The creative/creation process


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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The creative/creation process

Observing the creative/creation process
The basic creative/creation process
Experiencing the creative process
Creation within Creation
Steps in the creative/creation process
Environment and the creative/creation process
Characteristics of the creative/creation process
The next step

Within Creation, although there are several ways to create, there is a creative/creation process that guides the unfoldment of our creative endeavors and the unfoldment of any creation. Although some creations appears to manifest spontaneously and others seem to take forever, all will undergo an unfoldment and follow a similar process. We do not need to be aware of this process to create what we desire. We all are already are very competent creators for, in essence, the human being is a creativity machine. It is just that we do most of our creating at a subconscious or unconscious level. We are not necessary aware of exactly what we are creating and how.

What is provided here is the starting detailed discussion for a way to help make more of what we do create a conscious creation. The discussion of the creative/creation process provided here is based on a synthesis of understanding about consciousness and energy. This synthesis give rise to the understanding of energy consciousness. This understanding addresses how reality molds itself to what we think and believe by how we choose to act and/or not act on what we believe. The origins and source of information that gives rise to the understanding is addressed but unnecessary for the discussion on the creative/creation process.

What is discussed and the equivalency of energy and consciousness may be difficult to accept. It is recommended you accept what is provided as a real possibility for the nature of the universe. It is also suggested you contemplate the implications if it is true. Whether or not it is true ultimately does not matter. What you will find is that your creativity will be expanded and your creative insights enhanced by exploring the possibility. Expanded creative insights, in turn, will help you to get whatever you seek.

An important corollary to the principle reality molds itself to what we believe is that our creative life energy goes where we consciously and/or subconsciously focus our attention and awareness Our attention and awareness includes all what we think, say and do. It includes the conscious and/or subconscious/unconscious intentions that lie behind each of our thoughts, words, and deeds.

In reading this discussion, it needs to be noted the creative/creation process discussed here is not readily discernable for several reasons. The three most significant reasons are: (1) we are one perspective in an ongoing, infinite, multidimensional, unfolding Creation; (2) the perspective we take greatly determines what we see and don’t see; and (3) we, ourselves, are in process. We are a creative living process continually recreating ourselves as a result of what we experience.

Observing the creative/creation process (Top)

What is provided here is a starting point to see the different aspects of the creative process. To ultimate understand the creative process we have to create something and become very observant as a detached witness as we experience the process. In studying the creative/cr process that we use to create our experiences and the reality of those experiences, it must be remembered the process is happening to us.

The process can be studied in a purely academic manner much as presented here in these discussion. However, it is difficult to separate out what we feel about the process and our experience of the process as we experience the process. To see what is discussed here, we need to learn to become a detached witness and be mindful and aware of what we think and feel.

The following is a composite of the understanding gained in exploring creativity using the multiple perspectives provided by the energy consciousness model. Your observations using a different approach, different philosophy, or a different model or view of Creation will probably provide different results for what we see is greatly influenced by the perspective we take. The perspective used here was chosen specifically to address that types and kinds of question discussed in the topic, “Subconscious Journey into Creativity.” The essence of these questions is ”Is there a view or perspective of the Creation that could encompass everyone’s view as true?” Alternatively said, “Is there a way to view Creation such that whatever one believes they will create or have an experience to affirm or confirm what they believe is true?”

The basic creative/creation process (Top)

What needs to be noted is that ultimately to understand the creative process and how our creative spirit functions to create what we experience, we need to understand the relationship of energy and consciousness. That is, from a creativity perspective, they can be seen and experienced as equivalent forms of the same substance of Creation.

If we observe Creation, we can come to see, all of creation/Creation is about an ebb and flow. The most basic creative/creation process is separation followed by recombination back into a wholeness. There is a localization of energy into what is perceived by consciousness as a form - a form as small as a thought or feeling, or as expansive as a universe. Then there is the dissipate of the energy or dissolving of the form back into a non localized energy. The process is never ending and on going. What causes the energy to localize in any given form is the environment in which it finds itself and the awareness or unawareness of consciousness associated with the process.

Relative to our ability to create, we need to understand consciousness can be seen and experienced as a flow of energy which has become aware of itself. As such, depending of the awareness to which consciousness awakens, it will act as an aware consciousness (a creative spirit), as a flow of energy and/or as a combination of both. As an aware consciousness it will fulfill the masculine aspect of the creative process. As a flow of energy it fulfills the feminine aspect of the creative process. In the combination of energy and consciousness in unawareness the creative spirit is the servant of its mind and the experiences mind has had, namely, the past. In the combination of energy and consciousness in awareness, the creative spirit is the creator experiencing its creation.

Experiencing the creative process (Top)

As a human, the creative/creation process seems relatively straight forward. We have a thought or inspiration, and we choose to act on that thought with some level of passion or energy. To create what we desire all we need to do is to consciously or nonconsciously meet the five requirements listed in the topic “Five requirements to manifest an intention or desire.” The process looks simple enough. Of course, one of the more obvious questions is, “Where do our thoughts comes from and how do we get those inspiration creative thoughts we seek in any given situation?” For those who have had tied to manifest an original thought they often find it more difficult than anticipated.

When we look into the process there are many facets and levels to how consciousness translates its desires into a physical experience. Exactly how we obtain our thoughts, translate any one thought into an experience and how the body does or doesn’t work to assist the process is a bit more complicated. How complicated it becomes depends on what exactly we desire to understand about the creative/creation process. One reason for this is often we have to change the perspective we have to understand what we desire to understand.

Conceptually the creative/creation process we experience from a human perspective as outlined below is relatively straight forward. Experiencing it is another story. Our experience with the process tend to cloud and bias the process interfering with getting conscious control over what we create. Understanding the basic process goes a long way in getting conscious control over what we experience in life. Awareness of the creative/creation process will help us to claim our birthright and/or become a conscious creator of the experiences we have and the reality of those experiences. Awareness of the process and the role of the inner masculine and inner feminine will also give us a better understanding of the role and influence of sexuality in our life and the lives of others for every creation carries an element of sexuality.

What is provided here is a listing of the steps as perceived from the perspective of a human being within the creative/creation process. That is, these steps are what you can expect to see without changing the way you think. The steps are followed by a discussion of the environment and some characteristics of the process.

There are several other views or perspectives of this process discussed in the hyperlinked. One view is from a physics perspective and some examples from nature as to how it is possible to create something from nothing as suggested by the mystics and many stories of Creation. Other perspectives are the dance between mind and heart or rather what is symbolized in the heart, the dance of energy and consciousness, and the dance between inner masculine and feminine and the subsequent dance between the inner and the outer. Which perspective you find most helpful will depend on what you are trying to create. As stated, what is provided here is the view you can expect to have when viewed from the perspective of the human being.

Creation within Creation (Top)

What needs to be realized about creation in Creation is that energy and consciousness are different forms of the same material, that is, the ability to make something happen or to cause an effect. Energy follows the path of least resistance for the environment in which it finds itself. If we look to nature, Creation rarely manifests full, completely grown creations. Rather, Creation/Nature grows, evolves or unfolds creation from a starting condition which can be described as a seed or seed condition. That is, the starting condition contains the essence direction as to how the creation will unfold much like the DNA of a seed determines how the seed will grow.

Only in the phenomenon of pair production is energy converted directly to objects with mass and that is done on the smallest scale. It takes quite a bit more of energy at the start to create a fully grow tree as opposed to creating a seed and then growing the tree from available nutrients. In the end, it may take the same amount of energy. But growing a tree is much easier energetically that creating one fully grown. Creating a fully made and operational anything is difficult. It is much easier and more efficient in the long run to grow the something or assemble the something from existing parts. This is what is done at every level of being.

Creation/creation is about growing and unfolding creations from a seed or seed condition. The steps for the creative/creation process parallel such a growth process.

Steps in the creative/creation process (Top)

Creation is about the expression and unfoldment of a flow of energy as it is directed by consciousness within a given environment as it flows to dissipation. Without a flow of energy there is no movement to observe. If the energy is not free to flow into dissipation, it will not be available for the next creation. Rather the energy remains bound or fixed in the current form.

For any creation, there is a creative/creation process which governs the expression and unfoldment of the creation. It contains what appear to be several discernable steps or aspects with associated characteristics. The steps can be generally described as follow but they are arbitrary distinctions. As we look at this process in Creation and the world we experience, we can always find the aspects of these steps but they will not necessarily be as cleanly distinguished and delineated as we have done here. Depending on the creation, some steps occur simultaneously with each other and are inseparable. In these cases the steps are not always individually discernable. At other times the steps occur independently. Nevertheless each step and the associated characteristics are present in some way.

Additionally, these steps are presented as though they occur in sequence in time. For any given creation some of the steps can span almost the entire creative process. The Energy Generation Step is one such step. For some creations there is an initial Energy Generation Step that occurs once and no more energy is added to the creation. For example, the creation of a single note of music. However, other creation require a continual energy generation for the duration of the creation. For example the creation of a song or melody requires many different individually created notes strung together in a continuous stream.

In trying to discern the steps in the creative/creation process it needs to be realized the Creation you and I experience is a weave of an infinite number of parts. It is many times removed form pure ego-less, unbiased Consciousness separating Itself into Creation as discussed in the topic “The ebb and flow of creation into and out of form.” Our creative efforts typically involve parts of parts and the movement of the various parts of creation often mask the actual creative/creation process. This is particularly true in the annihilation step where the existing creative forms must be sacrificed to release the energy for the new creation to unfold. Often what we think is one part of unfolding creative/creation process is actually the part of another. Although we may lose ourselves in the creative/creation process for a particular creation, being aware of the process and what occurs in each step helps us to retain some control over the process. How good we become at managing the process depends on how much of our attention and awareness we desire to put on observing and learning the process.

Each aspect of the process has a great influence on the creation itself and how effectively the creation can manifest and unfold in any given environment. It needs to be understood this process is not linear but cyclic, on going and never ending. The particular creation may change but the process continues. It is noted at each step whether the step is part of the masculine or feminine aspect of the creative process as are key concepts associate with the step. The key concepts listed with each step act as doorways or cross over points to the other perspectives noted above. The synthesis of the River-Rain Analogy and the Lava Analogy for the creative/creation process can provides additional insights on these creative steps.

The steps are:

  • Conceptual formation [dissatisfaction with what is - masculine thrust (phase I - choosing to act) - mature inner masculine - programming and reprogramming - rainmaker - blueprint - clear intention - intention - establishing the foundation for internal harmony - internal seed condition- creating a seed crystal]

  • Creating the space for creation - preparing the environment [masculine thrust (phase II- choosing to surrender) - external seed condition - calling forth the feminine - calling forth the creative spirit - seeking the receptacle - the paradox of the creating the space - the need for the mature feminine]

  • Energy generation [annihilation - union or coming together of essential components - sacrifice - single point focus - Cauldron of Creation - masculine and feminine joining - rainmaker - chaos - establishing internal harmony - forgetting and becoming lost]

  • Seeding the creation - planting the seed and/or uniting complements [the way the masculine and feminine join - conception - rainmaker - setting the mold - the point of creative power - single point focus]

  • Gestation/germination [feminine - rainmaker - pulling from the unseen - filling the mold]

  • Separation or birth [feminine -creation midwife - separating the mold and the casting - potential for the awakening of consciousness]

  • Nurturing to self sufficiency [feminine transition - creation nanny - growth of the inner masculine - awakening to the self]

  • Growth and unfoldment [feminine sustaining - inner feminine - inner masculine - inner dance - outer dance - marriage of the inner masculine and inner feminine - the third dance]

  • Death and dissolution into component parts [inner feminine withdrawal/separation]

  • Return to conceptual formation

Exactly what each of these step looks like and how fast any one creation occurs depends on what we desire to create and the condition in which we attempt to create it. If we look at our lives as an unfolding creation and we compare these steps to our lives we will find out lives is a superposition of at least two such processes. One process is the creation of our physical human life. It is a shorter duration than the life that is created. It runs the span of the desire to procreation through procreation, maturity of the offspring and its desire for the offspring to procreate. It is a creation process about the continuation of human life. The second process is about our incarnation, the intention for our life, and the experience our awareness has of physical Creation. This process overlays the first. It spans the desire which causes us to incarnate and goes through the death of the body and the creation of a new desire.

Environment and the creative/creation process (Top)

In addition to these steps and part of the process are the conditions in which we attempt any creation are more important than most realize. Essential to this creative process is the environment in which we attempt to unfold the process. As discussed in the topic, the “Environment and the unfoldment of a creation,” the essential  understanding is without the proper environment, the unfoldment of a creation will not occur. A proper environment will be needed to create the form we want. The actual environment that we will need will depend on the creation we wish to manifest. Our creation may not be natural to the environment in which we find ourselves. We may need to create a new environment to sustain the our creation. This will, of course, depend on what we are trying to create.

When talking about a creation unfolding in a given environment, it should be noted that each creation is unique to its environment. On this point, there maybe a wide range of environmental conditions which seem to support any given creation. Some creations require very specific and precise environmental conditions. Other seem to survive in a diverse types and kinds of environments. It may appear that a given creation can survive in a multitude of environments but it will be slightly different in any one environment. However, in reality each is a different creation. The environment and the creation are integrally linked and cannot be separated. The role of the environment is further discussed in the topic “Implication of Pair Production in our Creative Endeavors” and “Environment and the unfoldment of a creation.”

Characteristics of the creative/creation process (Top)

In addition to these steps and the environment to consider, there are several characteristics to this process.

Ebb and flow: One characterized is the process is governed by what can be described by an ebb and flow of energy into, and out of the creation. That is, the creation is the unfoldment of a flow of energy within an environment which can sustain the flow and allow the flow to dissipate and return to the source/Source. For the creation to unfold, the flow of energy must be free to follow its natural course into and out of form within the environment in which it finds itself . On this point, we must be willing to stand back and not impose our thinking on the process but only nurture the true need of the creation, not what we think it needs. This can be difficult when we are multidimensional beings and  and what we do consciously and subconsciously on one level affects other levels.

Sacrifice and death: As a result of the nature of energy,  a second characteristic of this process is that it will require the sacrifice and death of some existing internal and external creation or aspect of a creation to finance the new creation.

Mind cannot know what is required: This then brings us to the third characteristic of the creative process in that we cannot fully anticipate what the sacrifice will be. Any truly creative endeavor takes us into the unknown. Given the nature of mind, mind does not, and cannot know and anticipate what exactly will be required by the process. Mind cannot anticipate what will need to be sacrificed. It may have some ideas but it will not know exactly. If we are unwilling to let go of the required sacrifice it will interfere with the unfoldment of the creation if not cause pain to arise.

The process can be felt: Pain in the creative/creation process leads to the fourth characteristic of the creative/creation process. The process is something that can be felt if we are aware, awake and open to feeling it. How it is experienced depends on how we perceive what is happening at each level of our being. Most would say we are multidimensional being and have a spirit, mental, emotional and physical level. However, in reality we are an infinite creative being, infinitely  multidimensional. We can feel various aspects of the process at whatever level of being they occur. 

If we are open to what we feel, we will be particularly sensitive to the annihilation  aspect of the process. In this steps there is an element of chaos as the old form gets released to be recast into a new form. The annihilation aspect functions much like a cauldron to “melt, heat and stew”the ingredients and were the existing form is stripped away and dissolved. Here we can experience anxiety and fear or even what has been described as the “Dark Night of the Soul.” Or, it can create feels of a great release of energy and passion that some have called the Kundalini Rising.

Unless we have a clear intention, preferably with a single point focus we will be unable to create the correct desired seed condition. Anxiety and fear will destroy the creation, abort it, stunt its growth and/or cause it to become infertile. Similarly, if we try and hold on to or seek the euphoric aspects of this process we can create an addictive pattern which also can destroy the creation. Being infinitely multidimensional beings in turn brings us to a fifth and sixth characteristic of this process.

Multidimensional: The fifth characteristic of the creative/creation process is that  it is multidimensional and occurs  simultaneously on many different levels and we can feel the process at each of these levels. Additionally the process may be at a different point on any given one level. Often it is hard to discern exactly what we are feeling and why. We can be feeling anxious because of the anxiety that arises from several different creation occurring on different levels within our being. In this regard, the most energetic or the one of greatest amplitude is what will rise to the surface and dominate what we feel but often what we feel will not be “clean.” It will be contaminated by the energy of the other processes which are occurring. Here clarity of intent and single point focus are quite help in keeping centered.

An important note needed to be made here. Because what we feel will be a mixture of energies dominated by the most energetic, any response to what we feel other than freely flowing with the energy will always affect the other energies. What this means is that if we fear what is most energetic that fear and that response will spill over into the other creations we are feeling. That in turn, will limit the free unfoldment of these other creation.

Interpretation of what we feel: The sixth aspect is how we interpret what we feel. This in turn affects the creative/creation process in two ways. One way is how we are free or not free to experience the anxiety of the unknown and chaos of creation. Do we numb what we feel, suppress it, and/or allow our fears to take over? Do we point to some outside cause as to what we are experiencing or do run away from what we feel in some other way? The second way the creative/creation process is affected depends on how we respond to the process and/or the experience of the creation are we satisfied or dissatisfied. Only in dissatisfaction in some way will we look to create something new as the creation comes to its death and we tasked with starting the creation process all over again. Dissatisfaction is not necessarily bad. It has a very positive aspect. That aspect is to realize what we experience is not serving who and what we really are. We can have a perfect life in the eyes of the world but if that life does not serve our deepest longing we will be drawn consciously or nonconsciously to create something that better serves us.

An aspect of sexuality: A seventh characteristic of the creative/creation process is there is an aspect of sexuality to the process that is inescapable. Each and every creative act at any level of being has a sexuality embedded within it. That is, the joining of the masculine and feminine aspects to create a new life, a new flow of energy, to create what is desired. As noted in the steps above, each step has masculine and or feminine aspect to it. Although most people associate sexuality with human reproduction and all the associated ramifications and byproducts, sexuality is really about the creative/creation process and the way the energy for creation is generated. In this regard, we should not be surprised if our creativity and creative endeavors causes feelings of sexuality to arise within our being. The issue of human sexuality and the creative/creation process is discussed under the topic, “Sexuality and the creative process.”

The topics which address the creative process and the steps and characteristics noted above are accessible in “Creative/Creation Process Topics.” The topics that should be followed in sequence are hyperlinked in sequential order beginning below and each contains a “the next step” hyperlink at the end of the discussion. To understand how exactly this creative/creation process works it is appropriate, but not necessary, to look at the physics of the creation process.

The next step (Top)
Conceptual Formation

Creative/Creation Process Topics

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