Parallel activities for accessing the intention for our life


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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After completing and/or addressing the items in the topic, "Necessary starting conditions to access the intention for our life," we should engage in the following parallel activities. They should be done in parallel with, simultaneously, or in very close proximately in time with the activities which address the topics "The things we need to review and understand" and "Create a series of rituals and an initiation." Ideally, these action would all become combined in a series of ongoing activities with activities in "The things we need to review and understand" and "Create a series of rituals and an initiation."

Engage our creativity: Look for ways to explore the different facets of our creativity. Drawing, singing, dancing, creative crafts, theatric play and the like are some of the various ways we can begin to explore our creativity. Creating rituals, ceremonies, metatheaters and the like for each of the actions and activities discussed in this document is one powerful way to engage our creativity. Such actions also open the door to direct communications with the Creator, however we see that Creator, to talk creator to Creator.

Engage the body in feeling: Key to knowing the awareness in feeling and the intention for our life is our ability to discern what we feel and being to see the subtly in the feelings we have. We need a way to explore what and how we feel in what we do and need to explore the range of what we are able to sense. We need to look for way to engage the body in feeling in all parts of our being and our body and that span the entire range of what we are capable of feeling. We should seek to discern the subtle different in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical feelings and as they relate to needs and wants.

Perform "not doing" exercises: Not doing is about doing other than who and what we think and believe ourselves to be. It is to act and perform outside the identity which we have given ourselves. The goal is to get out of the mind as we know it and how it has identified who and what we are and to seek to die before we die. We need to actively engage in not doing exercises in a safe and secure space to being to see and understand the limits and barriers our mind has impose on our own creative spirit.

Learn to listen and honor our internal guidance and body wisdom: We can adopt one or more practices that allow us to experience and open ourselves to our intuitive guidance and body wisdom. However, we actually do not need to do anything in particular. In setting the composite intention described in "Sequential steps for accessing the intention for our life," exploring our creativity, engaging the body in feelings, performing "not doing" exercises and the like we will get intuitive insights and/or feelings in the body as a result of our body wisdom. We only need to become mindful and aware of what arises in our mind and our body as we perform any activity and then pursue the insight as time and conditions permit.

It is really not about learning how to get more intuitive insights or body wisdom insights. It is more about become mindful and aware of what is already there and being presented to us each moment. If we do become mindful and aware, we will see we are already getting all the intuitive insights we need. We just need to learn how to honor them and/or interpret them.

Create a single point focus: Creating a single point focus for our life is about learning what serves and doesn’t serve us. It is to try and make each decision we have in the direction which will either ultimately serve us or appears to take us in a direction which serves us. It is said "appears to serve" because often mind interjects itself and we do not realize this has occurred. Only in making false starts and finding that what we though would serves us does not can we being to see how mind works and how mind does not ultimately have our best internal as its focus. We have to teach mind to serve the needs of our heart. The mind is much like a wild horse and needs to be harness. We need to learn to navigate from the heart, not the mind.

Related topics
The things we need to review and understand
Create a series of rituals and an initiation

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