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 Creativity maintenance common sections for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of being 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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(Common introduction to creativity maintenance
for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being)

If we wish to have the creative ability and creative power to consciously create what we desire when we desire to create it, we will need to maintain our creative being. To be able to consciously create what we desire, our creative ability and creative power must be maintained much the way we routinely have to exercise to maintain the strength in our muscles. Some ability will always be there. But, to have an optimum creative ability and creative power, we must do the work to maintain it. This is why the recommendation is made in the creativity perspective to hold our creativity sacred. In holding our creativity sacred and looking to call back our creative power wherever and however we may have giving it away, we can maintain our creativity in a optimum fashion.

What exactly does the maintenance of our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspect look like? Or, alternatively said, what do we need to do to maintain the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being so as maintain and optimum creative ability and creative power?

Since we each are unique beings and live unique lives we each have unique ways for how we have given away our creative power. As such we each will have a unique path or way to regain it and a unique way to the maintenance of our creative ability and creative power. Of course, some of us may need to call back our creative power before we look to maintain it.

Relative to what we do for what we call spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being, it needs to be remembered, the focus here is maintaining our creative ability and creative power as seen from the creativity perspective. As such, what we normally think is spiritual, mental, emotional and physical may look different than what we normal think is spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. What is discussed and suggested be done for each of these aspects from the creativity perspective maybe be quite different than what we would first think needs to be done. On this point, if there disagreement between what we think is spiritual, mental, emotional or physical and what is discussed in maintaining what is considered spiritual, mental, emotional or physical pull the string as to why there is a difference and where that difference lies. This exploration will be the initial stage and effort in maintaining that aspect of being. The more we can reconcile the difference whatever it may be for whatever reason why it exists, we will probably find our creative ability and creative power increasing and expanding accordingly.

(Common background to creativity maintenance
for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being)

As introduced through the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective and expanded upon in the discussions on the equivalence of energy and consciousness, who and what we are is ultimately the results of an individualized flow of creative life energy expressing itself within Physical Creation. As such our body and our being is the manifestation of the feminine aspect of Creation. The feminine is that which holds the form and nurtures the creation, flowing in response to the masculine aspect of consciousness and what it desires to experience. In this regard, we should care for our body as we would care for the feminine aspect of creation. We need to be given a safe and secure space in which to nurture our creation. We need a safe and secure space to allow the body and the associated creative spirit to express itself and what it feels for the creation desired and sustained by the body are what provide for the experiences we incarnated to have.

As discussed in the topic, "The human being as a four stringed instrument," we can look as thought there are four aspects to our being and each need to be tuned and cared for much the way we need to tune the strings of a stringed instrument. Analogously as a machine, a creativity machine, each of these aspects needs maintenance. The question is what type and kind of maintenance does each aspect need.

The needed maintenance involves two primary aspects. One is do we have and do we embrace beliefs and ways of thinking which allow for the free expression of our creative spirit spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically in the way it needs to express itself to unfold true to itself and/or to create what we desire. The second aspect is do we have memories and/or attachments which bind our creative life energy spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Proper maintenance is about being able to release our attachments and call back our creative power to become like the wind. In the same way maintenance of a machine such as an automobile is an ongoing effort for as long as we expect the car to run, so to the maintenance of our being. We are constantly binding our energy as a result of our experiences of life which we need to be actively looking to release that which we bind for whatever reason we ay have.

Relative to manifesting any desire as seen in the creative process the existing from is in some way or another must dissolve or be sacrificed to release the energy to flow into the new creation. The dissolution of the existing form starts with the release of our attachments reflected in the mental aspect of what we think and believe. This release is experienced physically as some type and kind of death or separation. The resulting flow of energy is experienced as a feeling and is often labeled as some type and kind emotion which is reflective of the energy flowing into the unmanifested or what may be called the spiritual aspect of our being and experienced as a deep and expansive awareness. The greater the creative endeavor, the greater the release of energy and the greater the experience of expansion moving closer and closer to an experience of the infinity of our being and/or the Source of Creation. Yet, in reality, every creative endeavor takes us to the Source of Creation - that space and moment of freedom, that point of creative power, and place of "no-thing-ness" to create something new The only difference between experiencing the infinity of our being and/or the Source of Creation and experience nothing in particular is perspective and how and were we have placed the focus of our attention and awareness. The maintenance we need to do is to maintain the beliefs, ways of thinking, patterns of thinking, and habits which allow us to make a smooth transition form the existing form into the new desired creation and experience the freedom of the Source of Creation.

The relationship and focus
of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects

Maintenance of any aspect of our being relative to our creative ability and creative power is about having the ability to maintain the focus our attention and awareness and keep it focused for what we desire to create as a single point focus so as to not lose focus. It is to be able to let go of any focus we have through our attachments to sufficiently shift the focus of our attention and awareness to create what we desire to experience.

From a creativity perspective, we really do not have four aspects of being. There is only a oneness where the energy of creation flows into and out of a specific form in response to how consciousness has focused its attention and awareness. What we call spiritual, mental, emotional and physical are just different stages or aspects of an unfolding or collapsing creation. We experience them as separate only because our perspective and belief structure is built around separation as opposed to oneness and wholeness of being.

In this regard, one of the goals a maintenance program is to move away form focusing on a separate aspects of being and look at the big picture and the unfolding creation. As such, any individual spiritual, mental, emotional and physical maintenance program should only be seen as in interim program. The generic recommendation, which cuts across all aspects of our being, is to develop a personal practice which allows us to hold our creativity sacred and open the door, if not leads us to grow and unfold into the experience of Creation as an interconnectedness and oneness and into the infinity of your being. The following considerations provide some thoughts and suggestions as a starting point as to how to go about facing the ongoing effort of maintaining but evolving the four separate aspects of our being, the spiritual, mental, physical, emotional aspects.

This evolution and merging of a perceived separate spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspect of being is best addressed in our personal practice. As such, whatever we do for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being in a maintenance exercise should be seen as separate parts or sections of our overall personal practice on which we are working to integrate into one overall set of activities. As such, whatever recommended action is made, is made with this end in mind and general guidelines are as follows.

General guidelines
for a spiritual, mental, emotional or physical maintenance practice

Since what we call the spiritual aspect of our being is most closely related to the unseen and unmanifested aspects of energy and consciousness not localized in a given identity, that which we do for maintaining the spiritual aspect of our being is to look to see how free we are to move in any direction in life. We first need to look at the freedom to explore options in our creative imagination and then how free we are to bring those options into physical manifestation at least in something like a ritual or metatheater if not the life we live in the world.

The mental aspect of being about how we focus our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe to direct the flow of our creative life energy into an experience of that focus. The focus of the mental aspect of our being is do how we think and believe allow us to create experiences in life which serve us. Does what we think and believe allow us to grow and expand in our creative ability and creative power or do we find ourselves giving a way our power or otherwise robbing ourselves of our power. The mental aspect of being is focused more on what we believe and the patterns of our thinking. Any beliefs we have or how we think about anything which we call spiritual is actually part of our mental aspect of being and they are addressed in the maintenance program for the mental aspect of our being.

The emotional aspect of being is about how we label what we feel. In reality, that which we call emotional is only a name our mind gives a particular set of feelings or sensations we experience. Any time we label what we feel with a name, we risk falling into the trap of the past rather than being open to what we feel as we feel it in the moment. Labeling what we feel causes us to force what we feel into the mold of the past experience rather than being open to what is, as it is. In this regard, one of the primary goals of the maintenance of the emotional aspect of being is to stop labeling what we feel. The only label we should give is that we have a feeling that is pleasurable and we desire to move towards pleasure or we have a feeling that is not pleasant and we desire to move away form the discomfort if not pain. Similarly, emotional maintenance is being aware of what we feel and doing the work such as dealing with the pain of the past necessary to being open to the depth and breadth of what we feel.

The physical aspect of being is about what we actually have and are manifesting. It is about what we actually consciously or nonconsciously desire to manifest. Here we need to look at what we are experiencing and look to see if we are being served relative to several things. One is are we serving the intention for our life. That is we are having experience in life that are allowing is experience a fullness of being, and inner satisfaction which never runs dry, wonderment and "Ah," an expansion of being and the like. A second is are we being served such that the physical live we are living allows us to create what we desire, whatever we desire. Although what we desire may be in conflict with the intention for our life, we have a free will to create whatever we wish. If the two are in conflict, we need to look to see if we can or have resolved the differences between the intention for our life and what our mind wants to create.

The next step
Creativity maintenance relative to the spiritual aspect of our being
Creativity maintenance relative to the mental aspect of our being
Creativity maintenance relative to the emotional aspect of our being
Creativity maintenance relative to the physical aspect of our being

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