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Becoming a musician of creativity


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creativity is an inherent ability within our being. It is an ability which can be develop, improved and expanding much like the way an artist, musician, writer and the like can expand and improve their ability to paint/draw, play or create music, or write. The main difference is developing, improving and expanding one’s creativity is about developing, improving and expanding the ability to create in any area as opposed to what is created in a area.

However it needs to be realized, we are not really developing, improving or expanding our creative ability. We already are an infinite creative being with an unlimited creativity. All we really do is reveal and allow to unfold what already lies within our being. We just need to give it permission to come out and surrender to where it leads rather than trying to control it with our mind. We can harness our creative spirit and our inherent creative but we cannot really control it. That is, we can access the flow of energy and use that energy to create what we desire by working with it. If we try and control it and make it do what we want it to do, we will stifle the flow if not kill the flow.

It has been observed that a very practical and rather powerful way to develop our creative ability and creative power is to engage our creativity analogously to the way one learned to play a musical instrument. The analog of learning to play a musical instrument is chosen because there is an instrument which accompanies our creative ability and creative power. If we do not learn how to use the instrument and learn the range of capabilities of the instrument, we will never access the depth and breadth of our creativity while we are incarnate.

The instrument is our body. Through what our body senses and our internal compass we can use what we feel to guides us through the unknown in any creative endeavor. However to use the body we need to become open to feeling and become intimate with the body to both be aware of what it feels and how to use the awareness which lies in feeling and the awareness of the body.

When we learn to play our instrument we can then become very improvisational as required by the situation we face. As in music, one can move from the written music into an improvisational performance. How the performance how it is done (following the script or improvisational) can only be done to the proficiency of the musician on their instrument. So whatever is performed depends on how effectively the musician has practiced and learned their instrument.

We are a creativity machine which cannot not create. In may ways developing our creative ability and creative power is simply about making what we do nonconsciously conscious. Our being can be seen as a instrument with four strings, a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical string. As with music strings, they are made of the same material and played in a similar way. Yet each is different and allows for a different type and kind of sound. Each must be tuned such that what is played on one string will be harmonious with than played on another. Each of us must learn to play each sting independently and together with the other four.

When we learn to play our instrument, we can then engage the dances of Creation. Creation can be said to be an invitation to a dance. In many ways it is much like a square dance where there is an exchanger of partners yet continually returning back to the partner with whom we started. It is a inner dance between the inner masculine and inner feminine, and our heart and mind. It is a an outer dance with another and with Creation. It as a dance within the duality of the a creator and an observed within a context of observation.

In studying creativity and seeing all that dances of  creation/Creation that are possible, at first glance, it would seen that becoming a dancer would be more appropriate model than that of a musician. However the dance is between the musician playing the written score of music where the music is well controlled, that which is create by mind, and the ability to improvise in the moment, that which is created by the heart and what we feel in the moment, is probably more appropriate. The dance is within the musician and reflected how they ultimately play their instrument as a result of the dance.

A dance is composed of movement in accord with some rhythm, tempo or beat. But, to dance, we must first learn to walk and walk in balance. We need to learn the two views of creation and learn to walk between the two views. In knowing to walk, we can then dance to the rhythm selected or dance to what is presented to us.

Learning a musical instrument usually involved studying a series of finger movements to become proficient on the chosen instrument. One of the more typical ways a musician learns to play their instrument is through a series of exercises where one learned the fingerings of the instrument and types and kinds of rhythms which can be played on the instrument with the given finger movement. When the instrument and the variety of rhythms are master, one is free to play how and what they wish and how they wish to play whatever is presented to them. As a musician, we study all the lessons as a separate effort. Additionally the musician learns to harmonize with another - that is to bring two independent sounds into one common harmonious sound. When the time comes, we allow ourselves to trust what we have learned and learn to improvise as appropriate to the situation we face.

To learn and practice the series of exercises the musician normally develops "a practice" - a daily routine use to develop and/or to maintain and further develop their proficiency on the instrument. The question becomes, "What are the exercises that we can use to learn to develop our creativity?" To address the issue as to what would be an appropriate set of exercises to develop our inherent creativity the creative building blocks were developed.

The recommendation is to developed some type and kind of personal practice where each day we tithe some time and effort to developing our creative ability and creative power. Since we are all unique, exactly what we do will be unique to us. It is recommended that we consult our intuitive guidance and ask it how and what we should do to develop the depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power. Then honor the intuitive guidance received. As a supplement to what our intuitive guidance recommends, each of the building blocks can be studied as a musician would study exercise to learn to become proficient on their instrument. We need to eat and digest each building block creating our own experiments to test and or play with each building block. Other than the first building block being reviewed first, there is not particular sequence that should be followed. However, it is recommended they been addressed in some way however one chooses to address them.

In using the building blocks, we cannot look for an immediate change in what we can create or how the understanding is affecting our life. Rather, each of the building blocks are seeds that will be planted and grow its understanding within our being. Also, we need to look at the building blocks as each being a piece of a large mosaic. As more and more of the building blocks are studied, we will begin to see a picture of exactly what we should be doing in our life and with our creativity. Here it needs to be remembered that each of us are different. Do cannot look to any other but only to ourselves and our own heart and our intuitive guidance as to what we need to be doing.

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