To choose or not to chose a teacher?


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The journey of reconstitution is a solo journey but it cannot be done alone. We will need others to assist us on this journey even if it is only to reflect to us parts of our own inner being as we interact with them in our daily relations.

Reconstitution is a conscious focused attention to realigning our creative ability and creative power. It is about getting to the root of where we have diverted and scattered the flow of our creative life energy. It is about learning to access and read the realm of the unmanifested energy that is flowing into, and sustaining, Creation, in particular, that part of this creative life energy that sustains our life and the events in our life.

The use of inner wisdom and knowledge found in meditation, contemplation, introspection and use of our body wisdom and intuitive guidance will allow us to become our own “psychic teacher” and transcend the need for external guidance. We will be able to see we are able to find and/or pull to us whatever we need. In the beginning however, validation from an external teacher who can see beyond the mundane of the physical experience into the world of the unmanifested energy flowing into Creation with a minimum amount of distortion can be very helpful. Some seek spiritual teachers for spiritual teachers are suppose to understand and know the unseen realms, those parts of Creation that are not physical yet influence the physical unfoldment  in some way. Some seek to consult psychics or individuals with mediumistic abilities to function in this capacity and assist them on their journey. They, too, can be helpful if they carry little distortion. Some see counselors. Some seek therapist. However, ultimately we will need to learn how to explore the realm of unseen energy without the need of others. The easiest way to do this journey is to learn to discern, listen and follow our own internal guidance as reflected in our body wisdom and intuitive guidance.

On this same topic, some individuals seek spirits “on the other side” to achieve this end. However, the question we are faced with is, “How do we know their message is valid?” Just because they are not bound to a physical body does not mean they know anything more that we do and are able to seen with any greater clarity in the unmanifested realms than us. We need to remember any individual consciousness has a transcendental ego and an enculturated ego representative of their current life experiences wherever the life may be. The transcendental ego can change but it is still carried. It functions much like the enculturated ego we know and his it wisdom, lack of wisdom, blind spots and biases. In using disembodied spirits, the same guidance can be offered as an embodied spirit. We use the same criteria from whomever we get assistance. We need to look to see whether or not we are being served and can recognize how we are being served. We can also look to see if their message is accurate and the if they have access to private details that validate the experience we have with them.

Until we step into our own understanding and alignment with our internal sources, the questions we face whether we realize it or not are: “Who’s path should we follow to truly understand how to execute and manifest our desires for ourselves for the world in which we live? Who is the wisest teacher available to us? Who can provide us the best understanding with the lease amount of their personal opinion? That is, they provide us with a truth that transcends what any one individual or group of individuals think?”

One question we can ask ourselves to find such a teacher is “Do the teachings themselves feel right to us? Do they give a feeling of freedom and expansion and grown of within our being. Are we being encouraged to expand into the infinity of our own being?” (This assumes of course, we are open to our feelings. Otherwise, you will simply be following our mind of which we need to step out.) We need to look to see if what is given provides for a continually grow and expansion into who and what we are or do they keep us confined within a fixed way of thinking and being?

We need to remember, as an infinite being will need an infinite space and a set of teachings that create infinite room to completely explore the depth and breath of our being. If the teaching put us in any type of box in any way at any level of our being, we will not be able to explore the depth and breath of our being.

It needs to be realized we can use any one or all of these following questions about anyone we would use for assistance.

  • Are the teaching loving, in the sense of creating a safe and secure space and providing the nourishment to become who and what we are.

  • Are they compassionate, playful and look to non-violent, and fear-reducing methods?

  • Do they include all other groups, all other humans and all other aspects of Creation as equals, as divine souls on similar paths each with a unique destiny but with the same end objective? Or, are other seen as something different?

  • Do they teach that our unique journey is no better than another individual and that we are all rowing similar boats in essentially the say way?

  • Do they acknowledge that although they can point out a way, they cannot “bring us” to spiritual fulfillment or any other fulfillment that comes from within one’s own being? Only we can reach our goal, because an inward journey is a personal journey.

  • What is most important is whatever the belief and teaching may be that is given it allows us to hold our creativity sacred and hold the creativity of others as sacred.

If the teachings feel right (again, assuming we have opened ourselves to feeling) and it appears we are being served, then we need to ask if the teacher or teachers themselves actually live and embody the truths they teach. Or do they just mouth the words and go through the motions not necessarily reality living what they teach. Do they truly create the space for another to become free.

A wise teacher who has done their own inner work whose motive is to help others to understand their own individual truth, to create the space for an individual to heal their heart, and to assist others on their creative path, can cause a profound shift an individual’s consciousness. The world will seem the same yet very different when wet experiences such a person. The wise teacher will bring a clarity that is otherwise illusive and is not readily obtained elsewhere. In experiencing such a person, in time, the individual will come to see how the whole world if filled with unseen helpers - some physical, others nonphysical. We can come to see we are bathed in a loving energy that refreshes and renews our being at each and every level and that we can never be removed and/or separated from the Source of Creation.

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