Internal influences on a creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Internal influences are those internal forces that cause something to take a given shape that come from inside the material. For physical materials, these internal forces are determined by the atomic and molecular structure of the material. For human, there are two internal influences. One is the influences of our atomic and molecular structure. The influence arise from our mind and the expectations of our mind.

The internal influences that arise from our atomic and molecular structure are those response and experiences we can have because of our physical conditions. Some substances chemically cause reaction within our body such that we feel and/or think one way or another. A simple example is the way alcohol can affect our thinking and body movement.

Relative to what arises from within our mind, there are two kinds of influences. There are those influences that arise from the truth of our being. These influences are consistent with the truth of who and what we are, what we think and what we believe based on that truth. Then there are those influences that arise not from our being but rather what we have come to think we are based on our experiences in life and our enculturation and other programming.

For example, many spiritual and religious traditions say that a human being is a spirit having a physical experiences as opposed to a human being having a spiritual experience. To be a spirit having a physical experience, the essence of our being is that of a spirit. To be a human being having a spiritual experience is to have the essence of being physical and more of an biological animal. The question is what are you really and can you live true to that truth or does social conditioning and influences your thinking?

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity response to this question would be that you are neither spirit or a physical being. Rather, the essence of you is that you are an infinitely creative being that exists as an awareness that has choose to localize itself in such a way as to have a physical experience. To exist as a spirit is to localize your awareness in an experience no different than how you would localize your awareness to have a physical experience.

Within the creativity perspective and relative to our creative power/Creative Power, our essence is that of an awareness. That is, who and what we are is an awareness that can localize or place its consciousness into whatever from it desires. We can place it into non localized energy and perceive ourselves as a spirit which transcends time and space. Or we can place it into a localized energy in the form of a human body and experience life as a human. This is our essence. Anything else we think about ourselves is only what we have come to believe about ourselves as a result of the experiences we have had and have choose to have.

Now what is important to realizes is that any time our creative life energy becomes unbounded and free to flow into a new creation as we release the energy bound in for example, past painful memories, it is influenced by who and what we think we are. It will flow differently if we see ourselves as an awareness choosing to experience the flow of energy and directing it into a particular creation as opposed to seeing ourselves as a human being with a given identity who has freed itself from past hurt and pain. When we see and experience ourselves as an awareness creating a physical experience based on a chosen identity, we have unlimited possibilities as to what we create. We have the option of directing the freed energy into our currently given identity or we can choose to create a completely new identity. However, if we believe we are a human being or a spirit having a physical experience we see ourselves as having freed ourselves from a past painful memory. That energy then energy goes into reinforcing our current identity. The possibilities of what we can create are limited by that identity and how and what it thinks.

If we act from the awareness that the essence of who we are is an awareness choosing to localize itself in a physical body, as the energy that is released in a transformation process reforms, we will become our unique creation. There is a natural surrender to what is. That is, we align with the truth of our being and align with the flow of our creative life energy and creative passion as it is currently being expressed in, and through, or chosen identity. In this process we become the creator of our reality and our experiences. But we surrender to the higher wisdom that created us whether we see that higher wisdom as God, the Consciousness of All That Is ,or our own internal wisdom that choose the physical experience. It doesn’t matter how we see this creator/Creator of our life. The effect is the same. We surrender to what it has created.

If we act from the awareness that the essence of who we are is an awareness choosing to create and we have an intention that we set and hold, that intention is an internal influence. It will cause our energy to form itself into that creation. Here we become the creator of our reality and our experiences and fully exercise our free will to choose what we desire to choose. We are, of course, free to chose whatever we wish. There are no judgements on what we choose. We only need to understand we will have to live the repercussion and consequences of what we choose for the time and place in which we live.

The most significant repercussion we have is that, as that awareness, we have chosen, for one reason or another, to have a physical experience governed by the intention for our life. If what we choose to create with the intention we hold is in alignment with the intention for our life, there is an ease to what we create. If we choose an intention that is totally opposed to the purpose of our life without going deep enough into the creative/creation process to change the purpose of our life, we will be significantly scattering our energy and it will take a strong will to create what we desire.

What needs to be understood in this process is that if one does not step totally out of their existing ego in this process, the past that we hold onto acts as an internal influence to cause us to reform with that part intact. That is, that part of our past that we don’t discard and recycle continues to influence anything new we create and will be part of our future. This is one reason why it is often important to come to an understanding of how and why we are not our bodies nor the identity we have created for ourselves. If we continue to believe we are our bodies and the identity we have created, we will carry with us all that our body represents and what that identity represents into the future.

If we are able to understand how and why we are not our bodies nor the identity we have created, we carry our body and our identity forward as a vehicle for a physical experience and we are not bound to the body and our identity and what they represents. If we wish, we can look at this as owning an old car. If we believe our identity is tied to the old car and we are criticized, belittled or somehow made to feel inferior because everyone else has a new car we may have an inferiority problem about who and what we are. What others think about our vehicle and what we think about our vehicle will have a great bearing on the decisions we make in life. If however, we get no identity from the car we drive as long as it gets us to where we are going, it doesn’t matter to us what it looks like or what others think. We will have much greater freedom in life if our identity is not tied to the vehicle that we use.

The essential step in creating the space internally is working with our internal influences is to get to the essence of our being and remove all that is not of us and true to that essence. We have to flush out and wash clean all that is not of us. This can be quite difficult at times for many of us don’t know who we really are. We don’t know what we feel and what we really think about things. We have too long followed the expectations of others to know ourselves.

Creating the internal space is to look at both the conscious and subconscious beliefs about what we desire to create and why. It is to explore how and what we think about what we desire to create and look at alternative. It is to enter a state of creative play within ourselves to see what possibilities exist and not be biased by either the physical or not physical identity we have created for ourselves.

Part of creating the internal space should have occurred during the conceptual formation step. That is, when we explore our intention and why we are setting that particular intention, we should have explored the options and our own thinking about the intention we set. If not, we must do that now in the Creating the Space Step. We must become aware the best we can of subconscious or conscious intention that we hold which may conflict with the intention we desire to manifest. If we do not do this exploration, our creative power will be scattered and we will find it difficult to create what we desire.

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