Occasion for the Ultimate Accident


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The occasion for the Ultimate Accident was actually a choice. It was the choice to act on the offer provided by the Universe at Virginia Beach. In essence it was about creating the correct conditions to act on the offer. The details of exactly what it was and how it was done to create the occasion for the Ultimate Accident is not provided here.

The reason what the details are not provided here is quite simple. What needs to be done for you to increase the possibility of stumbling into the Ultimate Accident is not what the author needed to experience. Nor will what you need to experience necessarily be like anything any other needs to experience. They may be similar but there will be differences. You are unique and your path will be unique. Often there will be significant differences. Those similarity which can be addressed are found in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding. Some of the things you may wish to consider doing can be found in the discussion “Creating the Occasion for the Ultimate Accident - Assembling a Critical Mass.” The specific detail as to creating the occasions will not really serve another.

The single biggest mistake the author made in responding to what the Ultimate Accident provided was expecting what he experience would be what others had to experience. Many of the workshops created in the 1996-2004 time frame were an attempt to provide that “magic pill” or way for an individual to feel safe enough to step aside their mind and allow their creative spirit to freely flow, unfold and experience the Ultimate Accident.

However, each attempt failed to achieve the desired expectations in some way and the author could not initially put his finger on as to why they failed. Only in time did he come to see the mistake and why it was a mistake to think the way he did about creating or giving the experience to another. It was only in studying and comparing the lives and the teachings of others who were reported to have experienced the Source of Creation and/or were reported to have become enlightened did he begin to understand the problem as to why each of our paths are unique. In particular, he saw the issue of mind and exactly how mind was functioning in the creative process. That issue is outlined in “The Problem of Mind and the Experience of the Source of Creation - the Trap of Mind.” That understanding, in turn gave rise to “The Overall Intent of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology.”

However, it has been found one can guide another on the path through feeling. When the author symbolically connected his heart to another with the intent of accessing what they were truly desiring to create - getting to the heart of the matter - he found he did not mental know anything different. However, his feelings and intuitive guidance as to what needed to be done dramatically shifted. In time he came to realize that he could combine the experience of the unfolding flower coupled with the awareness of what lied in the heart and the feeling it provided in its unfoldment. He could calibrate his awareness to understand what was needed to create the space for the creative spirit within another to become free.

In getting an individual into consciousness awareness of their creative spirit and what its freedom feels like and what it desires to create, the individual can allow it to lead their life. In doing so, they put themselves on the path of the Ultimate Accident. Doing this is what will give another the greatest probability to create the occasion for the Ultimate Accident. This is true because, in essence, they are aligning with the intention for their life when they do this. This in turn, is to align with the flow of energy that created and sustains their life. That is an individual’s direct and personal connection to the source/Source of their creative power and the Source of Creation. It is then only a matter of time of how long it will take and how far out of alignment from the intention for their life their life may have become. If the individual creates conditions similar to what is described in “Creating the Occasion for the Ultimate Accident - Assembling a Critical Mass” and align with the intention for their life, they will help the process along and increase the probably of the Ultimate Accident. This is what the author ultimately did to create the occasion for the Ultimate Accident.

The Next Step
The turning point - experiencing the Ultimate Accident

An Alternative step 
The recovery of a creative spirit - a soul retrieval

Index of topics related to the origins of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology and applications
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for the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology and it applications

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