Reconstitution is not ego repair


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The reconstitution process is not ego repair nor is it about getting the ego functional in society such as may be done in psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. Rather it will destroy the ego to create the space to allow us to recreate ourselves in a way that reconstitutes our creative ability and creative power.

What needs to be realized is that the world we experience and the ego we have is a creation that resulted from the way we currently manager our creative ability and creative power. When we look to reconstitute our creative ability and creative power, we are going to change the way we manager our creative life energy. That, in turn, will no longer allow us to finance the types and kinds of experiences we currently have. Consequently the world the ego knows and what is has used to define itself will change.

Reconstitution is not about creating social misfits, rebels or anarchists. Rather it is about getting us to create ourselves in accordance with our unique truth within their environment in which we find ourselves. Recreating ourselves true to our truth allows our inner world to be harmoniously reflected in our outer world and the universe we see and experience.

There is a fallacy to the whole concept of ego repair. The ego is the “I.” It is the executive or decision making function. It is the part of us that has to integrate and deal with everyday reality that is based on our past experiences and who we think we are. It is the basis of how we respond in the world. It is our ordinary, or “everyday” mind.

What is important about our every day mind is that although we do not always experience our actions or the actions of other logical and rational, in fact they are. They are in the sense we are hardwired and/or programmed by what we think and believe to respond to events. We are much like a computer. Once the programming is set the computer runs in a very particular way determined by it programming. Only with a keen mindfulness and awareness do we really take control.

In reality, our everyday mind is logical, rational, and make decisions through the use of thoughts, memories of the past and our attachments. Although we may have irrational fits of anger, if we look carefully, we are angry because of what we think and believe and how we have attached ourselves to our past experiences and our current experiences. Our mind plans and worries about the future. It broods about the past. It is always making judgements, putting thoughts in our mind, reviewing the data of the past, asking questions to determine and control the future such as “but suppose....” and “What if ....?”

In many ways mind is terrified of the unknown and in not knowing what to expect. To repair our damaged ego is to allow the ego to perceive it can control the future. As viewed from the ego, our ego got bruised, as least as what happened is perceives by ego, by our critical and dysfunctional parents, elders and authority figures, our childhood traumas, our inescapable physical limitations as an infant or a child, and similar things that allow it to believe it has been victimized and not allowed to do what we wanted or what we want to do.

To sooth or repair the ego runs the risk of inflating the ego when in truth, we must learn to go beyond our egos and not take much of what happens personally. It needs to realized that our brothers and/or sisters as is any other individual, are just as damaged as us if not more so. Our care givers created at least as many problems for them as they did for is. Additionally, the same is true about the care givers for others. It is an illusion to think otherwise and to think that any care given to others would have been more helpful for us. Other care givers would only have given a different set of issue to worry about.

It is the nature of the physical plane and the human experience to be conditioned by the inescapable limitation of infancy. Yet, it is exactly the limitations we face that eventually allows us to understand how creative a being we really are. The physical experience is an extremely intense experience such that the intensity itself can be painful. It is an orgasmic experience. In the same way an orgasm can become so intense it borders on pain, so does the physical experience.

As a child we feel the full intensity such that it even hurts when our hair is cut. We can feel the pain of separation of our hair from our body caused by a pair of scissors. We learn to numb ourselves to the intensity so as not to live on the boarder between pain and pleasure. But in doing so, the questions is how far do we numb it. It is the this issue of intensity and how we shut ourselves down because of the intensity is the real reason why people of ancient times come to believe we were born into original sin and some how separated from the Source within our own being. But, this intensity of the physical experience is why the physical experience was designed as it was/is.

The physical plane is the equivalent of a sand box or amusement park created for us to see and experience how creative we really are. To see how creative we are, there must be some feedback look to let us know how well we are progressing. Physical life is a gift and as the pain we find in life. If we take life personally we will never become the creative individual we are. If we become the detached witness, we can come to see how we have created at some level of our being everything we have, and are, experiencing.

The reconstitution process is not outward “functioning.” That is, it does not look to external criteria for success. There is no attempt to transform the individual or society through some outward action. Rather it is inner functioning and looks to an inner satisfaction and fulness of being as its measure of success. It addressed an inner transformation and the allows for that inner transformation to ripple outward into the individuals life and subsequently the world.

Reconstitution is also not about spirituality and what is spiritual and not spiritual but looks to the oneness of all things such that there is no separation between the physical and spiritual. It is about reconstituting the inner creative power/Creative Power and outer creative power/Creative Power at their bridge point where the inner and outer come together in oneness. Reconstitution is totally about the individual’s relationship to both the seen and unseen world they experience.

It is in the awareness of the relationship of the inner and outer that allows the us to heal the separation we find within our being to remove the barriers that we have created and used to compartment our life that has  fragmented and scattered our creative life energy and creative power.

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