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 A bottom line about sex and our creativity 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The bottom line about feelings in sex

The bottom line which needs to be understood is that we access creative power through what we feel. Sexuality is one of our most powerful creative tools and is one of the most powerful way to feel or open ourselves to feeling. As such, one can expect that somewhere, at some time, sexuality will arise as an issue if we choose to access and explore the true nature of our creative power and the creative powers/Creative Powers of creation/Creation.

It does need to be noted here that in addition to feelings of sexuality arising in creating a healing space for another, it can also arise in creative play. If we stumble into the opportunity to return to a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play, we should not be surprised if sexuality arises. Here the problem is what do we do with the energy.

Since it is a sexual energy, there is incredible information in that play and energy. But it is not something that can be done alone. Since it is a sexual energy, there is the need for another to go into the body. But, it is not about sex. It is about directing the energy and using the energy that can become available in sex. It is integrally linked as to how the other desires to use that energy. Sex and where the energy goes is not only our individual choice but it also directed by the intention of the other individual. The other must either be willing to hold a safe and secure space for us to process the energy or have an intention to play with us and surrender to where the energy leads in play.

Many think that what they need is sex and a sexual partner to find what the seek. But those who really explore sex find something different. They find what they seek is not the sex. Rather what they seek is their own creativity and a person which whom to share that creativity and will freely allow it to be expressed without any attempt to control or manipulated it. Probably this realization is stated best in this statement form the passage below: "It is not the sex that brings the wisdom and understanding but the creativity that is expressed of which sexuality is part of the overall expression of the creative energy within one’s being and the vehicle to create with another."

Here two very important points need to be made. One is that our creativity and what we create stand at the door way to accessing this wisdom and understanding of creation/Creation. But sexuality is part of our creativity and creative power. If it is thwarted, this wisdom and understanding remain locked. But the same is true for other expression of our creativity whether it be singing, dance or whatever. What ever expression of our creativity is called forth and we are not free to act on it, we deny our truth and will feel separation.

The second is it is the expression of the creativity that is important and we need to learn to hold our creativity sacred. If our creativity is thwarted in any way, a part of us dies and we loose the passion for life for some aspect of our being. The typical experience with sex is the sexual partner attempts to hold the other and in doing so they kill the sexual energy and sexual passion that they seek to control.

The bottom line on sex

Probably the bottom line on sex is best stated from the discussion on "Wholeness and the creative spirit."

We don’t need any other when we find that inner place of wholeness or are at least close to finding it. It is from this place of wholeness that it is safe to create with another for in that place of wholeness we know our own truth and we know when we live from that truth for another or for some creative endeavor. But to create anything, there is a part of us that must surrender and die to the creative effort if the new creation is to come into the world. That is inherent in the creative process and that surrender and death is what frightens most from creating from the depth of their being.

We will recreate the past as long as we are not in that place of wholeness. The only place we can be to not recreate the past would be to create from that place of wholeness - a place where "I don’t need you to complete or fulfill my life and you don’t need me to complete or fulfill yours." Rather, we create together because we complement each other. We share the truth of who and what we are in a way that can be truly satisfying to each of us and give that truth and understanding within each of our being to the world.

It is our creativity and what we create that stand at the door way to access this wisdom and understanding of creation/Creation. But sexuality is part of our creativity and creative power. If it is thwarted, this wisdom and understanding remain locked. But the same is true for other expression of our creativity whether it be singing, dance or writing. When any expression of our creativity is called forth and we are not free to act on it; we deny our truth and will feel separation.

This is where the spiritual aspects of sex and Tantra arise. Many feel a separation in the sexuality they experience and what sex provides. Yet there is something in the sex that they know will give them wholeness for it is a part of their creative power. So many look to something like Tantra hoping Tantra can show them how to take away the separation they feel within or about their sexual spiritual experience to gain wholeness. Yet, they never look to their own creativity to see what is it is asking of them.

There are some individuals for whom sexuality is a big part of their creative expression and when it is released, there is a deep and profound wisdom and understanding. Hence the use of sex is to obtain enlightenment, that is, a direct connection between the sex and the wisdom and understanding is revealed. But everyone’s path is not about creative expression through sexuality. For others, sexuality is not part of the creative expression. Rather the sex is a by product or a tool in the creative endeavor. Here sexuality functions differently.

It is not the sex that brings the wisdom and understanding but the creativity that is expressed of which sexuality is part of the overall expression of the creative energy within one’s being and the vehicle to create with another. Sexuality tends to arise when the body itself is the vehicle for creative expression and the sexuality is just part of the body being fully expressed. This is often true for individuals who tend to be psychic where they use the body as an antenna to feel the unseen energy of Creation and have their psychic powers enhance and open through the feelings of the body. Hence the feelings that go with sexuality become a very powerful tool in opening an individual to their psychic abilities.

This issue is not sex standing at the door but our creativity stands at the doorway. The issue with sex is the intention behind sex as part of the creative endeavor. What is experienced depends on the intention we hold for what we wish to create. It is to understand how to use the flow of energy for the intention we hold of which feelings of sexuality may be one of the ways this energy is being expressed. But the intention we hold is a sum total result of our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions. Hence there is confusion about the role of sex in spiritual enlightenment and creativity as to how it should or shouldn’t be used to properly act on the feelings of sexuality to be able to experience wholeness within our being. We need to know where the feeling arises by pulling the string on what we feel and why we feel the way we do.

What stands in the way of us accessing the truth of our being to experience the wholeness within our being is released in our creativity. But our creativity is not the end point. The wisdom and understanding which gives raise to the wholeness lies beyond the creativity. Our creativity allows the truth and understanding to be revealed. And it is not so much about what we create and what our creativity looks like. It is to create until that energy is dissipated that is driving us to create. Then in that dissipation there is wisdom, an understanding, clarity and a feeling of wholeness and completeness. Sex is only an issue in that it must follow the creativity as much as anything else. That is, if the energy calls us to paint and we deny painting we thwart the flow of energy and keep the wisdom and understanding bottled up and feel separation. If the energy calls us to be sexual and we deny the sexuality, similarly thwart the flow of energy and feel separation. It is about holding our creativity sacred and all else malleable that we find wholeness for we are the creator of our experiences and the creator of the reality we experience. It is about following the creative spirit and the flow of energy until the energy is dissipated. It is about looking to see what we are called to do then finding that safe and secure space to do it. It is in being true to who and what we are in all ways at every level of our being - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, that we find and experience wholeness.

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