Learning to be happy with what is 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Learning to be happy with what is is probably the strongest power we can access to over come fear and/or any obstacle we face in our creative endeavors. The reason for this is it free us from the judgments of the mind and to be open to act when the opportunity arises. Being happy with what is does not mean we do not look for something which better serves us. Rather, it prevents us from robbing ourselves of our creative power in denying the creator who created what we now experience, namely, ourselves.

Within the creativity perspective, "be happy" within the context of "being happy with what is" is not necessarily seen as a jolly happiness, although it can be. Rather, it is more of a contentment, a satisfaction, a knowing that everything is as it should be. In dealing with fears, "to be happy with" is probably the most difficult lesson to learn and the most powerful antidote there is to fear. Personal experience would clearly say it is unobtainable. The author felt that way until he come to understand that it is obtainable. However the only way to really get there is to choose to be happy in spite of everything that isn’t working the way we would like or want.

First and foremost, to learn to be happy with what is as it is, we must choose to be happy with what is as it is. Without that choice, we will never achieve it. How one might go about learning to be happy with what is in addition to choosing to become happy with what is is to learn to release our attachments and take responsibility for creating what we experience or at least agreeing to participate in the experience we have. Then ask our intuitive guidance as to why we would create or agree to participate in such experiences. If we do this often enough we can being to see the magic of Creation as to how each of us are only getting what we ourselves have choose to experience for one reasons or another. In this realization, we can be happy with what is.

Other than the three paragraphs above and the understanding we need to choose to be happy with what is, not much needs to be added about learning to become happy with what is. The follow personal account of the author is provided to give some insights as to that with which we typically struggle in learning to become happy with what is and some thoughts as to dealing with attachments and taking responsibility for what we experience.

A story of learning to become happy with what is

When I was a child in school I listened to what I was taught and looked to find that which made one happy outside oneself. I was taught that, we, of ourselves, did not know what was best for ourselves. I was taught we needed to look external to ourselves for the real indicators of what our life was about. I was also taught to look for those authority figures who knew what life was about. So I rejected living for what lied within myself as the end goal early in life. I felt comfortable in the concept of serving so I decided to serve government. It seem like a worthy cause to which to give oneself.

But I was somewhat puzzled in going out into the world. I knew there was something within me that I was here to give. Serving, as in serving government, seems to somewhat address that something within. But I was puzzled as to why no one wanted what was within me. Everyone wanted me to do one thing or another for them or with them, but no one called forth what was within me. I felt the disconnect in that something not being called forth in what I did but I just accepted that fact as that is the way the world was. Nevertheless, it didn’t feel correct.

However, I came to find out that in serving government, we are used to serve the needs of those in charge and/or the system, not necessarily the people for whom the system was designed to serve. I came to find the system can be outright harmful to people. But there was something else I discovered over time. I discovered, that I could not met the needs and expectations of the organization and still follow my heart. So I decide to go to serve the people directly and not through an intermediary organization. In doing so, I gave my entire being to the service to others. In particular, to look for a way to fee what lied in each heart.

The first attempt to serve others was made to do it in the normal way. That is, from what the mind thinks and the expectations of society and the desire of the enculturated ego. I put all my energies into the service of a physician who wished to manifest a foundation devoted to integrated healing methodologies. It seemed so honorable and the correct thing to do.. Besides it would satisfy my personal interest of being involved with research and development. In this case, research and development into mind-body medicine. What could be better than a non-profit foundation devoted to healing.

In this adventure, I discovered that service from the head/mind would not work. I discovered that one could not meet the needs and expectations of another, no matter how honorable the intent, if the ultimate goal was to meet the needs of the enculturated ego, either their ego or my own. Here I found out that in essence my head was not connected to my heart. That is, what I thought and believed about life and what was important about life did not serve my heart. Also I discovered I did not have any mental understanding of truly how to live to serve my heart other than following a deep feeling of which I had been aware most of my life, more of a nonconscious feeling that conscious, which allowed for a feeling of freedom and fullness of being.

So I tried again to serve. This time is was from the heart but with the understanding of my current mind at that time. That is, I acted from the heart and what I felt in my heart to be correct but with all the spiritual and metaphysical understanding I could muster. I used the most powerful methods available to me and did not limit myself to any rules of man. Rather I looked to what I thought was the highest spiritual rules that transcended humanity. I was determined to ensure I served in the proper method. I acted to free the heart, or more appropriately said, the creative spirit of another who was over burdened by life using what the mind had learned. It both worked and failed.

I was very successful at calling forth their creative spirit to come and to be free to express itself. But in a short time I saw it quickly it become captured much as in the Greek myth of Persephone being captured by the underworld. In fact their creative spirit was captured by the underworld, the nonconscious mind, in a way I did not realize was possible. That is, all the spiritual and metaphysical understanding, even thought they appeared to transcend the rules of humanity, were nevertheless a construct the mind of humanity and did not serve the heart. Because what was done was guided by the mind and not of the heart, the space created for the individuals creative spirit to come out was still a cage created by the mind. It gave greater latitude and movement than what the conscious mind would create and as such gave the illusion of freedom, but it was still nevertheless a cage created by mind. Here I come to realize that although what we think is spiritual and/or metaphysical that seems to transcend our human mind goes deep into the nonconscious mind toward the infinity of our being but nevertheless is still a construct of the mind and does not give freedom to our creative spirit. So, again a failure.

What was discovered was, as before, that we cannot meet the needs and expectations of another and of our heart, no matter how honorable and sincere the intentionality, even with all the correct and proper conditions. Alternatively said, what the mind knows and how the mind knows to live and survive in the social world does not provide the understanding as to how to live what lies in our heart and provide the necessary understanding for our creative spirit to be free to unfold.

I had played out all the options of how one focuses their life and the question I was left with is, "Who do I give to and what do I give?" "What do I do with this energy and understanding within my being?" "How do I give in the world but give what lies deep within my being when there is no one to call it froth?"

I knew I couldn’t take from the world and give only to myself other than my essential needs. There had to be a way for this part of me to come out. I couldn’t just give to an organizations and not have this inner part of me come out. I had tried to give to others to manifest their dreams. Yet no matter how I tried to serve, I was not successful at serving in a way that allowed what was within me to come out in the way it needed to come out. I found that service from the deepest part of me was either refused outright or taken only when another felt like they may want to dabble with it. So the question still went unanswered." Where does one put their energy when it cannot or will not be accepted externally and one has no desire to focus their energy solely for themselves for their own personal gains?"

In not getting the answers as to how I needed to live my life from my mind and all that I was taught to believe, and all the authorities as to how they said we should live, I when within and asked a question. The question I asked my intuitive guidance was, "How do I need to live, what do I need to do to create a world where what lies in each heart, our creative spirit, (including my own) is free to unfold?"

The answer and understanding came to me in a rather round about way. It was that we are the creator of our experiences and the reality we experience, we need to be happy with what is, no matter what is because we created what we experience or agreed to participate in the experience for whatever reason we may have. Then, in the space of being happy with what is, no matter what is, came and it was very simple - "To be happy with what is, no matter what it is." Then in this space our creative spirit is free to flow and will give in the way it needs to give. It is to become like the wind, coming with no attachments and leaving with no attachments. The key to no attachments is to take responsibility for what we experience and to know that in some way, we are the creator of the experiences we have, all of them. We do not need to be attached to what is pleasurable for we are a powerful enough creator to create more of the same or even better. We do not need to become attached to fearing pain or suffering, running away from the unpleasant, or depressed by our world, for we are a powerful enough creator to create something which better serves us.

In this awareness, it became a relatively simply matter to learn to become happy with what is. The more I understood all I needed to do was to follow the heart, the greater the awareness which was accessed and the freer and more accepting I became. That in turn allowed me to see more clearly how and why I have the experiences I have and how I have created them thorough what I think and believe In this awareness I also found the way I could serve that released what was within my being. It has not been easy to flush out all the beliefs and thinking which create the illusion of mind but it is possible. We only need to choose to do so.

So what was learned? The only way we can give what is correct for anybody or any organization is first to be secure in ourselves. People come and go, hear or experience bits and pieces about our life, but no one really stays or is there all the time. The only person with whom we spend our entire life is ourselves We must first be true to that person and be happy with that person, then be happy with what is and trust the universe that everything will manifest as it needs to manifest. We can ask and seek whatever we want, desire whatever we want, but we must learn to be happy with what is. Otherwise, we rob ourselves of our own creative power.

You might say it is easy for you to say, "But what about me and others?". No, it is not easy for me to say. I knew the correct answer was to learn to be happy with for at least 10 years from stories reflecting the lives of three individuals who lived in the Nazi concentration camps of World War II. Two lived to survive to tell their story, the third did not. Also, I personally saw the transformation of learning "to be happy with" in a beautiful lady who had four brothers die from the AIDS virus. She found the way to be happy with what is after she read one of the stories of the camp survivors.

Being happy with what is is a difficult lesson to learn. How many others learned the lesson while in the concentration camps is hard tell but I know there is evidence of at least these three out of approximately eleven million who lived and/or died in Nazi concentration camps having learned this. No, it is not easy to learn to see life that way. Even if there were three hundred or three thousand unknown people who learned the lesson in Nazi camps that is still only three hundred or three thousand out of 11 million. No it is not an easy lesson.

If you are interested, the three individuals were Corrie Ten Boom, Viktor Frankel, and a gentleman George Ritchie describes in Return From Tomorrow, when Ritchie, as a young soldier, was part of the concentration camp liberation forces. No, it is not easy at all to learn "to be happy with." The odds are not in your favor, in fact, they are very much against you. But there is really no other way. The only real question is, "How hot does the fire have to become in pain and anguish before the enculturated ego is burned off and we stand naked and exposed in our own truth and can live that truth in the world?"

"To be happy with" we do need to release all our "objects" of attachment. As reflected in the journey described above, first response to releasing all attachments is to release all of the objects that we think are of the earth plane or Physical Creation - that which we own, that which we control, that which inflates our ego or our need for our identity. That is, we attempt to release that which is of the mind. Many try to release our attachments by take our spirituality with us and decouple it from those things of the physical plane. But it is much more than that. What we think is sprit are also attachments no different than anything else. We must leave all the objects of our attachment behind, which includes those of spiritual aspiration - the desire for spiritual gifts, ability, knowledge and the like, that give even the hint of expectations of rewards on the physical plane or in any other realm of Creation.

We needs to be ruthless about to what we are attached. There are things we feel we need, we want, we desire, and there are things we use to bargain to get what we want. It is all about what we want and what we give to get it. We can want and desire anything and everything, but if we bargain our creative spirit away in someway to get it, then we are attached. We need to release all of the objects of focus, physical or others, that we think will satisfy us in any way. We must step above expectations of any rewards to free our creative spirit. We need to leave all our objects of attachment behind - all of them. We must become like the wind on each and every level of our being. We can desire all we want and enjoy all that we get. We just need to not become attached. The easiest way to do this is to realize as a creator we can create any experience we have again. We just need to be willing to do the work to create it.

One way that helps to do this is to remember the thing that made us love something which is no longer in existence and see how we can experience the same attributes in a different way. Everything changes, it changes and we change. We are only attached to a memory and memories can easily be let go if we want and choose to do so. The initial experience we have of something is never like the second, or the second like the third, and so on. Each experience is of the moment. Look at each moment new and without expectation and know that any experience will have some if not all the attributes we seek to experience. In seeing each moment new, we release the past, release the future and be present and be happy with what is.

When do we give it up the attachment? At the moment we are experiencing it. Remember, we were and are a powerful enough being to pull that experience, person, event, or the like, into our life. So, we can do it again, even better. We need to remember, to have the experience never causes us to lose our ability. It only strengthens our confidence. So be happy with what is and the magical, mystical and mysterious of the Divine will be consciously present in our life in each moment.

One particular method that may help "to be happy with" is to start a gratitude notebook and get into the habit of thanking God, the All That Is, the Universe, however we perceive that Creative Power of Creation. for everything in our life, and that means everything,. Even if we feel the only good that is happening in our life is that we are learning endurance, be happy with that for that most probably will be exactly what we are needing to learn.

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