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 Considerations for a personal practice 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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This discussion reviews and highlights some essential points for a personal practice. It also functions as a overall summary of what we can do to nurture our creative spirit. It is a distillation of many of the concepts and principles discussed about our creative spirit and creativity. It assumes the reader is familiar with the over premise of how we create our experience, create the reality we experience and how creation works as discussed in the various Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topics.

If the reader is not that familiar with the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, the following files can be used as starting points:

Interdisciplinary aspects of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology
Energy consciousness the mud of Creation
Origins of Creation

What ever is done with the following material, it should not be seen an done as a "to do" list. Rather, this material should be seen as a set of exercises to which we can periodically return to review and check ourselves to see whether or not we have maintained the proficiency of nurturing our creative spirit. As exercises or techniques, they can’t be done all at once. Rather, doing each one individually as needed strengthens different aspects of our personal power. Over time we will probably find we are doing most of these rather routine without thought.

Our craft - what we do in the world and identifying our "craft"

In exercising and developing our personal power we needs to have a good understanding of what our personal practice is. The personal practice is both the inner and the outward forms of action that we do to develop and maintain our personal power. As I, the author, proceeded along on my journey to recreate myself one of my key friends kept saying that I needed to truly practice my craft. I have to admit, I was a little baffled as to exactly what he was referring that I should be doing when he referred to "my craft."

A craft is an activity involving a skill in carrying out one’s work. Often it refers to things or activities made by hand. In time I realized our craft is not what we do in the world as part of a job such as being an electrician, carpenter, nurse or the like. Rather is was our way of being and doing in the external world which allowed us to access our inherent creative power. Our craft is the skill we apply to carrying out the business of our life and the reason for our incarnation. Our craft allows us to access and bring forth the gifts we have to offer.

To understand my craft, the most significant question I needed to answer for myself was, "What is my personal practice and what does it look like?" That is, what is it that I do which allows me to be true to myself and live my truth in the world. If I were to truly practice my craft and understand what was that craft, I needed to understand how the craft and the personal practice related.

The major difference between our personal practice and our craft is that the personal practice is what we do to, and for, ourselves to create that internal reality of choice. Our craft is how and what we project externally based on that internal reality that we created. Our craft is representative of the reality that we create in the external world and what we do in the external world based on that inner reality. The craft and personal practice have aspects that are identical and in fact can be one and the same. But there are facets that are internal to ourselves and personal to ourselves that are effective to our personal style and are not effectively translated to another or clearly reflected in the external world. The key point here is that although we may work with another individual and seem to have the same craft working to create a mutually agreed upon external world, we should expect our personal practices to achieve efficiency in that craft to be different than the other individual’s personal practice. If two individuals have the same personal practice it would suggest that one of the two is not being completely honest with their own uniqueness.

In considering the question. "What is our craft?" the answer becomes rather obvious once we have gone through the exercise of identifying our personal practice. Our craft is to live what we know and what we understand in all ways to access our full creative power. It is to move past what we have been told about life and to live the truth we have experienced that allows us to move into a fullness of being and an inner satisfaction which never runs dry. In doing and being what we know and understand, then the changes really start to occur.

Key elements of a personal practice

So what does a personal practice look like. We need to remember our inner world is reflected in the outer and that the personal practice is the inner and outward forms and action that we are doing to developing and maintain our personal power. With this understanding, our personal practice is what do we do to:

In taking a look at how we currently address these points in our life, we will find there are things we do for each and yet others aspects are not addressed. Nevertheless, we can outline our personal practice as it looks at this moment. This is the first step in developing a personal practice. Outline what we do now to address each of these aspect.

As we learn more and understand more about our truth our personal practice will correspondingly change and continue to change as we live more and more of that truth in the world. There is little to be gained keeping with our practice as it currently exists. Some facets will remain unchanged, but it should evolve and change reflective of where the current focus our attention and awareness needs to be placed. What is provided here are some overview thoughts as to what could be addressed.

Specific thoughts for each aspect of our being are provided in the four discussion on maintenance of our being at

Creativity maintenance relative to the spiritual aspect of our being
Creativity maintenance relative to the mental aspect of our being
Creativity maintenance relative to the emotional aspect of our being
Creativity maintenance relative to the physical aspect of our being

We need to recognize it is necessary to start exactly where we are, not judging what we are doing only recognizing what we do and why we do it. As we take inventory, we will discover what is working or is not working for us and then we can change it accordingly. The criteria that we should use as to what is working and effective in our life is whether or not we are able to hold our creativity sacred and feel an expansion within our being such that we feel either we are blossoming and/or moving into the infinity of our being.

As the author of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and applications, if I was asked to mentor someone with the understanding which gave rise to the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, at this point in time to write this discussion, I would look for only three things in an individual. The first is, "Is what they believe reflect the truth of their being or reflect their programming?" The second is, "Do they speak and do what they believe - do their beliefs and actions match?" Third, "Do they have a strength of will and passion strong enough to achieve their intent at any cost?" True strength of will comes from passion in our heart and believing in what we represent. This third item actually takes us back to the first item - do we walk our talk, do we live our truth, do we speak our truth. It is only in living our own truth that we will find the strength of will to manifest our what lies in our heart.

It is important for each of us to lay out what we believe is our personal practice. We don’t have to be complete, this is only a starting point. Also remember there is no right way or wrong way. We need to use what works for us, adapting and changes as we find more effective techniques. We really don’t know something will not work unless we try it. We need to do our own experiments and see what works for us. If it works use it. If it doesn’t discard it and find something that does work.

The overall process

Our personal practice should be providing us with a sequence for aligning and harmonizing our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical forms. We can see ourselves as a four stringed instrument and each of the strings - the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical string - must be properly tuned if we are going to have harmony in our life. In essence, we are a creativity machine which, like any piece of machinery, must be properly maintained to operate.

Based on the exploration of our inherent creativity and the observation made as to what is needed for us to call back our creative power, it is clear our mind and what we have come to think and believe as a result of the experiences we have had is the greatest single obstacle to fully experiencing our personal power and our unlimited creativity. As such, the overall process for our personal practice should be built around the following: 1) become mindful; that is aware of what is on our mind and/or the state of our mind; 2) Become aware of our thoughts; 3) Become aware of our words; 4) Deny nothing which arises, noting and deal with what arises; 5) ensure our thought reflect our beliefs not what we have been programmed to believe; 6) ensure our words match our beliefs; and 7) ensure our words match our actions. If our words do not match our actions and both do not match what we truly believe versus being programmed to believe, our body knows it and it will live in non-harmony, dis-harmony and/or dis-ease. If our words do not match our thoughts our body knows it and, again, it lives in non-harmony. If our thoughts do not match our beliefs we cannot deny them so we need to understand why. We need to pull the string to see what lies at the root and giving rise to our thoughts. We need to follow the energy of our beliefs to their source. It is when our have the unbroken chain between our beliefs, thoughts, words and deeds in all ways that we begin to become our full power.

There is an ancient recommendation to have good words, good thoughts, and good deeds. That which is good serves us and allow us to hold our creativity sacred and allows us to grow and expand into the infinity of our being. We cannot looks outside ourselves to understand what criteria we should use for that which is good. We need to look inside ourselves and look to see what serves us. Otherwise, we rob ourselves of our creative power and deny the personal power we have.

Items of consideration for a personal practice

The individual items of consideration in creating a personal practice are found in the eleven files below. They are not arranged in any particular order simply because what is important to one may not be important to another. However, tithing, should be the primary concern of any personal practice. The topics are loosely ordered with similar topics together in a general category. The categories are in separate files to make the number of discussion a little more manageable and digestible. On the point of digestion, it is recommend each topic be eaten and digest as we would any food. Take what serves us realizing that as our life changes we may need a different type and kind of nourishment. In this regard, expect whatever personal practice that is created to change in time. If our personal practice doesn’t change in time, we are probably not growing towards the freedom and infinity of our own being but stagnating or even retrogressing.

The recommendation is to start with what feels correct and work each one sequentially as lead. Many of the following areas have overlapping aspects or are further refinements of a more basic area. Nevertheless, consideration and a review should be giving to each to see how our current personal practice addresses the area of discussion.

Tithing - Focusing time and energy
Daily practice
Internal time
Do what we understand needs to be done

The body as vehicle for the physical experience
Physical exercise
Engage the body
Body memories
Body as an antenna
Purifying the body, cleansing the body

What we believe
Don’t take our life personally
Learn to be happy with what is
Work on our belief structure

Strength of will
Develop the strength of will
Hold to what is within
Keep our appointments especially with our appointment with the Creator

Becoming our truth
Live our life consistent with who we are
Don’t hold to someone else’s truth
Speak truthfully at all times on all things to keep in touch with the heart’s desire
Do not deny what arises
Don’t exclude any emotion
We can't always know so do what feels the best to do
Listen to our intuitive guidance and intuitive feelings
Use dream requests to get information and guidance
Scan the horizon

Clear intention
Align with the flow of our intention
Let our intention work for us
Be in the flow
Go at our own pace
Trust the universe to meet our intention
Need to hold focus, hold intention but let go of the outcome. - it is the paradox
Living in expectation and learning to remove all expectations
It will not look like or unfold as we expect - learn to release our expectations
Plan to live a thousand years but live life as thought we will die tomorrow

Learning focus
Meditation is a tool not an end in itself
Look to become mindful and aware
Meditation is to train the mind to be mindful and aware
Meditation of choice
Choose the meditative practice that works for us
Choose an intention for our meditation as desired and as necessary
Become mindful and aware of what we think about
Become aware of the energy of the mind
Mantras and affirmations
Our theme song(s)
Identify and learn our cycle

Create the space
Give ourselves space - create a Sacred Space
Give our creative spirit permission to come out
Face and step into all fears
Deal with each obstacle
Anger and clearing emotions
We live in a world of distractions where there is conscious intention to distract
[Being in the moment]
Choose to live in the present
Be present in the now, Enjoy things while we are doing them

Dealing with the mind
Learn and utilize becoming from top down
Look to have thoughts which serve
Look to erase doubt
We reap what we sow
Learn to Garden our life
The only "judgment" we receive is when we are not living consistent with our beliefs
Check the heart in everything we do
There is no right or wrong - there is no duality unless we choose duality
Not Doing

Thoughts for taking action
Become impeccable in all that we do
Don't worry about the little things
Keep the end in mind
Look at three options in all scenarios to keep the options open
Look to where we are not free to move
Living in wonder
Living in gratitude
Don’t attempt a to leave a legacy for the ego
We are given all that we need
Look to bind no one

The practice in the long term
Don’t make the personal practice the end in itself
Vary our practice

Related topics
Becoming our truth

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