Holding our Creativity Sacred

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Within the creativity perspective, our creativity and our ability to be creative within the creative process is protected or what we could call, held “sacred.” In saying our creativity and our creative ability and creative power to create within the creative process is protected, what this means is that we protect our ability to enter the most creative playful state of being when the need arises. The most creative state of being is to enter the spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of one’s self and one’s world without the judgements and intervention of mind. In addition to doing what needs to be done to regain this ability, we protect what we regained so we don’t lose that ability again.

One question that will arise if it hasn’t already is, “What does it look like and/or feel like to hold our creativity sacred - what exactly does it mean?” To answer this question is two fold. To answer it, it needs to be remembered there are two ways to experience and view Creation. One is through the mind and what we think and believe. The other is through what we feel and symbolized by the heart. Hence, one part of the answer is what does it look like to mind to hold our creativity sacred. The other part is to look at what we feel when we hold our creative sacred and how that feeling is perceived by mind.

The easiest way to explain holding our creativity sacred is to understand the most creative state of being is a state of being best represented by the spontaneous and innocent childlike play of a child in the exploration and discovery of itself and its world at each and every level of its being. Its motives are pure for it has no motive other than to explore and discover its world however it can wherever it lives. We are born in this state of being. We all have been there and we all know what it feels like to experience this type and kind of play. We will remember the feeling of this type and kind of play when we come close to reentering this state.

The ability to enter and be in this state of play is inherent within our being at any age of life. The problem we face in holding our creativity sacred is that for one reason or another we shutdown or turned off the ability to be in this state of play. Because of the uniqueness of our being, we will each experience this state in some way differently than another . Similarly, we each have shutdown our ability to experience this state of being in a different way. The way we shut it down is a way unique to the experiences we have had. Yet, there are common elements. Those common elements are the basis of the creativity perspective.

Experienced as an adult, this state of being is best described as an experience of wonderment and “ah” at oneself and the universe. That is, we are so overwhelmed in we experience that all we can utter is “ah” at the wonderment of what is. Some describe it as a state of internal bliss and joy that never runs dry no matter what is happening in the external world. Some refer to it as “being in the flow” which is very appropriate since we are surrendering to the flow of the creative life energy manifesting the experience. Others experience it as a fullness of being and /or a fullness and passion for life and being alive. No matter how we describes this experiences, we lose, or rather shutdown, this ability when mind steps in with it judgments and uses the experiences it has had to think it knows better as to what our play should look, and/or feel, like.

Since mind loves to control, it destroys the spontaneity by its thinking. Since mind lives in the world of duality and judgments, its presence destroys the innocence in how and what is experienced. We need to be “out of mind” to regain an innocence about life and the spontaneity in life. We have to become spontaneous and innocent as a child. This state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of ourselves and our world is the most mystical state of existence you can enter. It is the doorway to the unseen realms of Creation and can lead one to a conscious experience and realization that creation/Creation in whatever form it is experienced is simply consciousness at play with itself.

So, to hold our creativity sacred means to retain and preserve the ability to freely and readily enter this state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play at will. It means we are free to step out of mind and outside of what we think and believe. It means we can allow ourselves to feel to see if we are moving into a fullness within our being and/or feeling full of life. It does not necessarily mean we always live in this state. Rather, it is to be fully and consciously aware of when , why, how and where we do not allow ourselves to enter this state of being to explore the experience we are having and/or to access the level of creativity we need for our creative endeavor.

Of course to enter this state of being and or become aware of how, when, why and where we are not in this state of being, we will have to work to regain this ability. This means doing the work to free ourselves from your past hurts and pains that gave rise to response patters of life where we learned to suppress this ability.

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