Dream midwife


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Dream midwife
Common dream midwife - dream nanny background
Dream midwife

Common dream midwife - dream nanny background (Top)

Our creative endeavors, the intentions, the dreams, and the desires we carry need to be allowed to live and follow their own nature into manifestation. Any creative endeavor can be seen as creating a seed condition which when planted in a fertile space grows and bears fruit. As a seed, it must be planted in fertile soil, germinate and grow and be properly nourished throughout its growth process if it is going to mature and bear fruit.

From the creativity perspective, there are three phases to this process. They are creation of the seed condition, germination of the seed, and nurturing what has germinated to maturity. There three phases correspond to the role of the dream rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny respectively. Within the portaging concept the rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny help carry our load. In doing so, they increase the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix for any transformation we need to undertake within the creative process. The concept which gives rise to the
creative shape shifter, the dream rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny comes from a story told to Jung by Richard Wilhelm.

The most import role of the dream midwife and dream nanny is to allow the dream within our heart to follow its own nature. Their loyalty is to the dream we carry, not to our ego. As such they focus their efforts on birthing our dream that we choose and assist the dream in living and sustaining itself within our being and the world in which we live.

The key item here is the dream is our dream and the need for it to manifest the way that it desires to manifest. The dream midwife and dream nanny do not manipulate our dream into what they want or desire. It is our dream. They are only there to be that loving supporter and to observe our life relative to that dream to see where we are, or are not, freely manifesting the dream of our choice.

As a seed which germinates our creative endeavors can be viewed as having a life of their own. In many ways the life of our dreams are analogously to a physical life. However, in this comparison, our dreams have one significant difference when compared to biological physical life. That is, except for the actual birthing which is not necessarily as quick and clean cut as a physical birth, a dream before the birth process starts, can enter into a state of suspended animation as a result of traumatic or strong emotional situations.

Any dream we carry can be said to be suspended in time and bound by the trauma or strong emotion that we have chosen, consciously or nonconsciously, to impose on the dream. This by the way is what happens to most of the dreams that individuals incarnated to manifest in their current life time. The dream, encoded on the individual’s heart and the source of what gives them a passion for life, gets bound in a strong emotional experiences of childhood that can result from a variety of reasons.

Some of these strong emotional experiences are as simple as a discouraging remark from an insensitive teacher or parent or as strong as the loss of a parent in childhood or a childhood incest or rape. We cannot judge the emotional energy that an individual attaches to what they experience in life. But the emotional energy that does become bound has the potential to also bind our dreams and our ability to birth and manifest those dreams. When the dream of the heart becomes bound in childhood, or for that fact, at any time in life, then the dream remains in a suspended animation until that emotional energy is released, freeing the dream to manifest.

Because dream manifestation is a process and can become easily damaged, the loyalty of the dream midwife and dream nanny is to the dream and not the individual nor their ego Their job is to hold the space for the dream to manifest. In many ways you can look at the entire sequence of the dream midwife and nanny as a gardener. It is much like the way a gardener sorts through all the possible seeds. In finding the desired seed, the gardener searches for the proper terrain and fertile soil to plant the seed. Then, after in planting the seed, they water and nourish the seed as it grows into a strong, self-sustaining plant.

In the same way the gardener only assists the process, a dream midwife and dream nanny only assist the individual to sort through all the possibilities until they find their correct dream - the one they freely choose to manifest in this lifetime. The dream midwife and dream nanny then assists the individual to reconstitute their creative ability and creative power so they can come into their own power and understanding of whom they are and what they are here to manifest. The individual then utilizes their own creative power and creative passion and is only assisted by the dream nanny to manifest the dream.

Although similar, the role of the dream midwife is to assist us to birth our dream and the dream nanny is to help create the space to sustain our dream in the world. Although one individual can function in both role the two roles are slightly different.

In any case, the dream midwife and dream nanny understands what is needed to nurture the dream for that is the purpose of the dream wife and dream nanny to exist. They exist only to midwife and nanny the dreams of others as if they were their own. The most significant role the dream wife and nanny plays is to observe the process and be available to become what is necessary as appropriate and necessary for the dream, not the enculturated ego.

The individual desiring to manifest their dream becomes engaged and consumed in the dream process is not always aware of exactly how the process is going and assistance may be needed from time to time. Since they are immersed in the process itself, the one manifesting the dream can not necessarily observe the dream unfolding and the dream’s state of health, or maybe even their own health. There needs to be an observer to look from the outside from time to time to see what is occurring and why it is occurring within the realization and understanding that there is a dream that is trying to manifest. Hence the need for a midwife and nanny.

In most cases, the creative process of manifesting a dream, intention or desire is completely natural to our being. We have been doing it all our life. But we have never realized exact how we do it. Dream manifesting is so natural and inherent in our being and its energy so powerful that it activates every level of our being. In providing their assistance, the dream midwife/nanny help to make the process of dream manifestation a conscious process within our being. They continually bring us back to focus our attention and awareness on what we desire to create. In doing so, we can being to see the creative process for what it is. Then, armed with a conscious awareness of the process, we can become truly free to create the world of our choice and free to undergo the journey to claim the birthright that has always been ours. That is, to be that co-creator of reality with the Consciousness that permeates all that is.

There is note that does need to be made here in relation to the fact the energy manifesting the dream in our heart activates every level of our being. What is not understood by most is that fact that when we birth our dreams, intentions and/or desires that lie close to our heart, we feel the creative life energy flow within our being and we feel life itself. If we are remotely in touch with our bodies, this feeling of life will also be reflected in feelings of sexuality and is in fact one reason why individuals can become so confused around sexuality.

What many do not understand is that their dream is making them feel sexual and the sexuality they feel is their dream manifesting and not necessarily a result of any individual who appears in their life in response to their dream with whom they may or may not be able to engage with sexually. Yet, another individual may be called into one’s life for the life experiences they need to have. The other individual is frequently only there to assist the individual in freely expressing what they feel in whatever form it takes. Consequently, the two, the dream manifesting and this other individual, become very confused and entwined.

However, to confuse the issue even more, there are cases where the individual whom one is capable of engaging in with sexually is actually vital to the dream manifesting. It may be necessary to be sexual to have the experience necessary for the dream’s manifestation. It all depends on the nature of the dream that is carried with the intention for our life. Sexuality and the energy of manifestation within dreams and intentions is beyond the scope of this particular discussion and discussed in the topic of "Creative Sexuality." If we do attempt to manifest the dream of the heart and begin to encounter issues of sexuality, it is recommended a very clear intention be set to allow ourselves to understand sexuality and its role in our dream manifestation. That intention will be lead us to the information and understanding that we need to have.

Dream midwife (Top)

The dream midwife is a creative shape shifter that nurtures the birth and/or germination after the rains and water of life come. In many ways the dream midwife must set an intention equivalent to the intention to become unconditional love . They need to chose to serve the heart, not the mind. They in turn must be capable of, and willing to step out of their own mind to become that unconditional love that allows requires them to shift their shape for whatever the needs and become the occasion for the rain and waters of life to life to continue to freely flow.

The role of the dream midwife is just as the words suggest. Just as any birth may need help, the birth of a dream will need some assistance. Before the creative spirit awakened and called forth by the rainmaker can come out and experience its freedom someone must be willing to create the conditions for it birth. This is the second role to be played and the role of the dream midwife. There is the need of an individual to create a safe and secure space for us to explore the depth and breadth of feeling to (1) discern the feeling which provides the awareness which give rise to knowing the intention for our life or what we desire to create as we move into life and (2) to know how to discern this feeling from whatever else we may feel. Hence the need to explore what we feel so we will not lose focus on the feeling which provides the awareness to create what we desire. Part of this process will be to explore the reason why we shutdown our ability to feel when we lost our ability to be in the most creative state of being of childlike play.

The dream midwife works their inner world which become reflected outward to create a space for the individual and the dream that the individual is trying to manifest so that the dream can grow according to its own nature. As a creative shape shifter, the dream midwife is unconditional in that they will go inward and make whatever changes they need to make to create the space for the individual’s dream to have a safe and secure space to manifest. They create the space that allows the nurturing and creative waters of life that are already flowing within the individual and given unconditionally by the universe, to be re-channeled and directed into manifesting the individual’s dream in the way that is accordance with the nature of that dream.

The dream midwife assists in birthing that dream to take a form in the world. They do what is necessary to bring the dream held by the individual into the world. The dream midwife becomes the occasion to birth the awareness to know what to do to create what is desired and to germinate the seed or bring the new life into the world. The dream midwife helps to create an experience of the Source and births the awareness of the Source into the life of the individual.

The birth of the dream is an inner transformation process that is flowed by an infancy period where the dream is real and exists within the individual’s being, but the reality of the individual’s external world has not yet changed to sustain that dream. The midwife role is played during the inner transformation process and the early infancy period when the external world has not yet begun to change to sustain the dream. The birthing process ends when the individual become comfortable with riding the energy within their being to manifest their dream. During this period, the dream midwife works to surface competing conscious or nonconscious intention we carry that cause us to pull away from the intention we carry or the dream within the heart. They work their inner world to create a space for the individual and the dream that they are trying to manifest so that the dream can grow according to its own nature.

Although the exact type and kind of help that may be needed will be unique to the individual and the particular dream they desire to manifest, there are some general aspects that the dream midwife will need to address. The dream midwife does essentially three things. The first is that they give their loyalty to your dream, not your mind and what it thinks. Second they create that safe and secure space for one to consciously step "out of mind" and to be and do whatever needs to be done to bring that dream into the world. This includes the transition from who the dream carrier thinks they are and the way they think the world works to experience their own heart and the unique passionate creativity to allow that dream that lies within the intention that hold to be energized to manifest in the world. Third, they hold the dream of the individual as if it were their own. They become that foster parent provided whatever the dream needs to the best of their ability.

The first role of the dream midwife flows from the fact that it is essential to have someone support us in our process and hold us accountable to ourselves until we learn to completely trust ourselves and what we are experiencing. As was said, when we attempt to access the dream of the heart, all of the past issues that prevented us from previously living from the dream of our heart will surface to be addressed and become literal obstacles on our path. Some of these obstacles can be quite frighten or require and tremendous energy and focus of our attention and awareness to overcome. The dream midwife stands as someone loyal to birth the dream that brought us into this world. It is to assist us to walk in balance between what our mind think needs to be done because of how we have come to view the world and our heart and what the dream in our heart requires of us and what we need to surrender to fulfill this dream. This means the dream midwife may be required to assist us in changing many of the beliefs that we have based and created our entire lifetime upon. Shifting those believes can cause dramatic upheaval in our life.

As a keen observer the dream midwife will look carefully to understand the individual’s dream and as was stated above, assist the individual to sort thought all possibilities that may be biasing the individual. In understanding the dream, the dream midwife then scouts the terrain of the individual’s belief structure. This belief structure comprises how they view and perceive the world. The dream midwife looks for the path through this terrain that will allow the individual to gestate, birth, grow and sustain their dream in the world.

In this process the dream midwife will speak to the heart of the individual in a language that the heart understands. However, that language and way of speaking to the heart is in many ways is feared by the individual’s mind for the ways of the heart are sometimes very opposed to the ways of the mind. In this context, it must be remembered the heart represents the life that flows within the individual. It is the creative life energy that created and sustains the individual. The mind only interprets, filters and experiences the energy that flows. The mind is not this energy but is capable of channeling or directing the energy that is already flowing. Therefore the mind is extremely powerful in allowing, and not allowing, dreams to manifest. As such, the focus of the dream midwife is to keep the mind engaged in such a way the dream is allow to gestate and be born into the world.

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