Working the triune self


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It is stated in the discussion entitled, “The Recovery of a Creative Spirit - a Soul Retrieval:” In essence the author found a view of Creation that reasonably matched his intuitive understanding of Creation and he simultaneously became aware of the power, and need for, clear intention. The understanding he accessed was an understanding about triune self, a way to begin to work with triune self and a way use clear intention through a single point focus

As stated above, there was an understanding which the author accessed that provided a way for him to work with the triune self. That understanding was found within what he understood to be the Hawaiian Huna tradition. It was not so much the particular practices, prayer, rituals and the like that provided the key breakthrough. Rather it was the equivalence of the three aspects of the triune self.

The author had been exposed to a variety of traditions that discussed the triune self. Although his mind was forming a composite of the traditions, there was no particular way to acknowledge the equivalence of the three aspects in the author’s mind. He was very aware of the conscious self which he called Ken. Many aspects of his enculturated and social training directed him toward the supra consciousness. Usually the form of the supra consciousness was in the form of some concept of God but it could also be in the form of angles, or devils, or some other form of spirit entities that guided or influenced his life. That is, the author was exposed to, and directed toward, some form of consciousness which lied outside and “above” the author’s human consciousness and ego.

However, little understanding was provided in the way of the subconscious or lower self. In essence, the subconscious aspects seemed to be given the flavor of being sub human, animalistic or an undesired part of one’s being. What lied in the lower self was seen as part of the “dark” side or unwanted side of life. Usually the lower self was not consider as part of one’s being but that somehow anything below the human consciousness was just some type of vehicle use by the soul to have a physical experience. Or, it was seen as those aspects of life which society judged as unacceptable for one reason or another. Most of guidance in this area directed one away from the lower self and/or away from the subconscious.

The perspective provided by Huna changed all of that. Part of the Huna tradition to which the author was exposed talked about naming the Lower Self and working with it as an independent and essentially co-equal entity. It talked about learning how to communicate with it and to find out it likes and dislikes. Although what was provided as how to explore this aspect of being seemed at times a bit unrefined and simplistic, nevertheless the idea of learning to communicate with the lower self and see it as a co-equal to the conscious mind was quite revealing.

Although the actions the author ended up doing were not fully clear or understood at the time, they did set the stage for the unfoldment that would occur over the years. In particular, in July of 1993
he had learned enough about how we create that he found it necessary to write out a statement and take responsibility for the reality he experienced and for the creation of it. He knew his thought, actions and words did create the experience he had. As a minimum they cause him to move through Creation such that what he experienced was his choice. So, in effect, he did create the reality he experienced. How much of the reality was something to be explored.

In September of 1993 he started to practice what understood to be a Huna manifesting technique. Shortly thereafter, he awoke with a dream and the awareness he came to change the world. Or maybe better said and understood at the time, that he came to change the world in which he grew up. Since the concept of Huna and the concepts in Huna were much removed from his enculturated understanding. To use Huna in any way was to change his world.

Here again, there are several different ways one can interpret changing the world. We each carry the world in which we grew up in our mind and in many ways in our body. By changing our mind we do change the world in which we grew up. In doing so, we change the world we experiences because our decisions and choices are different then they would have been. Changing the world itself does seem ridiculous. That is until one realizes that anything in this world created by humanity started as an idea in the mind of a single individual. Whether it is going to the moon, transplanting an human organ, rearranging the structure of a nucleus, all of which have changed the world, started out as an idea in the mind of a single individual. So to say that we each are capable of changing the world is not as ridiculous as it may first appear.

But it was not until that the author named his Lower Self and actively started pursing working with his Lower Self did things start to change. In particular, he looked for way to communicate with it and to understand and receive its communication. Yet, rather than following Huna tradition in working with the lower self, his understanding about the equivalent of the Lower Self was a blending of all the triune traditions in which he studied.

At the time he began to work with the equivalent of the Lower Self, he had no really perception as to exactly how to understand this Lower Self. He was aware of the body and our instinct as being part of it. But it was perceived as being something more. He was aware that it was somehow associated with the subconscious but the author did not readily embrace the subconscious as being an entity unto itself. Yet, the author was more than willing to accept the supra consciousness as totally separate and even consisting of a multitude of different forms. So there was a little struggle as to understand what exactly is this Lower Self. Nevertheless, he worked with it as an equal partner to his consciousness. He had not yet embraced his supra consciousness as a co-equal. That too much more time.

As he worked with the Lower Self as he understood it, the awareness of it grew. All that he learned about the Lower Self from Huna or any of the other triune traditions quickly fell by the wayside as new awareness supplanted what was learned. He found and accessed a multitude of ways in which to communicate with it. Our intuitive guidance system being the one way with which most are familiar and can understand.

Eventually working with this Lower Self lead him to an experience of the Ultimate Accident for he had to follow his internal compass which in turn, was the essential communication from his Lower Self and the link with the infinity of Creation.It was then in the experience of the Ultimate Accident that the understanding about the supra consciousness was shattered.. In the experience of the Ultimate Accident the awareness of the Oneness/oneness overrode all that his mind had learned and understood. Yet, only in hindsight could the author see that embracing and working with what the triune traditions called the Son, the Lower Self, the subconscious self, the Automaton, the body and the animal nature was the doorway that open that lead to the freedom of his creative spirit. It lead to the Ultimate Accident and subsequently the understanding of the depth and breadth of the unlimited creativity that is inherent within our being.

In time he came to understand that all the triune traditions were simply trying to find a way to express the relationship between the creator, the creation and the awareness behind both the creator and creation. The Lower Self is simply our creation and unless we embrace it, we deny our own creative power. The author in learning how to embrace and work with his Lower Self was only embracing his own creation and learning how to consciously become the creator that he is and as we all are.

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