creative and/or intelligent individuals claimed to be unless the issues lied in their particular area of expertise, they usually tended to look to someone else to solve their problem. Individuals seemed to be creatively block outside their direct area of expertise.

Although he began to think about creativity and began to dabble in it privately, it was the experience of developing the Laboratory Integrated Prioritization System as the Acting Director of the Office of Research, Development and Testing Facilities, that really caused him to look at creativity and how individuals were making decisions and why they were making the decisions they did. What he found because of the project, decision makers at every level did not always want to see the facts. Or rather maybe better said, he found they often couldn’t see the facts. The author was confuses as to why managers were making what appeared to be seemingly fact less based decisions. That is what Laboratory Integration Prioritization System was revealing.

Decision making and the issue managers faced in decision making was not new to the author. The author had spend years as decision maker in one form or another at a variety of levels. He always knew decision makers had their personal agendas, so it is always good to know the agenda of one’s supervisor. He learned the lesson of supervisors having a personal agenda as a young officer in the Navy in a rather embarrassing way. Similarly, he always knew decision makers also tried to put off, or put on someone else, decisions they did not want to make, couldn’t make or didn’t know how to make. This relearned this lesson in a rather radical way as a safety officer at a nuclear materials research facility. He also knew that most decisions makers wanted to take the easy solution to any problem they faced. This was one of those lessons he learned early in life as a child. Then he knew many decisions makers were short term planner and did not always look at the longer solution or even the "big" picture. Most just wanted to create a comfortable lives for themselves. Here too, childhood experience provided this awareness. There is no judgment in these statements. It is just the way most of us are live our lives.

But what he come to see through the Laboratory Integrated Prioritization System was something more profound and totally unexpected. He began to see the areas in which decision makers avoided the facts and often literally could not see the fact. They always had reason for what they did and could sometimes even provide excuses as to why the facts could be avoided. It was here he began to see interesting failures in logic of even brilliantly logical minds. It was as thought the decision makers were blinded by something when it came to certain areas or aspects of the job. They could not see past certain limits and barriers they were somehow imposing on themselves. They had more than enough reasons which they would give for their decisions but that did not mean those reason were really valid. The reasons always sounded good but when explored, they were not necessarily valid.

In part, you could say many managers were being asked to manage issues and problems that were beyond or outside their areas of training, experience and expertise. Once could say he was only experiencing the “Peter Principle” in action. That is, where managers are promoted to their level of incompetency. But that did not explain what was being seen. There was something more fundament at work.

If it wasn’t for that fact that the author had reviewed so many accident investigations and reports he probably would not have taken any interest in what he was observe because of the Laboratory Integration Prioritization System. But he knew every accident or incident had precursors. The precursors were often readily visible if you were observant and understood what you were observing. He was seeing the creation of accident precursors in the way managers were making decisions. Although he did not call it awareness, without realizing it, the author began to explore the concept of awareness and what does or does not make one aware. The author initial thought what was needed to get individuals to prevent accidents and make competent decisions came through training and education. So his efforts moved in the direction of exploring accelerated learning technique to assist the creation of awareness through training and education.

Over the years, while watching people in the work place lose enthusiasm for their work, the question kept coming back, “Why do so many people loose their creativity and enthusiasm for life by the time they reach middle age?” Where was that spontaneity of childhood to explore. Young children, in general, seemed to have such a great capacity for creativity and were so free to try new things. They engage life with an enthusiasm that is so quickly lost. Where did the willingness to approach life in that child-like enthusiasm go? Accompanying the accelerated training exploration the author also began to look at motivational techniques for the workplace. Many changes that were occurring and the question was how to get individuals motivated to embrace the changes. How does one get them to that childlike enthusiasm to flow with the changes. The author worked on shifting culture a few years earlier in the Office of Scientific and Engineering Recruitment, Training and Staff Development. But now, because of the shifting world situation the organizational changes being required were much more substantial changes that just improving safety, health and quality.

Paralleling the organizational exploration into creativity, the author also began to wonder why so many successful individuals seem so unhappy and/or unfulfilled in the jobs they had. Part of the problem was, of course, job assignment that the individual did not like doing or did not want to do. However, again, he was seeing something much deeper. Many were working only for a pay check even when in their chosen field doing jobs reflective of that field. Many seemed only to find excitement in life in what they did outside of work. Although it was quite clear individuals needed to have a paycheck or some type of income to live in the world a question was arising as to why individuals were not accessing their creative power to create something that was more satisfying in their job life. After all, we spend about a third of our awakened life working and/or traveling to and from work if not more. That is an enormous amount of time doing something you don’t like doing. What was it keeping them bound. Was it really the paycheck?

Over time, the organization went through a series of attempted work place up grades like the Covey Approach to Management, Total Quality Management, and other similar management philosophies, all with questionable results. In seeing what these approaches assumed and didn’t address, the author began to explore as to what he could personally do. Given what he had come to know about creativity, he set out to see if he could find an alternative way to resolve many of the workplace issues he was experiencing and which remained unresolved after many different organizational attempts.

He went back to what he had learned from is Physics Department Chairman as un undergraduate in understanding our assumptions. He knew there was some fallacy in the assumptions being made about how the organization should be structured. He knew there were better ways to run organizations for he had been in such organizations. The Laboratory Integrated Prioritization System demonstrated that aspects of the job that did not appear capable of integration could be integrated. The question was, “Was there an alternative way to live life such that there was overall improved workplace efforts in all areas and greater personal satisfaction in life for the individual?” The author chose to look for such a path through improved creativity. The Laboratory Integrated Prioritization System proved it was possible.

The author began the initial journey into looking for an alternative way in the workplace through accelerated learning techniques to address new training and qualification upgrades and management encouraged organizational “upgrades.” To integrate the new training and qualification upgrades with the management encouraged organizational “upgrades” more efficiently and effectively the author did what he though was going to be a simplifying action. He had his support contractor review all the desired upgrades for common attributes. It was stated by the parties demanding upgrades that they all desired the same end. So, since the stated end was the same, the logic was, all the different approaches being suggest should develop the same characteristics and attitudes although at different times in different ways.

When each individual demanded upgrade was explored, there was a great different in both what was being required and how it was to be done. In fact, many were in conflict with each other. What managers were stating as to what they were asking the organization and individuals do to was not what their methods would produce. This result took the author back to what he had observed in the Laboratory Integrated Prioritization System project. It caused him to contemplate what he was really observing about how and why management decisions were being made in the way they were being made. He was confuses as to why managers were making what appeared to be seemingly fact less based decisions. He saw that result in the Laboratory Integration Prioritization System and now he was seeing it again when an entirely different approach was use to look what was being required of the organization. He looked again at the issue to be explored and the author started to explore deeper into the nature of creativity and why we lose the ability to “play” with options and outcomes to look at all the consequences before making decisions.

Paralleling the effort to look at creativity in the workplace, there were two other efforts in progress in the author’s life that impacted the consciously elected journey into creativity. One was the author was asked by a physician to help create a mind body healing foundation. Assisting in this effort allowed the author the opportunity to explore the creative aspects of accident, illnesses, disease, health, healing and wellness. The second effort was the author’s extensive personal reading and exploration in any and all aspects of creativity and how one can get conscious control ourselves and what we experience. There were a variety of things he had learned about creativity in his personal readings that were slowly beginning to overlap with his professional path in life.

The above discussion overviews the background issues that drove the author to explore creativity. However, it does need to be noted that the above only described what the author was consciously aware of choosing to do. As stated in the mystical path, there was, and is, a deep undercurrent to the author’s life that was carrying him into exploring creativity. There was an subconscious journey to explore creativity that was present of which the author was not really aware existed. It never really reveal itself. Rather it revealed the intention for his life. It revealed the much deeper third journey into creativity which is reflected in the third dance introduced on the “Our Creative Spirit” homepage, the dance between the creator and the creation.

As you may have noticed, the presentation of the material on the origins of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology and its application is directed toward showing we each are on a deeper journey into exploring creativity. Although the author was only aware of consciously choosing to explore creativity as a result of the issues he saw in the workplace and he subsequently consciously choose to explore our inherent creativity and look for an alternative way to live life, his whole life has been orchestrated for this task. It has been so orchestrated in this direction that it calls into question whether or not we even have a free will. In the awareness of what the author has found about our creativity and our creative power and creative ability, it is suggested that you being to take a close look at your life. Look to see what undercurrent may be guiding you through life for in this undercurrent you can access an inner satisfaction that will create a life worth living

The next step
Subconscious journey into creativity

An Alternative step 
The recovery of a creative spirit - a soul retrieval

Index of topics related to the origins of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology and applications
The pieces of the puzzle

Origins and Occasions
for the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology and it applications

Index of origins and occasion topics

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