Freezing water analogy of energy consciousness manifestation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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One way to imagine how energy consciousness forms into Physical Creation is to look at freezing water.

As the temperature slows decreases. The water within a given calm body of water will slowly form a thin, invisible sheet of ice across the entire surface of the body of water. If the water stays calm, and the water continues to cool, the sheet of ice become thicker and thinker. Eventually it becomes a solid piece of ice capable of supporting large weights.

Analogously, energy consciousness does the same thing As consciousness continues to hold focus on a given clear intention, not disrupted by other thoughts, the energy of energy consciousness “condenses” itself into a denser and denser form until it is eventually experienced as a physical experience or creation.

The problem with this analogy is that water freezes because thermal energy or heat energy is removed from the water. However, as energy consciousness “condenses” into physical reality nothing is removed and nothing is added, it only reshapes itself based on the intention of consciousness. The beauty of the analogy is that almost everyone is familiar with ice and water (if only in their kitchen freezer) and one can readily sees that ice and water are just different forms of the same thing. This is the aspect of this analogy that is most important. The Physical Creation we experience is related to non-manifested energy consciousness as ice is to water.

In this analogy, it is the intention held by consciousness that defines the boundaries for the shape of the experience or material creation that forms. In this freezing water analogy, the particular intention that is held acts as the boundaries that contain the body of water. If consciousness changes its intention, the shape of the body of water will change causing a different from to take shape. If consciousness keeps changing its intention never enough energy accumulates to produce a given solid form. Similarly, if consciousness continues to hold an intention, the form becomes very solid and difficult to dissolve back into its essence.

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