Relationships and attachments


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There are a variety of issues that arise relative to our relationship when we seek to reconstitute our creative power and creative ability. They all are ultimately related to the way we are attached to those in our life. Some of the strongest attachments we have are our relationship.

Reconstituting our creative ability and creative power requires us to pull back our creative life energy from all aspects of our life where we have thrust out to create one thing or another that is somehow robbing and/or depleting the flow of our creative life energy. In realizing we are pulling our creative power and creative ability back from what we created in, and with, our life, we can cause our whole life to collapse. Part of the life we have created are the relationship we have with individuals in our life.

How big a transformation of our life we will face and how big an impact it has on the relationship in our life depends on how far out of alignment what we created is from the intention for our life. It depends on how much of our creative life energy has been directed into activities that have not honor and held our creativity sacred. To reconstitute our creative ability and creative power to the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity, we can expect every relationship in our life to change. Some individuals will leave our life. Some will stay. New individuals will enter our life.

What can be expected for any one relationship depends on how true we were living our truth with that individual. The greater we lived our truth, the less the relationship will transform. The less we lived our truth, the greater the transformation that can be expected.

What we will face is breaking the existing attachment within any one relationship and forming a new attachment based on the truth of our being. However, some individuals may not wish to be in our presence when we live the truth of our being. Those individuals we can expect to leave our life. All we can do is set the intention that individuals who do not like what we are becoming are gently lead to where they are safe and secure to live in the way they wish to live.

But breaking attachments does not mean abandoning a loving and meaningful relationship. Meaningful relationships are relationships that nourishes the unfoldment of our creative spirit. They nourish the parts of us that transcends our current life and those that are a product of this life. We each need one or more meaningful relationships in our life if we are going to unfold true to ourselves. If the relationship is truly a meaningful it will only be enhanced as we live our truth.

We need to realize, Creation cannot be done alone. We each need another or others to give us the experiences we desire to have. Some of those relationship need to be meaningful. This requirement is simply a result of the fact that one goal of life is to find and have relationships that provide us the experiences we incarnated to have. That is, to freely express the truth of our being to create the life our creative spirit desires to have. We need another or others to nourish our growth and unfoldment that allow us to expand into the full depth and breath of our being.

What this means in terms of our existing relationships is to end those relationships where a dependency exist on any person or thing. It needs to be clearly understood, we need other to give us the experience we need to have but nothing we need depends on any particular other. There are an infinite number of ways to get what we need. We may need a particular other to create a particular creation. But relative to what we need, there is no particular other.

It is here love and the emotions we associate with love become very relevant, including sexuality. Love is never dependent and not a dependency. To love another because we perceive them as giving us joy, bliss and satisfaction, as opposed to joy, bliss and satisfaction arising from within our own being and our own desire to share it with another, is dependence. The other individual may provide a space for us to be free to experience who and what you are at each and every level of being including sexuality, but you are not dependent on them for the joy, bliss and satisfaction we feel when joy, bliss and satisfaction comes from within. They only create the space for what is within us to come out.

The key to a constructive attachment to any individual in our life no matter what they seem to provides is to know that we can find another to provide that same space if we are not afraid to do the work to find that other. In this understanding we are choosing in freedom to be with the one we have chosen but we are not dependent on them. That is, we don’t need them but choose to have them.

What does need to be understood is to create a specific creation there may be a particular other that cannot be replaced by any other. We each are a unique creative being so each of us will create uniquely with any one other. What we create with that individual will be unique and cannot be created with any other. However, it is the creation that is created that needs the particular other. Nothing that arises from within our being, such as an experience of wholeness, fulfillment, satisfaction, joy, bliss, oneness, and the like comes from any particular other. There is not an individual on the face of the earth with whom we could not have the most passionate and fulfilling love affair and creative experience. All that stands in the way is our own mind. The question is what do we desire to create and who or what do we need to create what we desire.

From the perspective of the intention for our life, there are experiences we incarnated to have. Some of them may require a particular individual for a particular type and kind of experience. But that does not mean the individual who gives us those particular experiences will remain in our life. When the experience is had, there is no need for us to remain with them. Most of the experience we incarnated to have do not require a specific other. However, many of the experience we have, painful or pleasurable, are quite intense. It is almost impossible to not form some type and kind of attachment to the individual who gives us such an experience.

It is these intense experiences which most often arise to be addressed to reform our attachments with individuals in our life. But any experience we have is a two way street. They experience us and we experience them. The fact we may deal with the intensity of the experience and the way we have bound our energy does not mean the other individual is willing to do the same. In these cases the individual will part or the relationship will turn somewhat icy and/or less intimate. Many family relationship lie in this category. For those relationship where each individual is willing to address the energy that is bound, the relationship will grow more intimate and fulfilling whether or not an individual stays in our life.

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