Working with the free will of another


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creation is magical enough to allow each of us to live true to the truth of our own being and yet allow the other to remain free to do the same. There is no need to force anyone to do anything. All you can really do is create the space for the other to exercise their free will and show them what is possible.

One needs to be fully invested in what they do. However, when you work with the free will of another, there usually, if not almost always, is a desired response from the individual. You want their first response to be what you what. But that is not allowing them the freedom for them to choose. To work with another, you must go into your being and go out as far as you have to past your expectations to not identify with them accepting or not accepting your offer. You have to be able to fully accept them saying no and them saying yes. You must be open to both options. You cannot be identified with either response. Then you can be fully invested in one or the other and you have given a true free choice to the other. Then, when the individual responds, be fully invested in that response.

In making a request of another, consider the following approach. It must be remembered that the first response one gives is independent of what is asked. The first response is based on the past and how one responded in the past. Ask anybody for anything but don’t expect anything from them as to how they will respond. You will need to live on the edge between the two possible choices of accepting and declining. You need to go to where you don’t know if you are going to get away with what you desire to do and what you ask and have either choice be acceptable. Learning to live with either/or is about not being tied to what you want and not doing what the ego would prefer but living differently.

To set the stage to make the request, get a clear picture of the individual in your mind and get a clear picture of yourself. Then picture your request taking place. Then picture your request not taking place. When you able to live with either response, then you can ask them what you wish for you will not be binding them to either a yes or no. You can live with either and they have the freedom to choose.

If you truly want a particular response and you want to ensure it, you will have to consider the fact that you are the creator of your experiences and the world you experience. The other is there only to give you the experience you desire. You will need to understanding it is because of how and what you choose to believe and how you are making your choices that has created the world as you currently experience it. You will have to go within and ask your intuitive guidance, “What do I need to do, what do I need to become to live my life such that I create a world and/or a way of being in the world such that I bring to me the experience where the other individual is free to respond in the way I desire?” You then will have to listen to your intuitive guidance and honor the intuitive guidance you receive following the guidance you get to create that world.

If you doubt you can change the world, you need to remember everything in this world created by a human being started with a thought within the mind of a single individual. You have such a power within your being. But you have to ask yourself what you need to do and what you need to become to change the external world. But to change the external world, you first have to start with how you respond to the world. How you respond to the world is based on how and what you think and believe and the choices you make. So to change the external world, any part of it, including the response of a person, you must look within and see what needed to be changed internally.

How long will it take? It all depends on what you desire to create and the starting conditions in which you find yourself.

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