Web of beliefs


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Many of the beliefs we hold are not single and isolated. Whenever we explore a creative endeavor it is often obvious there is a belief or two which we will need to change or modify to create what we desire. That should be obvious since the mind that created the problem we face is not the mind that will solve the problem.

However, when we go and change the belief or modify a belief, we find there are many other beliefs that are entwined, connected or otherwise entangled as if our beliefs are webbed or entwined together. That is, it is as if each belief we hold is tied and connected with a multitude of other beliefs.

In many ways our beliefs are linked to one another the way these discussion files are hyperlinked to each other. Any one file is not linked to all the other files. But, any one file is linked to several that are in turn linked to several more and so on. After a short exploration, you find that all the files are all interconnected and linked in some way to each other. So changing one belief is like changing the content of one of these files. That change may or may not ripple through many others. So it is not a simple task of changing one or two beliefs. Rather we often must revisit a whole belief structure, a way of thinking, and the implications from that way of thinking. The discussion of the Seven Chakras provides a good representation of how our beliefs are nested together around seven aspects of life.

Encountering a web of beliefs is especially true when we choose to explore the depth and breadth of our creativity and/or address programming that goes back to our early years of life. It is because these beliefs center around our early life experience that they become so powerful. These early life experiences and the beliefs they generate often act as a foundation upon which we build our life. If we begin to change these beliefs we risk changing our whole approach to life and our approach to our creative activities. It should not be to surprising that changing a belief we carried all our life will radically change our view and all that the belief affected. Some of the changes that can result form changing a single core belief can be quite profound.

It is here creative play and our creative imagination become very important tools in exploring our beliefs and look to change them. By being free to explore our beliefs structure in our own mind through our creative imagination there are many options and possibilities which can explore. We can actually see what beliefs are the most effective for what we desire to create.

Now what is interesting is when we find a belief that is extremely powerful in helping us to create what we desire but we cannot integrate it with our other beliefs. If we choose to live this belief and not integrate with the rest of our beliefs, we cause ourselves to live in separation and we will feel somehow separated from our source/Source of creative power/Creative Power. Or, we many not feel a separation but will feel a lack of wholeness. So as to not feel the separation or the lack of wholeness, we end up numbing what we feel. That in turn just leads to more separation and possibly even addictions.

Since many of our beliefs are web together and part of one or more larger beliefs structures, many of the web connections are not readily known, easily surfaced or easily cut. It is here rituals, ceremonies, special excursions like pilgrimages, voyages or quests, special education or training programs, and the like can be used to address beliefs in mass and the belief structures for given areas of our life. The discussion, “Background for the Seven Chakra Questionnaire” for rituals describes such a process utilized in the Seven Chakra Questionnaire developed for rituals.

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