Origins and occasion for creating Feminine Creative Power


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Origins and occasion for creating Feminine Power
Occasion to create Feminine Creative Power
Origins of Feminine Creative Power within the author

Learning to access and effectively utilize the feminine nurturing creative energy of creation/Creation is the essence of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding. In addition to causing the manifestation of a creation, creative power is ultimately about being able to nurture and sustain a creation. Feminine creative power is this aspect of creative power.

To cause a creation to come into existence is one type of creative power that most have been taught how to use. This is masculine creative power and it utilizes the masculine aspect of the creative process. To nurture the unfoldment of a creation and to sustain it is to access feminine creative power and utilized the feminine aspect of the creative process. Feminine creative power is something quite different than masculine creative power. This difference has profound implications. Focusing on one over the other or at the expense of the other has tremendously different results as compared to when these are used in a balanced fashion.

The need for understanding the feminine nurturing creative energy was not seen by the author as the element most individuals lacked in understanding. Most, as did the author early in his study of creativity, confuse the feminine nurturing creative energy with what it means to be female. Although the two are very much related, they are quite different. Although the feminine nurturing creative energy is needed to create the space for the unfoldment of a creation and routinely used by the author, for the longest time the author did not see the need for individuals to understand feminine nurturing creative energy which allowed that space to be created. He know it was something men needed to learn but he assumed incorrectly that women intuitively understood it. As such feminine creative power was not something the author planned on addressing. His assumption, which was erroneous, was that when females become aware of, and understood, the creative process they would not have to be taught about the feminine nurturing creative energy. Nothing was farther from the truth. It was something all of humanity needed to learn. 

Occasion to create Feminine Creative Power (Top)

The occasion to create the Feminine Creative Power topic arose near the end of the journey into the exploration of creativity. In essence it was the conclusion of the journey. The author was requested to create a workshop on the topic of the feminine nurturing creative power. Creating that workshop was the opportunity to compile the salient feature necessary for understanding the feminine nurturing creative energy and apply the lessons learned in it application. The focus of the workshop was the nurturing creative feminine energy - how it works and how to access it. That workshop provides the base material for the website.

Origins of Feminine Creative Power within the author (Top)

The origins of Feminine Creative Power is somewhat different than the other application web sites. Its origins lay in the intention of for the author’s life and is the reason for his incarnation. This is the underlying reason why this information is put on the web site for free. There are other practical reasons for putting the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding on the web, but underlying them all, it is the reason for that author’s incarnation. You may ask, “How does the author know this?’ Part of the answer lies in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material. The other part lies in applying this material in your every life and your creative endeavors. It is there you will come to see how and why the author can make such a statement.

The author’s life experiences have been the vehicle for its communication and the conscious journey into creativity was only the process utilized to obtain the minimum set of requisite experience to step into the business of his life and his purpose for incarnating. In essence, his life was about getting the experiences to be able to communicate the significance of the feminine role in the creative process.

The role and function of the feminine nurturing creative energy is an essential aspect of creativity and the creative process. It is an topic that is poorly understood by humanity today. If it were understood, many social customs and practices would be radically different. The feminine nurturing creative energy seeks to create the space and nurture the unfoldment of a creation and the creative spirit. It does not exploit. It will sacrifice itself before it exploits another.

It is said by many that the earth plane is a school and we are here to learn lessons. Although our lives can be interpreted that way, that is not the case. Rather, we are here to get the minimum set of experiences to obtain the understanding for the time and place of our incarnation to manifest what we incarnated to do. Some cannot do what they came to do until they gain that minimum set. For them, their life is more like rocket and it takes off when that minimum set has been obtained. Most are like seeds which germinate and grow. They are able to simultaneously unfold aspects of their gift as they gain that minimum set of experience. In doing so, they provide a greater and greater refinement to what they do as they gain those experience. Their life is more like a flowering slowly growing and unfolding into a beautiful flower.

The initial imprint for what needed to be create was provided at age three when the author was physically separated from what the three year old perceived was the feminine nurturing creative energy. As described in the topic, “Isolation - the experience of a three year old,” he tried to leave this life rather than endure the absence of the nurturing his creative spirit needed. That experience and the imprinted feeling became the key to the entire conscious journey and subconscious journey into the exploration of creativity. As the author gained experience on the subject of creativity and gain that minimum set of experiences, the imprinted feeling from this experience provided the template for the assembling of the pieces into an understanding.

The imprinted feeling provided a template to gain the minimum set of experiences to understand what needed to be created. Initially, in unawareness of what he was feeling, the ability to use the imprinted feeling as template was interpreted as a healing ability. In the awareness of feelings, the imprinted feeling provided a template through feeling to create the space for the creative spirit of another to become free. That, in turn, helped create the conditions for the Ultimate Accident. The Ultimate Accident resulted in the awareness of the oneness of Creation, the awareness of the creative spirit within each individual and the destruction of his understanding about Creation and the nature of the Universe. With the shattering of his understanding of how Creation worked, he was open to seeing differently. In particular, he become open to see how and why the creative spirit was free or not free to unfold true to itself and what individuals needed to learn to create the space for their creative spirit to come out and express itself. He became open to see what needed to be done without the bias of the past.

Initially after the Ultimate Accident, the author worked to create the space for the creative spirit within the individual to be free to express itself. He worked to create the space both for individuals and within the organization. About two years after the Ultimate Accident the author began working with a client who had a dream about the process in which she was to undergo and the role of the author. The client’s dream surprised the author and he was somewhat initially puzzled by the dream. Yet, in time, that dream provided the description of the application of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding.

In essence what the dream revealed was the author would become more a feminine nurturing creative energy than the client herself for the unfoldment of her creative spirit. But this was something that took time for the author to understand. Two things about this dream took some time for the author to understand. One was exactly how he could become more a more feminine nurturing creative energy than a female. The other was how he could better nurture an individual’s creative sprit better than they could themselves. It was in understanding how these two things were possible that laid the foundation for understanding the feminine nurturing creative energy and feminine power. In essence he had to become it.

In some ways the Ultimate Accident resulted in the equivalent of an impregnation within the author. For the understanding to be brought into the world, the author was required to carry its unfoldment to completion. In essence the author had to essentially withdrawal from the world to rise it until it could proverbially “stand on its own two feet.” The author in essence had to become the dream midwife and nanny to the understanding within himself of which he became consciously aware. The process was unlike any that he had previously seen or experienced other than that of gestating, birthing and raising a child. There was nothing he could do that made a difference in the process. All he could do was surrender to the process and wait for its growth and fulfilment, nourishing it as required. It was about not doing what he wanted to do but what the process required.

The final piece of understanding about feminine creative power occurred at about the same time the author realized how our concept of God and our concept of sexuality acted as the top and bottom of the cage which we create and in which we hold our creative spirit captive. It was an understanding of feminine creative power, sexuality and spirituality and the nature of God relative to the inner and outer creative power/Creative Powers and how we do, or don’t nurture our creative spirit and give it permission and the support to freely express itself. When those pieces came together it become obvious individuals needed to learn about the nurturing feminine creative energy and be given a safe and secure space to learn how to apply to their own creative spirit. It is there that one learns the true meaning of feminine power as it applies in our creative endeavor of which our life is only one of many that we undertake.

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