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 Part II of the Structured Approach to Creativity Physics 

Energy and matter  


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Review section "Four parts to the structured approach to Creativity Physics" found in the topic "Starting point for a structured approach to Creativity Physics"

The hyperlinked files in the color green should be reviewed before moving on to what come after the green hyperlinked file.


The concept of energy as used in Physics and the in the concept of energy as use in energy consciousness identically. For all practical purposes all the concept of energy consciousness means is that the energy as used in physics has an additional attribute or characteristic of consciousness. That is, a flow of energy is capable of awakening to its own existence. When a flow of energy awakens to its own existence, it can choose to become aware and become the cause to redirect the flow of energy out from which it awakens, redirect other flows of energy and/or create an entirely new flow. The implication of this aspect of energy goes well beyond our wildest imagination.

Energy is defined as the capacity to produce an effect or do work. To make something happen, that is, to produce an effect, we need energy. Without energy there is no effect. Without energy, there is no movement. Without movement, there is nothing to observe. With nothing to observe, there is no creation/Creation. Anything that comes into existence whether it be a thought, an object or an experience, arises from a flow of energy. All Creation revolves around creating and dissipating flows of energy. Hence, understanding energy and how it works is a great asset in understanding Creation and essential if we are going to understand how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience.

The definition of energy has two parts. One is it is the capacity to produce an effect and the other is to do work. Work is defined as a force acting through a distance. It is this part of the definition which allows us to use mathematics to quantify energy to help us to understand how it functions. It can be said this definition of energy is what gave rise to Physics as we know it today. This aspect of energy is more than adequately addressed by the physical sciences and engineering and what is known about energy from these disciplines is totally transferable and usable in our creative endeavors.

It is the other part of definition of energy stated as "the capacity to produce an effect" that leads us to the relationship of energy and consciousness which allows us to understand both how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience. The way energy and consciousness come together is in the cause effect relationship so well described and used in the physical sciences and engineering disciplines. It is this part of the definition which allows consciousness to become the cause in a cause effect relationship by how it focuses it attention and awareness through with it think and believes. When consciousness is unaware and asleep, there is no change in the cause effect chain and the cause effect chain is unchanging and can be said to be on the equivalent of auto pilot. However, when consciousness awaken, it has a choice of not making any changes, changing the flow of energy within itself, using its flow of energy to change an external flow of energy or cause another flow of energy to arise from within and/or without. The role of consciousness is to be the cause in the cause effect chain.

Although there is a tremendous amount we can learn about energy, what we need to understand about energy as to how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience is actually quite small. What is important to understand about energy from a creativity perspective is the energy we experience in Physical Creation provides the basic understanding of how energy works in all of Creation. We only need to look to nature to understand how energy functions.

As discussed in the topic creative/creation process, we are a creation unfolding within the process we are trying to study. As such, we cannot get out of the creative process to see the process of which we are a part. Rather we need to develop a method of observation that allows to some how infer the process from what we observe. In looking to nature and realizing we are made of the same "stuff" of Creation as nature, we can come to see and understand the process. It is recommended the following discussions " A method of observation" and " Look to nature " be reviewed.

The discussion, " Its All About Energy" provides the initial discussion on the topic of energy. It addresses the concept of energy, some of the general aspects of energy and the three seemingly unrelated energies: the energy within; the energy experienced externally in the physical world; and the energy of the unseen which many call spiritual.

What do we need to know about energy for our creative endeavors

As said above, although there is a tremendous amount we can learn about energy, we do not need to become a energy scientist. What we need to understand about energy as to how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience is actually quite small. In fact, there is really one thing we need to know, understand and learn how to use. It is to realize there is a flow of energy manifesting any creation/Creation or experience we have or can have and our creative power lies in what we feel. If we are open to what we feel and be mindful and aware in the moment not focused on the past or the future, we can use our body as an antenna or as an energy detector to discern the flow of energy giving rise to what we experience or what we desire to experience. We can then use that feeling as an internal compass to guide our life into, or out of, any particular experience. Of course, we need to have a clarity of intent as to what we desire to experience and learn to hold a single point focus so as to not lose focus.

To learn to discern a flow of energy and use it to guide our life is much easier than learning how and why it works. To learn to discern the flow of energy and use it, we begin by calibrating our internal compass and the look to open ourselves to what we feel. This usually means facing and dealing with the pain of the past and why we shut down our ability to feel and placed our creative spirit in the cage of our own making. It is recommended the discussion " Calibrating our internal compass" be reviewed and acted upon.

For most, calibrating their internal compass and learning to use it to discern what they feel and follow the feeling which leads them to a fullness of being is all that they need. However, many others want to understand more and access a greater creative ability and creative power than what they currently have. To move deeper into an understanding of energy there are many different paths we can take and each of the paths we take has the potential to give us radically different experiences of Creation.

As symbolized in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity symbol found at the top of the page of each discussion topic, there is what can be called the Source of Creation or fabric of Creation out of which all manifested. In the symbol the open center is the Source for it has no defined form. It is the proverbial place of "no-thing-ness" and a place of complete and total freedom of movement. Emanating from that Source are six different forms or creations. Only six are drawn but there are an infinite number of possibilities. As represented by the double arrows in and each, each of these creations exist in an ebb and flow moving out from and back into the Source. Depending on how and what we think and believe we either stay within one Creation or we allow ourselves to sufficiently dissolve to move into another. Whether we realize it or not we are always dancing with the Source and moving into and out of the Source. We just never see the creative process for what it is. Most of us do not understand and recognize the process and we are not sufficiently mindful and awareness as to where we have placed the focus of our attention and awareness by how and what we consciously and nonconsciously think and believe.

The Source is the place of unmanifested energy often called a place of "no-thing-ness." Yet because Creation is the Source manifested and we are Creation, we are also the Source and one with the Source. It is simply a matter of our current form dissolving and returning to that place of no form or a place of "no-thing-ness." But what we do not realize is we enter the Source every time we enter a true creative endeavor. As the existing form of creation/Creation dissolves as required by the creative process, we move into the Source and back out of the Source into a new creation/Creation. It is we just never experience the Source for what it is as we pass through It. We are not mindful and awareness to experience it because we are not open to being present to the moment and fully present to the point of creative power.

What has been observed in the exploration of our inherent creativity is that we each are extremely unique in what we come it think and believe as a result of the experiences we have had. Although the essence of our being is the same and we all ultimately work the same way for all manifest from the same fabric and material of Creation, the uniqueness of each is so fantastic in our diversity there is no one way to come to understand what we need to understand about the energy and consciousness inherent in Creation. To think there is a way is to not understand Creation. The only way is our way. That is, we each must travel a very unique path - our path. There are a tremendous number of similarities in each of us. But yet ,there are an equal number, if not greater number, of dissimilarities which we will need to explore. We each need to do our own experiments and we each need another or others to help us do those experiments for creation is not done alone. The paradox of Creation is that to find life and create a life worth living, we each must follow our unique path even if it means our death. For some, it is a physical death. But more often than not because we incarnated to have life and to have certain types and kinds of experiences, it is to die before we die. It is to die to all that we think and believe to be reborn into our true essence before we physically die.

It is the fact that our path is so unique and different than any other yet each path having a tremendous number of similarities, that the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material was placed on the web with hyperlinks. In assisting individual to access their inherent creative ability and creative power all that topics that arose in some way as a issue was addressed in one or more discussion topics. All these topics and discussions have been placed on the web and are hyperlinked. As such, if you have clarity of intent and pull the string and pursue what you need to pursue, you will be lead to the essential discussions that you need.

We each are a creative living process continually recreating ourselves whether we realize it or not. As we being to restructure our belief structure and how and what we think and believe, we cause ourselves to be lead to what we need to do next. It is not logical to the mind or necessarily can be understood by the mind but it happens. As we learn to hold our creativity sacred and nurture its true needs by following our internal compass toward a fullness of being or its equivalent experience, we fall into the feminine way of creating. When using the feminine path we pull to us what we need much the way a seed pulls from the unseen ground below to grow into a plant and bear fruit. It may seem to much slower than the masculine way to create but it is must easier and gentler.

Relative to obtaining what you, as a unique individual, need to obtain and understand about energy to access your inherent creativity, two recommendations are made.

One recommendation is to start with one of the following topics and allow yourself to be lead to what you need to read or do next. Each of the following topics address something important about energy and how energy functions. But it may not be a topic that is really what you need to understand. Or, your path may not be about having the need to understand energy. In this case, you may want to move to Part III on Consciousness or Part IV on Creation. Or, you may simply want to go into the Password Protected Area and the List of Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Topics to choose whatever topic appeals to you.

The second recommendations is for whatever you choose, look to see if you feel some type and kind of expansion or feeling of freedom. If you become more free in some way, you are choosing correctly. If you are not feeling freedom in some way and/or not feeling expansion, you mind is choosing what it thinks you need and it is not addressing your true needs. You are a flower that is blossoming. When a flower blossoms it expands from a bud into a flower. If you do not feel a flowering, expansion or fullness within, you are not making decisions which are addressing your true needs. It is as simple as that. The energy within your being must be free to expand and dissipate as the fragrance of a flow is dispersed into air. In the away analogous to the way the fragrance of a flow will fill an entire room, the energy within our being should be similarly feeling our entire being and the environment in which we find ourselves.

The following topics on energy or about energy as suggested as your are lead.

Conservation of energy
The path of least resistance
Cause effect chain
Introduction to electromagnetic waves
Nature of Energy
The observer-observed pair within a context of observation and the nature of duality
The phenomenon of pair production
Particle nature of energy
Two worlds of animating energy
View from the particle
Wave nature of energy
Wave particle nature of energy - Localized and non localized energy
Working With Our Creative Life Energy
Implications of pair production in our creative endeavors
The creative/creation process

The experience of energy

It is to be noted there are two ways to experience the energy aspects of creation/Creation. The first way is the way we normally experience the energy of energy consciousness and it is to live in a duality and separation. When we view from the perspective of energy, we usually see ourselves separate for every other object in Creation. There is nothing wrong this perspective is we understand it is just part of the creative process to experience our desired creation. However, if we try and avoid, numb, suppress or otherwise not explore the pain we feel in separation we will never find an inner satisfaction in life. We experience ourselves as being at the mercy of unseen forces and very often develop a victim consciousness. However, if we explore the pain of separation, we can come to see creation/Creation for what it is and the ultimate pain we face is simply the creator/Creator looking to share its/Its creation/Creation. In this realization we can learn to dance in the wonderment and "Ah" of creation/Creation. There is an alternative way to life if we so choose it.

Related topics
Part III of the Structured Approach to Creativity Physics - Consciousness

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