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Love And Our Creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The essential point to love and our creation is that if we truly love our creation and desire its manifestation, we will give to its true needs. We will become a creative shape shifter to become whatever we need to become to met those true needs. Additionally, to manifest any creation and consciously access our creative power, we will have to intimately love both ourselves, the creator, and the creation for as the creator, we will become the creation. Here the love we refer to is unconditional love. That is, love, a deep devotion and affection and that which nourishes and sustains, given without any conditions or expectation of a return for the self, the ego.

Setting the stage to love our creation

To give any gift with an expectation of being liked or getting something in return, for example, something immaterial like affection or material like some action, we are getting something back and it is conditional love. Similarly if we love ourselves only to get our creation to somehow reinforce the ego, is conditional love. Unconditional love is freely given. Any opinions, judgments, biases and the like about ourselves or what we wish to creation will interfere with either our ability to create what we desire or distort our creation in some way. Remember, reality molds itself to what we believe. If we cannot freely and unconditionally love ourselves and our creation allowing them to unfold and become exactly who and what they are, whatever conditions, constrains or judgment we have become part of the creation and we will not experience freedom in our creation. Unless we create the seed of freedom from the very beginning it will not manifest in our create. This is the main reason why so many are dissatisfied with the world we experience. We have not learned to unconditionally love and accept ourselves so whatever we consciously or nonconsciously create the conditions we have placed on loving ourselves become reflected the in the creation and those dislikes and judgments become those aspects that makes our creation less than desired.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material have extensive discussion about creativity, how we create, how our inner world is reflected in our body and its environment and many other related concepts. The focus here is on what we must be able to give ourselves and our creation if we wish to create the reality and create the experiences of our choice. Although the word love as used today is probably the proper term to use to allow for a quick understanding to describe what we need to give to ourselves and our creation, in reality, the word love fails to convey the depth and breath of what needs to be given. As we shall come to see, what needs to be given is a combination of things for which the colloquial use of love only comes close to describing and is not completely accurate.

In talking about love in any context, unless we become perfectly clear on what we personally mean by love, the confusion around the term love will carry over into the manifestation of any creation and significantly impact our creation. In realizing how important clarity of intent is to successfully manifest what we desire, we may find ourselves avoiding the term love all together and use words, phrases and concepts that better address exactly what we mean.

What is discussed here as to what needs to be given applies equally well to both ourselves and our creation for ultimately they are one and the same. Whatever we can’t give ourselves, we cannot give our creation and it will not be embodied in our creation. It cannot be over emphasized that our internal world is reflected externally. We have to create what we desire inside ourselves before we will see it reflected externally. Similarly if we experience something externally, that also lies within our being somewhere. To consciously create our experience we bring the two together in the clarity of awareness and understanding.

Taking pleasure and delight in Creation

The first thing we need to do to properly love our creation is to learn to take pleasure and delight in Creation - all of it. This includes both ourselves as we are and the Creation we experience. In many ways this is the same a learning "to be happy with what is" but there is a difference. To take pleasure and delight in Creation is to consciously take and enjoy the Creation. We are willing to seek those things that give us pleasure and joy not to hold on to them or to avoid pain but rather to savor the experience in wonderment and Ah. It is to actively "take and eat" and savor both ourselves and the Creation we experience. It is to open to the feelings and savor the feelings we have and take delight in all our sensations. It is to seek and find those experiences in Creation that give us pleasure and delight.

If we cannot find and take pleasure and delight for both our inner and outer world, we will be unable to fully access our creative power. If we deny ourselves taking pleasure and delight in Creation in any way, we are stifling the reason for our own existence. We incarnated to have a physical experience and we have a vehicle that is designed to take pleasure and delight. There are things that feel good, taste good, sound good, smell good and are seen as beautiful. Many of these judgments of "good" are enculturated and learned. However, just as many are natural to the body. We only need to see how a child responds to its environment before it learns to judge and have preferences and to understand the body has its own preferences.

We are free to take pleasure and delight in Creation however we choose. However, we will have to live the consequences of our actions for some things are not in our best interest. Free falling off a cliff may be an enjoyable experience but also dangerous unless there are adequate provisions at the bottom to absorb our fall. Additionally, we need to learn to be very discerning as to what the body finds pleasurable and what the mind does. They can be quite different and unless we give to the body what it needs, it will not function properly. If we look carefully we will find the body itself needs to feel pleasure and delight or to heal itself when in that warm fuzzy place. On this note, the only way we can discern what the body needs is to be out of mind to hear what it says.

Nurturing and sustaining

To manifest any creation, we must be willing to nurture and sustain both our creation and ourselves. We must be willing to give what is truly needed and not what our mind wants. Here again, we must be out of mind and not give what we thinks we need or the creation needs. Although mind can be extremely useful to help get what we need, mind does not always listen for what is really needed. It is too busy thinking and overlays its needs and wants over the body and what it needs. There is an element of surrender and unless mind is willing to surrender, it will interfere with its own creation.

Feeling our inner needs and body is extremely important. If our inner needs are not met, we will experience looking for the needs externally. But the external world cannot met what must come from our inner world. As we search endlessly to get what we see as an external need there is a deep longing that never seems to get fulfilled for as long and as hard as we searcher for the need is internal and not external. The external need is only a reflection of the inner state. Also when the mind overlays its needs, wants, and desire over the those of the body, the mind’s minds needs, wants and desires get manifested in the external world in a more visible and perceivable fashion. The body’s needs, desires and wants remain hidden and more of  undercurrent continually pulling the external is some unexplainable direction. Although we can get or achieve the needs, wants and desires of the mind because they are visible, we are still left unsatisfied for two reasons. One is that mind is a creative living process. It is always and instantaneously recreating itself whether we realize it or not for it keeps redefining itself by the experiences it has and can never be satisfied. The second reason is that these needs, wants, and desires of the body remain as an undercurrent and are perceived at some level of our being.

The needs, wants and desires of the body are similar to the mind in that both mind and body will always have needs, wants and desires. For example, the body needs food and once it is feed, it will need food again. However the difference is that a need, want and desire of the body will nourish and sustain our being and allow it to grow and feel life and embrace life. The needs, want and desires of the mind do not necessarily sustain or nourish life. They will nourish and sustain the ego but not life itself. Only when the needs of the mind are aligned with the needs of the body is life nourished and sustained. For example, wanting food to live is felt by both mind and body. However, wanting French fries over a pizza is usually the want of the mind and has little to do with the body’s need for food. Being ably to choose and get what one chooses only feeds and nourished the ego. Meeting the needs, wants and desires of the mind only feed and nourish the ego which is, by the way, a creation we have created. So if we wish to maintaining our creation, we will have to feed it and that is what most people do. Most of us create an ego in childhood modeled in response to our care givers and then feed that ego the remainder of our life at the expense of what we came here to create.

Freely, willingly and Unconditionally

We must become unconditional in what we give to our creation. That is, we can expect nothing for the ego self in return for what we do. It is the differences between creating for the sake of creating as opposed to creating to make money. If we are creating to make money our creative efforts will "burn us out." If we create solely to create we will be invigorated by our creative activities. The "trick" is to create for the purpose of freely creating and allowing any money to be made solely as a byproduct.

We must give freely and willing whatever is required by our creation with no strings attached. That includes loving our body and being as our creation, and whatever we desire to create. The creative life energy that nourishes and sustains creation and each of us is unconditional. It gives freely without conditions or expectations of return. It also places no conditions as to how we use what is given. The sun shines unconditionally and give it light and warmth to all without any judgment, biases or conditions. So too with the rain. It falls on the good and bad alike and has no preference if one allows the rain to freely flow back to the sea or whether they capture it in a reservoir and use it some other way. So too with whatever we give to sustain and nurture ourselves and our creation. It must be given freely, willing and unconditionally.

Deep devotion and affection

Affection is about having a good disposition towards something with a fond attachment and feelings. Devotion is more intense. It is about having a strong attachment and zeal in the performance of our life relative to that to which we are devoted. It is about worshiping something as we would worship the divine. To become the creator we will have to have to become attached and desire our creation with a very deep devotion and affection. If we choose to become desire less, we cannot become a conscious creator. Yet we will create whether it our wish to or not, and we will do so nonconsciously. The human being is a creativity machine and cannot not create.

In fact, to become desire less is a desire that we will be creating. To create is the essence of our being and our nature. It is our birthright and destiny to become conscious creators. We cannot escape it. If we do not learn to create consciously, we will create nonconsciously again and again exactly as we do now.

In any case, to create we will have to have a deep devotion and affection for our body, its environment, and our inner being and how and what we think and believe. Whether we step out of mind and create with our heart or we create with our mind, its doesn’t matter. We will need to hold both ourselves and our creation with deep devotion and affection.

Passion for Creation/creation

To manifest our creation, we will need to become passionate about our creation and, since our creation is a reflection of our inner self, we will have to become passionate about ourselves. This means we will desire to express ourselves and manifest our creation as a drowning person wants air. We have to see and feel our life depends on expressing ourselves and manifesting what we desire for whether we believe it or not, its true. We incarnated  to manifest a physical experience. When we manifest what we came to do we feel alive with life and it gives us life. When we are forced for whatever reason to live other than our intention, we feel tired, lifeless, depressed, lost, unfulfilled, in pain, sad, lonely, and a myriad of other descriptions we use to describe ourselves other than being in joy and bliss.

For any intention we manifest we will have to set and hold a clear intention and then surrender and allow ourselves to ride the energy into expression. The energy will allow us to feel passion. If we don’t feel passionate about what we are doing, we are in a mental state attempting to control the energy of our being other than where it wants to flow. Rather, we will have to allow ourselves to become what can only be described as emotional for what we desire.

Emotional energy is the energy behind manifesting and brings ideas into form. Passion is important from a creativity perspective because passion is the way the emotional energy of the psyche is directed into the creative activities. Unfocused emotional energy is much like a raging storm. It clears the air but manifests little. Unless the emotional energy is directing into a passion for something, it does little to assist our creative efforts.

Manifestation a creation is about passion. It is about living the heart and being in full alignment with one’s living process to feel the passion within the energy. It is about loving what one has to bring forth in the world, the love of life and living our life with passion and great energy. When we talk about love of our creation, it is about that all-consuming love and passion for our life work. In living in passion and enthusiasm, we have the courage to go forward into life and the unknown.

The issue of love

It is said by many that the universe is created out of love and love is what nurtures and sustains us and Creation. However, what really sustains Creation is the desire and intention to manifest a Creation and the flow of energy into that Creation. Love is both a mental concept and it is the definition, if we wish to call it such, that we give to a collection of body sensations that we identify with certain mental expectations about ourselves and others. In this regard the term love and what it means is different for all of us for a variety of reason and can vary widely in its use. The most prominent reason for this variation is that it is just too general a term to be readily useful from a creative view point.

Love as defined is a deep devotion or affection for another person or persons. It is seen as a strong sexual passion for another person or sexual passion in general, or the gratification of sexual passion. It refers to one who is beloved. It is a term of endearment or used when one has a very great interest in, or enjoyment of, something. t is also seen as things so enjoyed. It is the benevolence and mercifulness of God toward mankind and the adoration or devout affection of man towards God. It is kindness and charitableness man should show towards others. Or it is simply to feel affection for or to take pleasure or delight in. Love is to live very much or intensely. It is to kiss or embrace and, of course, it is to feel or show love as love is defined as in previous statements of this paragraph.

As one can see in the variety of uses stated here, love is extremely broad in is use. Of course. if we use the definition as is, we could say love is the sexual passion and gratification God has for mankind or toward mankind. Of course many would probably take offense as such a statement, yet this concept is embedded in the various uses of love as we defined it. It is only never chosen to be use that way. Yet as one studies Creation and how creation occurs in the tension of the polarity of opposites, especially the tension between the masculine and feminine aspects, there may be some truth to what is said here. It is also interesting to note that the standard definition of love say nothing about nurturing and sustaining someone or something. Yet we all seem to somehow see love as nurturing and sustaining, especially in a mother’s love for their offspring. So love as a concept does have some difficulties.

From the creativity perspective viewpoint that we need to take pleasure and delight in our creation, nurture and sustain our creation, be unconditional in what we give and do for our creation, have a deep devotion and affection for our creation, and have a passion for our creation, we can say that we need to have unconditional love for our creation. We can also say that the Creator has given unconditional love to Its Creation. However, if we set an intention to create, it is suggested we does not use the term love in any way but some other description of what we wish to create. To use the concept of love as we currently use it to manifest any creation will cause all the baggage that come with the concept to manifest in our creation.

There are things we need to understand about the concept of love. Love is very much related to enthusiasm and passion, both of which are needed to manifest a creation. But the word love as used suffers greatly in the modern world. We only have one word for love which contains an enormous depth and breadth of potential meanings. English, having only one word for love, causes love to cover the extremes of everything from the most virtuous feelings conceivable, and to the giving of one’s life to or for another, to addressing one’s basest physical carnal needs, to superficial sentimentality. It is an extremely broad spectrum by anyone’s standards.

To say "I wish to create a community of love" the question we will face in our own mind let alone the mind of others is, "and what type of love to which we refer?" In this regard, if we think about our own life and the lives of those who we hold in deep affection we will see we have all probably suffered much from the confusion that has been caused by this variety of uses of the word love in English. We probably all have had a relationship or two that have been very confused from one of the persons using the word in one sense and having it understood in completely another sense by the other. At times we probably find ourselves hard pressed to say something to someone because the word we want to use is love, but we know there is so much enculturated baggage with the word that we are a afraid it would convey the wrong meaning, so we say nothing or even say the wrong thing. The question is, "What is it that we are really trying to express when we speak of love?" What is it that we want to express when we speak of a passion and enthusiasm of love of life, love of the heart’s desire and self love to live that life that was meant to be live?

Many authors turn to other languages to speak of love because these languages have different words for the different aspects of love. Maybe this says something about our society and the maturity that we have in the area of what love is all about. In any forums, be it religious, medical, artistic, scientific, we find that people start to develop a jargon particular to that discipline to distinguish the fine points of what is trying to be expressed. It is understanding the fine points, concepts and unique terminology of a discipline and the skill in their application that defines the professional in that discipline. Similarly, society also develop precise language for what is important.

Interestingly, the English language seems to have gone in completely the opposite direction and seems to have intentionally confused the issue of love and what we are trying to express when we use the term. If fact, it is almost as if there has been a conscious attempt to keep the understanding away from the "experts" let alone the masses. It might be a result of a lack of exposure, but in all the literature that has been explored, there seems to be an absence of information such that it is doubtful many spiritual traditions try and really distinguish and understand the different aspects of love or at least if they do, they do not readily weave and talk about it in their texts. This is surprising since so many talk about how the Creator loves Its Creation and/or Creation was created out of love. The question here is out of what kind of love was Creation created? There seems to be even fewer traditions trying to practice love as a discipline and a profession, remembering, of course, and applying the expression, "We shall know a tree by its fruits." It would seem that if people were trying to live and express love as a discipline, spiritual or otherwise, one of the fruits of this way of life is that there would be a vocabulary that would go along with it. Where is the vocabulary that is reflective of the understanding? One may argue there are a variety of words like sentiment, affection, devotion, passion, and the like that can be used to distinguish aspects of love but if we look carefully there really is no vocabulary for love. Some additional thoughts and ideas on live are discussed in the topic, "What do we mean by love?"

The recommendation

The recommendation is that for anything we wish to create is to give ourselves permission to release our creative spirit from our past creations, doing the appropriate work as necessary, and become a creative shape shifter to give to the true needs of that creation. Probably the best way to do this is to set an clear intention for what we wish to create, in some way demonstrating to ourselves and others we do give our creative spirit to freely unfold, and then ask our intuitive guidance, "what do I need to do, what do I need to become to bring this creation into the world manifested in its fullness." We then, of course, need to honor the guidance the is received.

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