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A Balance In creation/Creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There are several aspects to balance in creation. One is the ebb and flow of creation into and out of form. A second is about experiencing balance and wholeness in seemingly paradoxically in separation. A third is about becoming balanced and creatively walking in balance.

When talking about balance, there is the need to understanding that if something is balanced, there will be no movement. There is stability in balance. It is the tension of opposites which occurs when one is out of balance which supplies the energy needed for creation. The issues is not about remaining in balance. The issue is about learning to constructive move in and out of balance.

For movement to occur, there is the need to go out of balance but to come back into balance as we do when we walk. Walking is about going out of balance in one direction, returning to balance and then going out of balance in the other direction and continually repeating the process. If something is too much of balance two things end to occur. One is whatever is out of balance crashes or destroys itself in some way. For example, in walking, if we are too out of balance in one direction we fall down. If we are too out of balance between mind and heart we will end up in a proverbial hell. The other thing which occurs is we go around in circles. For example, if we go out of balance in one direct a little more than the other direction in walking, one stride will be longer than the other. Over time, we will end up going around in a circle. It is being out of balance in this way between heart and mind which puts us on the proverbial wheel of karma.

Balance in the ebb and flow of Creation

Creation is about flows of energy within a flows of energy. In particular, Physical Creation is about the flow of energy which gives rise to us within the flow of energy giving rise to Physical Creation. All creations can be characterized as an ebb and flow into a created form followed by the dissolution out of creation back into the raw materials out of which the creation forms. It is the observer forming itself into an observed and the collapsing back into a wholeness. In this separation into the observer and the observed, there is an inner longing within each part for wholeness.

Part of what it means to experience wholeness is to have a feeling of calm and stillness within a sense of total completeness. In separation this stillness is disturbed and that which is separated longs for, or seeks, that which will make itself complete. This longing creates, or rather is, the tension between the opposites of the observer and the observed creates a pull to reunite. Hence there will ultimately always be a pull to balance in Creation in that everything, no matter how far the swing away from the center of out of which all Creation forms, will eventually return to that center. This is the natural order of things. It is an expansion and collapse, a breathing in and breathing out, an ebb and flow however we experience it and/or wish to explain it. If we wish, we can look at this ebb and flow as the swing of a pendulum that would swing endlessly back and forth once disturbed if there were no friction.

Here it needs to be noted that each observer observed pair will carry a longing within each piece for the other. As one moves down through Creation one can feel multiple and seemingly puzzling longings as the created pieces of the observer observed pair descend through each level of Creation. Depending on the creation these longing can be aligned into one intense longing for the beloved/Beloved or remain  fragmented and scattered as separate longing in Creation.

We each have a center point within our being which is the Source of our Being and the Source of all our creative life energy. Whenever we create, we also create the pattern for the return to this center point. However, rather than allow our creations to freely unfold and collapse back again, our mind steps in and we become attached to those creations which we like and seeks to avoid those we dislike. In doing so, we bind the energy into some fixed pattern within our being which causes two things to occur. One is each creation starts a little more off center such that we don’t return to center. The second thing is each subsequent creation starts with a little less energy. Rather, than returning to wholeness we fragment and scatter our creative ability and creative power. This phenomenon of binding our creative life energy is further discussed in the topic "Incomplete release of our creative life energy."

One way we do this is very simple by our attachments and preferences. Another way is we create something we like and then create something else within the creation we like such that we hold fixed the original creation as the background or environment of the new creation. Since we fix the backdrop, we hold a part of our energy, a part of our past creation fixed. Subsequent creations cannot be as big as our original creation because there is not as much energy available. Another way to say this is everything that we see fixed in our world is energy available to us to create something completely different except for the fact we are holding it fixed. Until we let go of all of it, it will not be available for a new creation.

In any case, we end up scattering and fragmenting our creative life energy making more and more creations within creations or attachments to old creation such that we no longer have the ability to create what we originally did. So we become bound in our existing creations which become a cage of our own making. We hold onto them because we like them yet it is that very holding that is keeping us bound. However, as was said, there is always a pull back to center. Even though eventually we become so fixed that we can’t seem to move, the pull pack to our center overrides whatever our mind can create because we simply no longer have the energy to create what we desire and we are pulled back into the essence of our being. This is the type of situation that is encountered in illness and accidents and in fact, death itself. However, it needs to be noted that this phenomenon is not the cause of all illnesses. There are other purposes and causes of illness as discussed in the building block entitled "Accident, Illness and Disease." Some illnesses we have simply for the experience of Creation they provide. Other we have to dissipate bound energy.

Illness and accidents created by this tension as discussed here forces us to withdraw from the external world and what we normally do and to become centered on the pain and/or discomfort we feel. If we explore the origins of our pain and discomfort we will find that often we have allowed ourselves to move away from the center of our being and the dis-ease that we feel is only our body wisdom pulling us back to the center of our being. If we remain aware and awake our body wisdom and intuitive guidance will always lead us to remain in close proximity to the Source of our Being. However, if we are unaware and do not pay attention we will drift far out of alignment, it will take some accident, illness, disease, personal set back, or other discomforting situation to bring our attention back to what is truly import in our life. So too with death itself. It provides the opportunity to pull away from Physical Creation rather than becoming bound because of our attachments whether they are attachments of pleasure or are our attachments to what we dislike. Yet, there are some attachments we never seem to break.

Balance and wholeness in separation

There are many aspects to balance and ways to look at balance. One of the more important aspects is the masculine and feminine balance both within our own being and within the world we inhabit. The masculine and feminine arise out of the observer observed pair. The observer observed pair creates a tension of opposites that can be seen as a masculine form thrusting forward to create an environment and object of observation and the feminine form nurturing and sustaining the form created. All creative acts will involve a masculine and feminine aspect. It is this tension which allows the energy to flow into Creation and it is what provides the balance of wholeness in separation. When separation occurs to manifest a creation, if the masculine and feminine forms are allowed to flow to completeness where one aspect is not judged over another and/or there is no preference of one part over another there will be a balance and wholeness in the space created between the masculine and feminine forms externally and within each masculine and feminine form individually.

To allow the masculine and feminine to each flow to completeness, each needs to be free to manifest true to their nature. Otherwise there will be a disharmony with the masculine and feminine form internally that is reflected externally. The disharmony will be experienced as a painful longing within each form. Where there is harmony, there is a sweetness in the longing and although there is a separation, that separation lies in wholeness. The whole flavor of Creation is different when there is harmony as opposed to disharmony.

Before continuing here an important notes needs to be made about the individual. Many have a deep longing in their heart for a soul mate, that perfect mate if our focus in on the physical plane, or the Beloved, that Creator and/or God as one know and understands God if one is focused spiritually. What needs to be realized is the form for which one longs is not another individual as with a soul mate or with some external God. The opposite for which one longs is Creation itself. Remember, our body and the world it experiences is our creation and we are the observer of that creation. It is only when we create the harmony within ourselves, the balance between our mind and heart, will it be reflected in the world we experience and the longing will be satisfied.

There are two dances which need to occur. One is the dance of the created forms externally with its opposite polarity and the other is the dance between the inner masculine and inner feminine. The internal dance and external dance will be reflective of each other. As the internal dance is obtained, we will pull to us the external forms that provides the external balance. However, that does not mean the masculine and feminine come together. It means a wholeness is created and the tension and separation will continue to exist depending on how much energy is required to flow to create and sustain the intention being held by the two created forms.

When the masculine aspect is close to the feminine, little energy exist for creation and although the pull is tremendously greater when the two forms are close the overall energy is less. It is only in the separation and coming together does the energy flow. So to with one’s own being. When one desires to transform or manifest a new creation. The vision or intention held by mind is the masculine that thrusts into the energy consciousness within one’s own being to manifest the new creation.

What occurs in creation/Creation is that the existing created feminine forms internally and externally (the existing creation/Creation) do not correspond to the vision or intention held by mind. Holding the vision or intention causes energy to flow. If one holds to the existing creation rather than letting go, there will be pain. If one lets go of the vision, the flow of energy stops. The tension is to hold the vision or intention and then step out of mind not holding to the existing form to follow the flow of energy. It is to access the information available in the awareness in what we feel as a result of the flow about how the creation is forming. Then going back into mind with the information we have about the flow to reassess how to act on the information to manifest the vision or intention. The process is about learning to walk in balance between the mind and heart.

In any creation, there will be a separation of the mind, the masculine aspect of being, and the heart, the feminine aspect. That separation between mind and heart will fuel the transformation process. The greater the mismatch, the greater the energy available to transform the existing inner world. However that separation can be done in wholeness if one learns to walk in balance between the mind and the heart.

Becoming balanced and walking in balance

In learning to step into our unlimited creativity and holding ourselves to a clear intention to create the reality of our choice, we will find that we have to follow our intuitive guidance. However, in following our intuitive guidance, we will find there will be the need to confront and address those aspects of our life where what we think should be done, or what we are being told or expected to do, disagrees with what we feel needs to be done, how we feel about a situation or what our intuitive guidance is telling us to do. Most probably we will find that the thinking, analyzing and judging part of us will not be in agreement with the sensing and feeling part of us. We may even find ourselves feeling a little schizophrenic, literally a split mind, split between what we think we should do and what we feel we should do.

What needs to be understood is that our mind utilizes the information available to the brain to assimilate one’s experience on the physical plane to protect and keep our physical body safe. Although the mind does need to protect us from real hazards, the mind does not need to protect the ego and who we think we are for we are not our ego and the experiences we have had that defines the ego. Additionally our ego constantly is redefining itself by our experiences so we really have nothing to protect.

What we need to protect and assist is the body wisdom that is manifesting and sustaining our being. The body is not to be controlled as a pack animal the way most of us have been taught. Rather we need to work with the body as an ally and a great sensor of the energy that we are experiencing. The masculine mind is not to control and dominate the feminine body and its wisdom. Rather it is to assimilate the information from the experiences it has to protect and assist the body and its wisdom to have the experience it was created to have. It is not to deny the body based on the judgments it has been taught.

Our unique consciousness that inhabits our particular body is wise enough, and fully capable, of stepping out of the thinking and judging mind to protect and assist the body wisdom to manifest in any situation. The intention for our life has thrust us into Physical Creation for a set of experiences. As we have those experiences, we will return to the center of our being. If we deny our experiences we will not return to our center and we will cause ourselves to have experiences we would otherwise not need to have.

To walk in balance, we needs to be able to function in a state of being out of mind. It is to give appropriate weight to the heart and the mind, to the body wisdom and the intellect. It is to walk between the heart and the mind stepping into and out of each appropriately and alternatively. It is for the masculine to thrust forward into creation and the feminine to both hold the space and nurture and sustain Creation and to surrender to the flow within Creation. To be balanced is to be out of thinking and judging mind allowing the communication of the body wisdom to be heard and explored. It is to listen, hear and follow the body wisdom with the understanding and knowledge the mind has of the world in which it exist supporting the body wisdom. It is for the masculine mind to surrender to the feminine heart letting the heart lead.

It is to be noted that above it was said "give appropriate weight to the heart and the mind" and "stepping into and out of each appropriately and alternatively." What needs to be realize is balance in a creative endeavor is not achieved by equally giving to the masculine and feminine. The "physics" of the creative process requires the feminine always gives more in a creative endeavor. As such, to provide balance in a creative endeavor one can always expect to lean and give to the feminine in a much greater proportion than the mind. This is way it is said the masculine mind must learn to surrender to the feminine heart letting the heart lead.

There is the beliefs that being out of mind is a negative experience however if one is truly out of mind, they are in the fullness of being and of the heart and in one with the wisdom of all that is. So from the mind’s perspective it is negative. From the heart perspective it is the fullness of being. When we are out of heart we are beyond heart and out the flow of our creative life energy and in mind for it is only stepping out of the existing creation, where the flow of energy is going, to create a new creation. Which of course, is the purpose of mind - to create those conditions to give us a new creation. The trick is to walk between the two. Much the way we walk though life, going in and out of balance as we move forward, falling forward but catching ourselves in balance so as not to fall. So learning how to go in and out of balance is not the issue. The issue is learning to be comfortable going in and out of balance and to fully trust oneself and be self confident we will not fall.

To be in mind, is to actively choose to control and direct creation. To be in the heart is to flow with the energy that is flowing in response to the creation we have chosen. To be always in mind and never surrendering to the flow, we are constantly ripping up the seeds of our creation causing the past to continually dominate our thinking and does not allow us to return to the center of our being. If were we truly trying to create something new, we would set a clear intention, hold that intention and then surrender to intention itself allow the flow of energy of that intention to leads to the fulfillment and manifestation of that intention.

To be totally in the heart and not choosing with the mind, we run the risk of becoming a victim and being at the mercy of our external world and they way those individuals in our life control our actions. We cannot be totally and continually in surrender because we will become victim. We need to walk in balance being very aware and alert as to what we are choosing with mind and being willing to step out of mind allowing the seeds that mind has planted to grow and manifest its fruits. The only recommendation we make on this topic of balance is that at some time we should return to the intention for our life and at least see and experience what it is before we continually allow our mind to control our life.

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