Using the Creation Building Blocks in Divination


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Using the Creation Building Blocks in Divination

 The concept and question of divination

Understanding how we see the future

How a divination tool works

The creative building blocks as a divination tool
Using the creative building blocks as a divination tool


The concept and question of divination  (Top)


Divination is defined as the act or art of foretelling the future or discovering by supernatural or intuitive means that which is hidden or unknown.  Or it is that which is foretold, a prophecy. For those that do not believe seeing or foretelling the future is possible,  a divination is considered a clever or successful guess.


The real question relative to divination is AIs it really possible to see into the future?@ If so, there will be techniques that allow for us to see the future. If not, then what people think they see in the future is truly a lucky guess if they are correct.  The answer to this question is something each of us will need to decide for ourselves. However, there are things that can be said and observed that may help  understand the true answer to this question.


In the definition of divination above, the last point needs to be noted. This last point, that Afor those that do not believe seeing or foretelling the future is possible, a divination is considered a clever or successful guess@ is the key. There are many who can see aspects of  the future in a way that others do not see. Those who do see consider it quite logical. For example, an engineer looks at a bridge and sees mental fatigue in the metal of some of the components of the bridge. Knowing the physics of bridge building. it is quite obvious to the engineer the bridge will eventually collapse. How fast it collapses depends on both the amount of fatigue and the stresses put on the bridge. So, the engineer makes a remark, AGet ten fully loaded tractor trailers on this bridge and it will probably collapse.@  Then, when ten fully loaded tractor trailers converge on the bridge at the same time the bridge collapses as foretold.


The question is, ADid the engineer see the future?@  He was only using a straight forward, logical cause effect relationship based the rules of Physical Creation to foresee the conditions of the bridge collapse.  Most would probably say the engineer did not foresee the future. Whether you believe the  engineer saw the future is your choice.  The point to be made here is that knowing certain rules of Physical Creation, implicitly or explicitly in a conscious or nonconscious awareness, allows us to see the cause effect relationship of our current condition and events moving forward along the cause event chain. Depending on how well we know the rules, we can also foresee the effects if certain things change along a cause effect sequence.  In fact, many do this all the time and those involved in accident prevention do it all the time quite successfully.  Similarly, guru and mystical teaches access such an ability in the areas that we call spiritual and mystical as a result of the perspective they hold about the spiritual and mystical realms. In their own way, much like the perspective and engineer holds about engineering.


The point is here is that for those that consciously know the rules and apply them, what they see is obvious and straight forward. However, to others, with a different perspective, those who know the rules seen to appear to be peering into the future. For those who nonconsciously know the rules and apply them, they themselves will think they are peering into the future.


What needs to be understood here is that the perspective we have about our current conditions and Creation as a result of both our belief structure and our body has a tremendous influence on what we see and perceive. If we consciously or nonconsciously know the rules for the conditions we face, we can see into the future. If we don=t know the rules or have an incomplete understanding of the rules, the future is mysterious and unknowable.


Understanding how we see the future  (Top)


The essence of how this works is that there is a flow of energy giving rise to any aspect of Creation. Each and every aspect of Creation has a flow of energy which gives rise to it.  Without the flow of energy, there is no movement. Energy flows along the path of least resistance from a place of more energy to one of lesser energy. There is a cause effect relationship to any flow of energy.  In the creative process, the role of consciousness is to be the cause. If consciousness consciously or nonconsciously chooses to act, there is a change in the flow of energy. How big a change depends on how big a choice consciousness makes.  If consciousness does not choose to act, the flow of energy remains unchanged. 


Our body functions as an antenna or energy detector and senses energy all the time. Each body structure senses slightly different flows of energy. Sensing changes in temperature of heat and cold are the coarse or gross aspects of this ability. But we can sense much more subtle energy changes if we are open to sensing them.  Depending on how open we are to feeling, we can sense any flow of energy we feel.  Whether we are aware of what we sense depends on how we have focuses our attention and awareness. To be fully engaged in some activity where we have total focus and concentration will not allow us to see the subtle energies we sense. Sitting quietly and just being open to what we feel, we can consciously begin to discern very subtle feelings and energy shifts. If mind is occupied in thinking it is not open to feeling. Also, it needs to be noted here that since pain is painful, most cannot sit and be open to what they feel for the pain they may feel and sense chases them away from staying focused on simply feeling. This is why thinking can be seen as an addition to keep us from feeling and escaping the pain we feel. However, we still feel the pain, we just do not allow ourselves to be consciously aware of what we feel.


In any case, each of the flows of energy giving rise to any aspect of Creation is flowing in response to a cause effect relationship. That is. for any flow of energy there is a cause to which we can look to consciousness, and there is an effect, to which we can look to energy. By knowing the Arules of consciousness@ we can know and understand the cause of any flow of energy and how that cause can change the flow. In understanding the Arules of energy@ we can know and understand any effect and what the effect may be. Hence a dance between energy and consciousness and the creation/Creation we experience.


The question them becomes, AWhat is our perspective?@  Do we have a perspective that consciously or nonconsciously encompasses the appropriate rules of consciousness and rules of energy for the conditions we experience. If we do, we see the future. If we don=t, the future is mysterious and baffling.


Our problem is that Creation is infinitely vast and we have finite mind which limits the focus of our attention and awareness.  Although our awareness spans the infinity of creation, our mind and the experiences we have had, constrain our awareness to what we have experienced. It is hard to step out of the limits of our transcendental mind and current mind to see beyond the limits and barriers imposed by mind. Yet it can be done by simply opening ourselves to feeling and sensing the flow of energy.


This is where divination tools come into play.


How a divination tool works  (Top)


Creation is multidimensional. There are numerous aspects to any one facet of Creation. Additionally, there are numerous interconnection of any one facet of Creation with any other facet of Creation. As such, it is very hard for our finite mind to grasp all the applicable rules of consciousness and all the applicable rules of energy that are influencing any one aspect of Creation or any experience we have in Creation. We may find that a very few number of rules control ninety nine percent of what we face and we can readily grasp that set of rule. However, there is still that one percent and all the rules the make up that one percent are such that we never have the complete set of rules to totally understand and control the conditions we face. So the question become the proverbial question of AHow so you eat an elephant?@ or something that is larger than what can fit in our mouth or our stomach.


The answer is, of course, one bite at a time.  That it, to satisfy our finite mind so as to comprehend what we need to face we divide Creation up into bite size pieces. But even in diving Creation up into bite size pieces we can only eat one bite at a time. Consequently tools are developed to manage any one aspect of Creation and then further divide any one aspect up into bite size and manageable pieces. So we have a multitude of disciplines and specialties in life. There physical scientists, biological scientists, accountants, engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, personnel specialists and the list goes on and on.


Relative to seeing the future, any one speciality can see into the future relative to the conscious and nonconscious rules governing their actions. As said above, individuals working in accident prevention routinely look into the future to change the future based on what currently exists.  Alternative said, a given perspective encompassing the rules of consciousness and the rules of energy governing that perspective allows one to see into the future relative to that perspective based on existing conditions.


A divination tool is analogous to a computer program. A computer program incorporates all the rules governing a given topic such that the rules are masked and the user does not need to know all the rules. They only need to follow the programming provided to achieve a certain end. A divination tool is an attempt to capture all the rules of a given set of conditions based on a certain perspective about Creation in digestible or manageable pieces. It then provides some directions as to how these pieces may be manipulated to see into the future. The rules that go into creating the divination tool are often masked and unknowable to the user. But they work if one follows the direction for their use. Quite simply, it is really no different than using any computer program.


However, any computer program can only be used for what it was designed to do and will not work correctly for other application even if the other applications seem to be a similar applications.  Similarly, any divination tool only sees into the future based on the rules which created it. It cannot and will not accurately see outside the rules of its creation. It may give close or usable results but not necessarily accurate results.


Hence the use of any divination tool should only be used for what it was constructed to do. Or, if the actual rules that went into its construction are unknown, one may want to use three different divination tools and use the process of triangulation to bracket the desired answer. Here the inaccuracies of any one of the individual divination tool become a little more clear and are reduced by the accuracy of the of the other two tools.


For most cases, one will have to do their own experiments and learn to see what divination tools are best suited for what one desires to create. Most do not know the rules that have gone into their construction. The recommendation is to not assume you know how and why a set of divination tools were construct and do not assume you know the rules that are contained in those divination tools.  We each have a very unique perspective on Creation and that is true for any individual or groups of individuals creating a divination tool.  Until you become comfortable with the accuracy of any one divination tool you use for your creative endeavors (including psychics) , use three. Find what one seems to be the most accurate for what you desire to create realizing if you change your intention my may need to change your divination tool.


 The creative building blocks as a divination tool  (Top)


The origins of the creation building blocks and the rules of consciousness and rules of energy they contain are provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material.  The rules of consciousness and the rules of energy which go into creative building blocks are discussed in the various discussion topics. In this sense, you can know what any one building block represent relative to how we create our experiences and/or the how we create the reality we experience Each represents an area or aspect of the creative process and/or how we create. Although one hundred and six building blocks seems to be a large number, maybe even seemingly too large to manage, the number should not be reduced. Do not think you can throw one or two away or combine one or two to reduced the total number. Work with the complete one hundred and six or don=t work with them at all. But, then, of course, you can become creative and create your own list of building blocks. But you will need to look carefully at what each of your building blocks represents. You cannot copy what is written and think it is yours. You need to create your own descriptions even if much of it is the same as what you copy.


The one hundred and six building blocks are like lesson in a lesson book to learn a musical instrument. Each lesson is designed to teach an aspect of that instrument. So too the building blocks. Each is designed to address a specific aspect of our unlimited creativity.  The set was made as small as possible but as complete as possible. They were designed to encompass the role of consciousness and the rules of energy in as complete a way as possible in hopes someone could study and experiment with them as one would learn any subject.  They were not created to be used as a divination tool.


Using the creative building blocks as a divination tool was discovered more or less by a playful experiment. In the realization the building blocks were an attempt to encompass the necessary concepts of creation, each building block was noted on a Mahjong game piece and put into a container. Individuals were asked to blindly draw out the building block that is most interfering with what they desired to create. The results were surprisingly accurate. With the success of that experiment, other traditional and nontraditional divination card techniques were used. All provided varying degrees of success.


The closer the question was about an individual=s creative endeavor, what they were creating in their life, or how they robbed themselves of their creative power, the more accurate the tool. The more the inquiry was not about what the individual really wanted to create the less the accuracy. It was also seen the more the approach was directed toward the individual=s creative needs, the more beneficial the divination. The more generic the approach, the less useful the reading. Comparison was also done with other traditional divination tools. Relative to creative endeavors, all other divination tools were dropped for none came as close or accurate as the building blocks.  Here again, the divination tool depends on the perspective under which they had been created and for what they are to be used.


Using the creative building blocks as a divination tool (Top)


The original intent of this section was to provide different methods and techniques to use the creative building blocks as a divination tool. Many of the traditional tarot approaches and other divination techniques have been used and they have been successful. However, as with any divination tool, a lot depends on how it is used and the interpretation provided. 


The recommendation made here is to put each of the creative building blocks on some type of card or marker. Then use them as you wish and do your own experiments. The intent of the creation building blocks was to teach individuals key creativity principles. Doing your own experiments with them  will create the space for you to experience and access your own creativity and creative ability and creative power. Become creative and use them in a way that works for you. Initially it will be a little more difficult than buying a deck of divination cards and following the directions provided. However, you will access aspect of your own inherent creativity that more than compensate for the additional work.

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