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Our body and its environment is our truth manifested


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Within the understanding of the equivalency of energy and consciousness our energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness and that reality will mold itself to whatever we intend, it needs to be understood that there is a consciousness that has focused its attention and awareness such that it has manifested our body. Alternatively said, our body has been molded for what that consciousness has intended. It doesn’t matter if we believe this consciousness is God, our Higher Self or our consciousness or whatever. Our body and the experiences of the body is our truth manifested for it is the truth of who we are whomever intended our existence.

On this point, it needs to be remember that tradition says that when the Buddha sat under the Boda tree on his path to enlightenment and was being trouble by daemons that arose to torment and haunt him, he continually touched the ground to remind himself that to be incarnate in Physical Creation in that moment was his truth. His truth was not the realms of the unmanifested where the demons existed. Rather his truth was in his body and his environment. So there is no need to judge our body and condemn it any way. Rather it should be loved and cherished for the truth that it is. To judge it as unacceptable in any way is to separate ourselves form that which created it and to live in separation form the creator/Creator whomever we believe that creator/Creator to be.

In the oneness of the universe, our body and its environment is the physical manifestation of every level of our current being. The human physical experience is our consciousness expressed physically. As such, we needs to be fully accepting of ourselves at every level of our being which include the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. The easiest and quickest way to access the body wisdom which comes with the truth of our being is to love, nurture and cherish the body that we have chosen at some level of our being to use. In doing so, we will become familiar with how it speaks to us and the language that is uses, and learn to be attentive to its needs.

As such, our body must be free to access and utilize any part of our being that is the most efficient way to communicate to our consciousness. Hence, we must be open to what we feel and fully accepting of ourselves at every level of our being not denying and/or judging what we feel, sense or think. However we chose to act on what we feel, sense or think is another issue and there is a level of discernment that we will need to learn for the time and place in which we live. The discernment will come only after we have allowed what is to be present to fully and freely express itself. Any attempt judgment, control or directing of the feeling, sensation and/or thought before it has fully manifested will separate us from our own internal body wisdom.

Our current body is only the instrument that has been selected to play our unique note of Creation in Creation and experience our unique view of the universe. The note of middle C of a piano can be played on any instrument and it will sounds slightly different because of the instrument, but middle C is unique. No other note sounds like middle C and any instrument or scale is incomplete without it. In the same way our note, our unique expression of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation is always the same only it sounds, or rather, looks slightly different depending on what body we use to incarnate or the vehicle we created for the experience we wish to have. Creation is incomplete without our note. If we wish to change the experiences we are having in our body, we are free to do so. However, to do so, you will have to make aspects of the nonconscious conscious to recreate our life.

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