The physics of the creative/creation process -
the introduction


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The physics of the creative/creation process - the introduction
The foundation
The method of observations
The results of observation
Getting started in the physics

When someone refers to "the physics of" something they are referring to the basic rules, principles, laws or the like which govern whatever is being discussed. These basic rules, principles and law cannot be violated and must be followed for the situation we face. Otherwise we will not get what we desire.

Relative to the creative/creation process there is a basic set of rules, principles or laws which govern how we create. In learning and understanding them, we can apply them in our life and learn to become a conscious creator of our life or whatever we desire to create and experience. The following is the initial discussion of the physics, concepts and principle of the creative/creation process.

The foundation (Top)

Within the creativity perspective using the energy consciousness model, energy and consciousness are seen as different forms of the same material of creation/Creation. All creation/Creation is seen as arising out of energy consciousness.

Consciousness is seen as a flow of energy which has awaken to the awareness of existing. It is experienced as the awareness of itself and/or it surrounding. Without the movement in the flow of energy there is nothing to observe. The awareness is independent of the particular flow of energy in which it awakens. But, how it awakens and what it understands about itself depends on the flow of energy, the environment in which it awakens and what it may remember of the past. Consciousness has the ability to change and/or redirect the flow of energy which gives rise to its existence by the choices it does or doesn’t make. In doing so, it changes what it experiences. As such, consciousness is a creative living process continually redefining itself and what it experiences by the experience it has.

Energy is seen as existing in a localized or non localized form. When localized it can be experienced as creation/Creation. Each form of energy can be experienced as a different creation/Creation. Physical Creation is only one of an infinite number of forms that energy can take. Energy is experienced as flowing from one form of creation/Creation into another. It is the flow of energy which animates creation/Creation. Without a flow of energy there is no movement and nothing to observe.

Creation/creation is a dance between energy and consciousness. Energy is seen to mold itself in response to the desires and choices of consciousness. The energy aspect of energy consciousness supplies the energy for creation when it flows and reforms itself in response to the desires of consciousness.

We each are part of a creative/creation process and we are the ongoing unfolding product of that creative/creation process. In this regard, we are a creative living process continually being recreated. The process of which we are a part is the energy flowing into creation/Creation in response to a desire of a consciousness to have a human physical experience. The desire of consciousness which gives rise to the flow of energy we experience is the intention for our life. For all practical purposes, the intention for our life is the flow of energy which created and sustains our life. From a creativity perspective, how we perceive the consciousness which gives rise to our life is not as important as realizing there is an intention for our life.

The question pursued here is, “Exactly how does energy mold itself in response to consciousness to give rise to both the Physical Creation we experience and the life we experience in Physical Creation?”

The method of observations (Top)

The issue we face is that, being within the process, we can not fully see the process for what it is. Our mind, as we know it, is not be able to fully understand the process for it is a product of the process. Mind as we know it, cannot stand outside the process. Remaining in the mind we have, which came into existence as a result of the process, will keep us from seeing and understanding how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience.

The question arises, “How do we step out of mind to see what process really looks like?” The answers is that we can step out of mind three ways.

One way to step out of mind is to use the Bohr Approach and look to see what nature reveals about the creative process. This means to take nature at face value without all our opinions, judgments and preferences about what we see and experienced. Nature is what is and that is the way it is. For example, everything will eat of another to sustain itself in one way or another. For humans, this is true spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Although the approach to observe nature in non judgment is a powerful technique and provides a tremendous amount of information, we are still observing the process of creation/Creation from within Physical Creation. That biases what we can see and observe. The Bohr Approach can only take us so far in understanding the process of which we are a part and gives rise to our existence as we know it and experience it.

A second way to step out of mind is to become a detached witness. To become a detached witness is to identify ourselves with the awareness that perceives through mind. It is to see and understand that who and what we think we are is only a result of the experiences we have had. A different set of experiences would cause us to see and perceive ourselves differently. But it is to realized that awareness that perceives is unchanged by the experience it has. What changes is what the awareness believes about the experience.

Becoming a detached witness is a very powerful technique. It allows us to step past the enculturated mind, that is, the mind based on the experiences we have had in this life time, and see and experience the transcendental mind. The transcendental mind is the part of mind that transcends our current life. The transcendental mind allows the awareness to see all that it has ever experienced. However, to see the creative/creation process for what it truly is, one must remain in the awareness as that detached witness and look past the transcendental mind.

However, powerful as this technique is, there is still a problem. Mind cannot perceive what it has not experienced. What mind experiences it cannot understand until it gains the minimum set of experiences to understand and properly characterized what it experience. Until mind gets the minimum set of requisite experiences to understand the creative/creation process it will be unable to know exactly how the process works.

The reason for this there are an infinite number of ways to experience Creation. It will take some faction of that infinite number of experiences for mind to begin to see exactly how creation/Creation works. Fortunately, through oral and written communication, humanity has learned to share lessons learned. We, as individual entities, do not have to personally have all the necessary experiences. We can learn from the experiences of others and build on what they have discovered. The question here is two fold. One part of the question is, “What is that minimum set of experiences we need to have to being to see the creative/creation process for what it really is and know that it is correct?” The second question is, “How do we get or find that minimum set of experience?”

This takes us to the third way to step out of mind. The third way to get out of mind is through feeling. That is, totally place our awareness into what we feel and allow the feelings to carry us where they may. For some, this is extremely frightening. For others it is tremendously difficult to discern a particular feeling and follow it from start to finish where the energy in the flow is fully dissipated.

Remember, consciousness awakens as a result of a flow of energy. Feelings arise as a result of the flow of energy we sense. The more we are open to feeling we literally expand our awareness. Expanded awareness, in turn, provides a greater depth and breadth to what we experience. The greater awareness we have the fewer experiences we need to get that minimum set of experiences. There are two reason for this. One is any experience we have is experience to a greater depth and breadth covering a much greater “range” of experience.

The second is the greater depth and breadth of an experience also allows us to see beyond the obvious and into what is giving rise to the experience and into the unfoldment of the experience. It is not about seeing into the past and into the future although some will interpret it that way. Rather it is seen the cause which gives rise to the effect and the consequences and outcomes of the effect that is experiences. With expanded awareness one is able to see the unfolding process.

If we are able to discern and lock onto a particular feeling and then follow that feeling to dissipation, we can begin experience the creative/creation process for what it is. It may be for only a short time and the particular flow of energy we follow may not gives rise to the depth and breadth of what is possible in a creative flow, the flow can nevertheless give one an understanding for the overall process. In knowing the overall process, one can look at any one process and see where the point of observation lies relative to the overall process. Then in looking at a variety of creations in this manner, we can being to discern what exactly the creative/creation process looks like. “The rain-river analogy for the creative/creation process” is something we may find useful as a reference to being to see the entire creation cycle.

Once one beings to see the overall creative/creation process and what gives rise to any one flow of energy, we can begin to do our own experiments and experiment with the process to see if, in fact, one has an accurate representation of the process.

The results of observation (Top)

What is provided here is a synthesis of understanding as to how it is possible that we create our experiences and create the reality of those experiences based on what we know about observed physics phenomenon.

What is provided arises from the synthesis of essentially two types of information. One is as an answer to the question, “Is there a way to experience Creation such that whatever one believes they can have some type and kind of experience such that they can then use as evidence that what they believe is true?” The second set of information arose from a conscious journey into the exploration of organizational creativity
and a subsequent journey into the exploration of our inherent creativity to see how to get individuals to become more creative.

What is provided here does not necessarily reflect what actually happens in creation/Creation. Rather, what is provides is a way to understand how it is possible. The following should be seen more as a metaphoric and symbolic representation that seem to reflect what happens. The information should be use more metaphorically than literally.

We need to remember these phenomena are analogies to understand a much more complex phenomenon and should not be taken as THE way energy manifests. These analogies are presented as tool so that we can being to see what types and kind of things of which we should be concerned to create what we desire. Yet, there are creative endeavors where a literal interpretation and application is appropriate.

As with all models or explanations used to describe physical processes, they present a way to explain, if not understand, what has been observed to occur. In time, better explanations may be uncovered. As in the world of physics, existing models and explanations may be superseded by more detailed and/or more encompassing models or explanations as they are discovered. What is provided here are some physics phenomenon based on current physics thinking that we would find taught near the start of the Twenty-First Century overlaid with the equivalence of energy and consciousness.

Getting started in the physics (Top)

In looking at the creative/creation process there are actually two ways to create. These two ways can be perceived as two level of creation. One way to create is to use existing materials to create something new and not previously experienced. This is the way most of us create and it the easiest and fastest way to create anything. It is the way most frequently used by nature.

The second way to create is to create something from nothing. That is, in addition to the creation itself, we need to create the materials to create what we desire. We may use existing materials to create the new materials but the materials we use in the creation do not exist in the form we use. Few create in this way. These types of creation tend to revolutionize the world in which we live.

Usually when we create we actually use a combination of the two ways and lean more to the first way than the second. That is, in any given creative endeavor, there may be a few materials that are created and the remaining items we use are from what is readily available. As a minimum all our creations start with a thought and our thoughts do appear to arise out of a “no-thing-ness.” Initially there was no thought then the thought appears and we choose to act or not act on the thought we have to manifest that thought. If is something new and not previously seen and experienced, then we are creating. If the thought is something previously seen and experienced, we are just repeating the past. What gives rise to the origins of our thoughts is another question not addressed here.

In any case, both ways of creating follow the same basic process. In the first way, we use existing materials we start from which has already been created out of the raw materials of creation. In the second way, we use the raw material of creation out of which all creation arises - that is, energy and the desire of consciousness.

In addition to the two ways to create above, there are two arenas or theaters to perform our creativity. One arena or theater is creation outside of the existence of another creation. It would be to create a world unto ourselves. In many ways what we create within our being can be this type of arena or theater of performance. When we create a world unto ourselves, there are no rule but the rule we create. Here we do not have to abide by the opinion and desires of any other. We are totally free to create what we desire. However, most in their internal world still follow the guidance provided by the external world.

The other is were we create within a creation. Physical Creation is such an arena. In some ways creation in the Physical World it is like being in a sandbox. In a sandbox
we choose to create with sand rather than wood, mud, ice or some other material. Being in the sandbox, we have to build what we desire using the rules that govern sand. The rules of wood, mud and ice are not applicable to sand. Although we may not like sand as a building material and it is difficult with which to work, we nevertheless need to follow the rule of sand if we are going to build out of sand. If we are going to use something other than sand in the sandbox, we are changing the rules and the way that we will be able to build in the sandbox. Although we can introduce new materials into the sand box, we may need to get all the other people in the sandbox to agree with what we do. Otherwise, disagreements could arise. What those disagreements mean and what they look like depends on the situation at hand.

When we create with an existing creation there are agreements we make about what we can and can’t create and there are rules to follow. Most of us are not consciously aware, or even nonconsciously aware, of the rules and agreements but they nevertheless exist and we follow them. Many of the agreements we make about being human, as is the intention for our life, and that limit our creativity lie in our unconscious, well below the subconscious. One reason for this is creation is about forgetting. To have an experience of creation there is the need to become lost.

From a creativity perspective and getting some idea as to how consciousness translates its desires into a physical experience is seen as a combination of creativity in these two arenas. The “game” we play is a dance between mind and what is symbolized in the heart. The mind can create independent of the world it inhabits and then tries to manifest what it thinks into that reality. On the other hand is the heart. What is symbolized in the heart asks us to surrender to what is, as it is, and to use mind to figure out how to live what the heart desires and have the experiences we incarnated to live. It is these two arenas of our creative activities that come together into Physical Creation and make physical Creation so interesting.

From a physics perspective, it is important to understand what lies within our own being and in internally influencing what we desire to create. There are concepts and ideas which we embrace and which provide the governing criteria for many of our actions. Similarly, there an many external influences pushing us to act one way or another. Some times the inner and outer agree and other times they do. This, in turn, give rise the outer dance between the desire of the creative spirit to express itself, true to itself, in the external world and the demands of the outer world in which it finds itself.

The physics of creative/creation process is focused on some physical processes that can help to understanding how all of these influences comes together and how we create our experiences and create the reality of those experiences. It also provides a way to see how it is possible to create something from a perceived “no-thing-ness.” These concepts, in turn, can help us to understand how energy can mold itself in response to what consciousness desires.

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