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Our creativity and the issue of addictions


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In working with individuals to manifest their intentions and/or access their unlimited creativity both fear, especially fear of pain and suffering, and the desire for satisfaction/contentment stand in the way as obstacles to what they wish to manifest. It was also observed, both fear and the desire of satisfaction and contentment can become entwined in addictive type behavior which ends up binding our creative life energy and robbing us of our creative power.

As discussed in the topic "Creativity perspective on addictions and addictive behavior" addictions arise from creating a habit around avoiding, numbing, and/or suppressing a pain, discomfort or anxiety we feel. That habit then crosses the bridge point of the mind body connection to become manifested in our body and/or our environment in some way. As any habit, part of our consciousness goes to sleep and/or become dormant such that our conscious mind is not needed to respond to life. Relative to our creativity ability and creative power, consciousness going to sleep or becoming dormant is the same as giving away our creative power. As such, we need to awaken that aspect of our being which has gone to sleep and carries the reason for why we experience the pain, discomfort or anxiety we are attempting to suppress.

It is easy to understand the reason for the existence of fear, especially fear of pain and suffering. For example the fear of the change arises as a result of what would come into our life if our intention actually did manifest. Or, there is the fear of giving up what needs to be given up and leave our life a part of the sacrifice of creation to make room for the new intention to manifest. However, more often than not, there arose the fear of the pain and suffering we would face if they attempted to face the pain and suffering of childhood and return to that state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration where we first experience pain in our creative endeavors.

It is also easy to understand how one could use anger to mask their fears rather than face the fears. What is somewhat surprising is to see how the mind used habits that produce a feeling of safety and security, pleasure or contentment, which can be generically called a "warm and fuzzy feeling" to avoid manifesting what is stated as a desired intention. This desire for a "warm fuzzy feeling" is addictive as any way one would use to avoiding pain. However, here one seeks the comfort of the warm fuzzy feelings as opposed to creating an overall life they find more pleasurable and fulfilling. One of the most damaging desires is the desire of consciousness for a warm comfortable place.

An addiction is defined as the state of being given over as to substance such as narcotics or being given over to a pursuit, practice or habit. It is from this perspective of being given over to a pursuit, practice or habit that is import to learn how addictions prevent us from accessing and releasing the creativity we need to create what we desire. Although most individuals view addictions and addictive behavior as the use of some substance, from a creativity perspective, any practice or habit that keeps the individual from being fully present in the moment and to be fully mindful and awake to what is, as it is. The reason for this is the point of creative power is the current moment, the now. The decisions and choice as to how we act in the moment determines what we experience. In that moment we can become the cause of a new effect or, we can to continue with the flow of the past unchanged.

As such, most of what we do as humans is addictive behavior for most of what we do continually distracts us from the present moment and entices us to become unaware and unmindful. Or, we cannot hold a single point focus essential to what we desire to create. Consequently we rob ourselves our own creative power. Some behavior is just more damaging than others and requires external intervention. To access and release our unlimited creativity, we will need to learn and understand what behavior or addictive pattern is most damaging to our creative efforts and to use appropriate outside intervention to regain ours unlimited creativity.

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